tapo baba

Stuck in a stage red society

8 posts in this topic

Hey Leo , been following you're content for a whole year learn a lot of stuffs ego-games , spiral dynamics even had a chance to do psychedelics(acide) which eventually helped me grow in another stage of development (orange/green). winbut the unfortunately my problem is that i'm stuck in a low conscientious environment stage red/blue , my own mother and the neighbourhood are doing their best to frame me , i'm constentally getting picked one , sometimes get even threatened to death. I got my image totally ternished , apparently they were expected me to go nuts or to suicide.

Now you made your stage red video , this was the perfect moment though i seem to understand what perspective they're coming from , but should i take all that knowing i have my life at stake , 


Thanks , 













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You need to hatch a long term plan to move out of that environment, into a helathier one where you are on your own.

This usually requires developing some valuable skills and getting a decent job.

If you can't move out immediately, then start developing the skills you'll need to move out eventually.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@tapo baba I was stuck in q red/blue environment too. At 18 I moved on my own to NYC. It was hard, it is still hard, but 100% worth it. I go back and visit sometimes, every time I’m reminded that I made the best choice. 
good luck and love to you! 

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I live often in a blue environment. The energy can latch on for sure and bring me down to lower places of consciousness. The thing is I like living in such a place sometimes. Trying to figure out ways to balance my love for the place and still grow w/o it bringing me down. 

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7 hours ago, Jennjenn said:

@tapo baba I was stuck in q red/blue environment too. At 18 I moved on my own to NYC. It was hard, it is still hard, but 100% worth it. I go back and visit sometimes, every time I’m reminded that I made the best choice. 
good luck and love to you! 

What kind of job do you work at to afford to live in New York City.

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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I come from red/blue, there nothing wrong, everybody do what they have to, one big issue are that drag each other down below mentality, i often heard people said they could smell fear and who to attack who deserve it because they dumb not to protect them self.

Baseball bat prepared home are normal to make clear that you are willing to use, then you are in the game.

You dont want to be in red/blue game, how to solve it?

Today i more likely have courage to say this, it dont matter how a person tries do hide visual or make statement to let go of my space and allow someone to be the way to be themself, then are in your situation.

Consider understand energy and develop some other useful skills that are good in red/blue level.

That you try get reasonal intellect help from outside are the  first step and here you are.


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