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Shunyamurti's teachings...? (Leo's opinions?)

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I've "jived" or felt resonant with him and his teachings.  I don't know why, but something about how and what he says.

But another part of me kind of sees his stuff as far-out, incredulous, and partly cult-like.

What do you think?

Leo, I'd love your opinion on this.

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Your desiring my opinion is the problem.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Matt23 I second this. 

I'm starting to really question how some of the things he espouses are communicated to him "by shiva". 

Its pretty obvious society is going to crumble and he doesn't give an exact date so i agree there. 

However, I've heard him suggest that some members of Sat yoga institute will eventually live without food; something that has never been recorded before. 

He also suggests they build a giant beacon to emanate consciousness which will help humanity awaken in the same way that the ancients did with the Pyramids. Really? 

Lastly I heard one of the members say they were worried about their family and he brushed it off my saying that they will contact the worried member when they need help. How can he be sure? He thinks they'll still have phone and internet when this disaster of epic proportions arises? How did he verify this? 

He's got too many answers imo and I've seen this sort of headstrong "I know what's gonna happen" mentality spin out of control before. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Your desiring my opinion is the problem.

I've had this hypothesis that with Spiritual Awakening or the loss of identity (and therefore the loss of a need for survival) some of the close-mindedness mechanisms fall off that are supposed to protect one believing in bullshit basically. On an emotional, and maybe even intuitive level, a non-ego individual might come to become more confident about certain things because they have no need to be uncertain or doubtful. After all, the only reason we have doubt is survival.


I have observed similar things with you where it seems like you have become more gullible or have applied less critical thinking to certain things. How I thought of it was that you simply felt no need to question it, or that you maybe lacked that certain skepticism that makes one question some things.


From my perspective I am still not certain whether or not one could be ultimately deluding oneself. The reason I see this is because some claims made could easily be manifested in the physical world, like Sadhguru saying he can make apples fall from a tree into his hand by will, or heal his own bones. I view the claim that these things are too subtle to be observed as pretty much bullshit.



It seems that the changes in mind that reveal existential Truth might somehow compromise certain aspects to evaluate the relative world in an accurate way. I don't know what higher consciousness means if these level of delusions can persist. However at this point it doesn't seem likely that these delusions are merely something that are carried into "high consciousness", but rather a result of some of that state of mind, or a change in mind that can happen when this kind of state is achieved.

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:

I've had this hypothesis that with Spiritual Awakening or the loss of identity (and therefore the loss of a need for survival) some of the close-mindedness mechanisms fall off that are supposed to protect one believing in bullshit basically. On an emotional, and maybe even intuitive level, a non-ego individual might come to become more confident about certain things because they have no need to be uncertain or doubtful. After all, the only reason we have doubt is survival.

That's definitely a good point! It's so interesting, because on the one hand we are maturing, becoming more sensitive to information and other beings, and how to deal with that. On the other hand, I totally see what you're saying - there's a kind of naivety which comes (partly) from an opening space of innocence. I open up to nearly everyone nowadays, even though a part of my mind kind of calculates if this is relevant or authentic etc. But in the end, they are Truth incarnated. I always like to find out what's behind the veil. It's not that spiritual maturation makes these things ONLY easier.

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