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Liberation according to Hinduism.

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The metaphysical hindu worldview stands on the concept of "Brahman" which is the essence of existence.   this concept points to the "transcendental absolute reality " which is "impersonal" and "neutral" .. "the first essence" from which everything conceived, conceivable and inconceivable emerged  from.   Brahman can't be defined in terms of "what it is".. Only in terms of "what it is NOT". So we can't give it any positive qualities.. Only negative ones.. Such as "infinite" =NOT finite.. Unchanged.. Uneffected.. Unmoved..etc.

This infinite absolute has another facet to it "Maya" .. Which is the illusory unsubstantial.. Ever- changing phenomenal appearance which are like waves on the still water. Or like images on the screen of eternity (Brahman).   As a self you are "Atman " which means "soul" or "spirit". Your soul or spirit which is who you really are is beyond this world of "Maya" .  To be liberated or to attain liberation "moksha" you have to know your true self.. So liberation is simply the knowledge of your self.. "Atma jnana" which is to know that your essence or subjective self "Atman" is identical to the essence of  all of existence and the objective self "Brahman". 


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my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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57 minutes ago, Someone here said:

 To be liberated or to attain liberation "moksha" you have to know your true self.. So liberation is simply the knowledge of your self.. "Atma jnana" which is to know that your essence or subjective self "Atman" is identical to the essence of  all of existence and the objective self "Brahman". 


In contrast to , in Budhism >


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33 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

In contrast to , in Budhism >


The atman of Hinduism is identical to the Anatman of buddhism. 

Both Hinduism and Buddhism are pointing to the same thing but from different angles.. Just like the cup is half full and half empty at the same time. 

Instead of "moksha".. Buddhism calls it "nirvana" which literally means "extinction" or "vanishing ".  And it actually makes a deeper point that what nirvana is.. Is not merely the realization or knowing of your atman but it is the atman itself.

Atman =Brahman =nirvana.  

Buddhism says that this world of samsara which you live to suffer in it and constantly getting rebirthed to suffer endlessly according to the law of karma because of your "lust" and "desires"..that is identical to nirvana which is what you realize after enlightenment. 

This means that there is only one truth and two states of consciousness.. If you are ignorant and lustful.. This world will be your samsara in which you suffer endlessly.. If you are free of attachments and false identification. This same world will appear to you as nirvana itself. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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