Evil Raccoon

Do most girls really like assholes?

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@Gesundheit LMAO I'm dying! Note to self: read the post, and not just the title. 


Anyways... No most girls do not like assholes. Most girls do not like super nice guys either. Most girls like the in-between, so just be yourself. You'll only attract vulnerable and weak girls this way. 

Stop trying, just live your life day by day and let things happen to you. Don't obssess, you'll just end up in a self-fulfilling prophecy situation. 

Edited by icecoffee

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

There is no difference between attracting a chain-smoking club slut vs a virgin enlightened unicorn soul princess.

The attraction triggers are all hardwired deep in her brain stem and are the same.

That enlightened unicorn soul princess likes to get bent over and fucked just like any other girl.

Watch out for the myth of spiritual people somehow being special snowflakes who are above the animal drives. No they aren't. They are horny animals just like everyone else.

The girl who pretends that she is special and "not that type of girl" is exactly the type of girl who will sleep with an asshole psychopath at the drop of a dime.

Every girl thinks she is "not that type of girl".

"There is no difference between attracting a chain-smoking club slut vs a virgin enlightened unicorn soul princess."

Of course, there is. I won't even try to explain why, since it should be obvious, and I take you are just playing a game now of taking an extreme point of view.

Either that, or you are somehow still stuck in stage orange when it comes to dating/consciousness about the genders.

"The attraction triggers are all hardwired deep in her brain stem and are the same."

Aight, aight. I see where you are coming from, although I find it funny how you in some "discussions" (if we can call it that, maybe "teachings" are a better word) say to people "the brain is imaginary; it doesn't exist" as an argument, and then in others say the opposite (like here).

Cheery picking the arguments that supports your different world views in different contexts. Oops I said the word, context. Yes, I'm aware, it of course depends on context, and I'm aware that you made a "Dating-forum" on this forum mostly to help clueless incels (perhaps, cos you yourself were one +5 years ago) to get laid. And clueless incels need to hear the simple -- relatively true --  'stuff' of:
- attraction is a script
- learn the script and you'll get laid

cos that's simple and just requires hard work and some balls.

But, hey, this is not absolutely true. For once, brains are imaginary (from one perspective; a high one).

((Nothing we can say with words is absolutely true. Remember, Leo, our biggest traps is replacing direct experience with concepts. We can't eat the menu.))

It depends on context and the level of consciousness one is at. For once, attraction can be very mysterious. It can look like a script from a generalized point of view, when you look at people in general. But if you look into the individual human beings who have gotten together with what they call a soul-mate, then attraction often happened out of mysterious reasons, not because of some script.

The attraction triggers can easily be reprogrammed if you just become conscious enough (sure, takes som work). I hardly watch porn anymore, cos I find it so soulless. It doesn't turn me on.

You seem to still believe that 'attraction' can't be transcended. Of course it can. (EVERYTHING can be transcended).
Just because you haven't transcended it, doesn't mean it can't be done. And of course you haven't. You have yet to try to be in a long-term-relationship where both you and your partner were highly spiritually developed.

(Now, you might say that you have no interest in long-term girlfriends, because you 'have higher fish to catch', and that's a very fine story to tell yourself, but that also means that you will never be able to transcend something as attraction, for instance).


That enlightened unicorn soul princess likes to get bent over and fucked just like any other girl.

Have you ever met an enlightened unicorn soul princess? Or is it just fantasy? I suppose, if you actually HAD met such a fantasy-girl, then you would have "picked her up", since the way you talk matters on this subject portrays you as one who knows his shit. But. Do you know your shit here? 

The projections are real here.

Anyway, of course everyone likes sex -- also Jesus and Teal Swan. But that doesn't mean that everyone puts "pure stage-orange sex" as a top priority.

What people value depends on their level of consciousness. I think you and I can agree on that.


Watch out for the myth of spiritual people somehow being special snowflakes who are above the animal drives. No they aren't. They are horny animals just like everyone else.

Sure, they are. But you can become conscious of it and transcend it.

With "transcend" I don't mean that they stop being it (i.e. horny animals) but I mean that they can control it and guide it much much more (towards something that is in alignment with the Truth of Oneness and Consciousness and Love/God) than they could before they transcended it.

This, for instance, means that yogis (men as women) who have transcended attraction will value deep, spiritual, high-conscious sex much more than just plain "getting bent over"-sex after only knowing each other for 5 minutes.

(At least women will. I suppose young men can always be tricked into fucking at any time if the girl is hot enough. Ehe.)


The girl who pretends that she is special and "not that type of girl" is exactly the type of girl who will sleep with an asshole psychopath at the drop of a dime.

Yes. But a high-conscious girl -- as in stage turquiouse/yellowish -- will not pretend that she is special or "not that type of girl".


Every girl thinks she is "not that type of girl".

That's a belief. I think a very high-conscious woman would surely acknowledge that some part of her self (shadow) IS in fact exactly that girl. And exactly because she is so conscious that she recognizes and acknowledges her own ego (shadow) --- i.e. is conscious of the fact that there is some part in her that just wants to be bent-over and fucked by a hugely toxic overly masculine stage-red-orange asshole psychopath-guy --- she is able to 'free herself' from it and can control it/move elsewhere when such a dude approaches her. In other words, she sees through "the game" (the script).

Sounds to me like you have mostly only encountered stage yellow/greenish and below girls. And that you yourself is still stuck in stage orange when it comes to dating. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But dating for stage yellow+ girls is different than for stage orange girls. You should know that.

There is no difference between attracting a chain-smoking club slut vs a virgin enlightened unicorn soul princess."

Of course, the basic mechanisms underlying attraction are the same for ALL girls and guys. BUT, how they value, respond to, direct and use these "underlying forces of attraction" differs from girl to girl, guy to guy, from stage beige to stage turquiose.

I mean, just take a moment to look at yourself. Who would you rather like to "pick up", a hot conscious stage yellow+ woman or a hot unconscious stage orange woman (assuming their bodies are identical in 'hotness' terms of your taste) ??

An enlightened high-conscious woman would prefer an enlightened high-conscious man as her partner. End of discussion. Same goes for the other way around. 

Sure, if we just talk in terms of raw unconscious attraction/pure sex/one-night-stands, then, sure, stage turqouise women and men alike will often be turned on by charming stage orange/green people, but stage turquiouse women and men don't value pure, raw sex that much, and thus they know better than to respond to these animalistic instincts. They are conscious after all.

They are conscious of how attraction works, and thus they have learned/re-programmed themselves to not just respond blindly to that. Instead they, voluntarily, become "consciously attracted" to a potential partner that is on somewhat the same level of consciousness as them, at least not too big of a gap, like stage orange<-->stage turqoise... I'd never find a pure stage orange woman interesting enough to sleep with, no matter how beautiful she is. I mean sure, my dick would probably tell me otherwise, but that's no problem. Consciousness prevails. I have bigger fish to catch:D

I dunno, man. You seem to still have a very generalized narrow view on women and what attracts them. Like the view is very much coloured by some aspect of your ego you have yet to transcend.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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It's not specifically about being an asshole, it's about some of the qualities assholes have. First of all you gotta watch the way you carry yourself. If you walk around slouching with your head down like you never get women, then people are going to see your not confident. Especially women ! Women are better at reading body language and they judge consciously or unconsciously within the first couple of seconds they meet you whether they want to fuck you or not. So you don't have to treat them like shit you just have make sure people especially women don't dick you around, don't act goofy or hyperactive if you want women to see themselves having sex with you. Don't be an asshole but don't let anybody walk over you either. Women shouldn't be the most important thing in your life either. Neediness and a scarcity mindset are the most unattractive qualities a person can have. So always be focused on your goals and enjoy your life. Btw if you're under 30 then I don't recommend serious relationships, they will keep you away from your goal in life and you will waste a lot of energy doing that. But that's just my opinion that's why I don't really care that much about attraction any specific spiral stage woman. Why the hell would I care if the woman is stage turquoise or not. The whole reason why people go in relationships and have sex is because of attraction. I must find the woman attractive and I must get along with her. I wouldn't go in a relationship just because she may be turquoise. I don't need to be in a relationship to meet conscious people. You can be conscious and intelligent all you want but if a person doesn't think you're attractive they are not gonna go in a relationship with you. If I meet a stage turquoise or yellow women that I also find extremely attractive while life starting to get a little easier and I already have all of my shit together then sure. That's a good time to go in a relationship to me. So to sum it up, be a well rounded man. Improve yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. Get a lot of experience with women. Enjoy life and be grateful, if you just keep doing this everything should go fine.

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24 minutes ago, Don Wei said:

! Women are better at reading body language and they judge consciously or unconsciously within the first couple of seconds they meet you whether they want to fuck you or not.

Sure, they are better at reading body language. But the second part, nah. plain wrong. This is how it is for us guys. We determine within a few seconds of meeting if a girl is fuckable or not to our standard. That's not how the general feminine mind is wired, though. Sure, they can quickly determine if a guy could be someone they would find interesting or not, but in most cases, women's raw desire is something that is built up over time. 

And you can explain, from evolutionary psychology, why this is true. For men the important thing is just spreading our sperm everywhere. Reproduction right. For a woman, getting a baby in her stomach, is no small task. She NEEDS a man that is able to protect her while she is pregnant and her and the child during its upbringing. So of course, desire/libido is programmed to take time to build in a woman, while it's quick and fast in a man.

This doesn't mean that men are more sexual beings than women. It means that they are different. Men are more quick and done, while women are more slow but also more deep (in terms of desire / sexuality).

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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27 minutes ago, icecoffee said:


Anyways... No most girls do not like assholes. Most girls do not like super nice guys either. Most girls like the in-between, so just be yourself. You'll only attract vulnerable and weak girls this way. 

Stop trying, just live your life day by day and let things happen to you. Don't obssess, you'll just end up in a self-fulfilling prophecy situation. 


Absolutely true. I mean women are just human beings after all.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Assholes as in loud, obnoxious, typical stage orange macho bro-type guys or assholes as in authentic, not people-pleasing, honest, direct, assertive, polarizing guys who have boundaries and dare to say their opinion in every situation?

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16 minutes ago, Don Wei said:

Women are better at reading body language and they judge consciously or unconsciously within the first couple of seconds they meet you whether they want to fuck you or not.

It's the opposite dude, men do that.

Women may have initial impressions, but an ugly troll a women wouldn't fuck at first sight could have a kick ass personality that makes her emotionally high will change her mind.

Men are shallower and won't fuck someone less attractive than them with a great personality. Unless they are desperate.

Edited by Roy


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What if I said this:

High quality enlightened guys don't like perfectly shaped big tits. They are just too special for that. They are above that. Only scumbag guys like that.

Would you believe it?

But even what is "perfect tits" differs from guy to guy. I personally don't like them too big, and prefer natural. Also different shapes can each be beautiful in their own way.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@WaveInTheOcean yeah, but you forgot to mention that women are not always looking for a serious relationship or a man to raise kids, especially young women. Men are often more visual than women but the first impression is still extremely important. The looks get only get your foot in the door. That means that if you talk to a woman you probably won't ever meet again on the streets or in a mall for example she first has to give you a chance. Make no mistake, women have a lot more options than men when it comes to dating and sex. I think everybody can agree on this. Place yourself in a woman's shoes that gets attention from men everyday. Why would she give you a chance when she maybe doesn't find you attractive and has many other options ? That wouldn't make sense would it ? If you are a women and a man approaches you that you find very unattractive and if there are already multiple men you find much more attractive hitting on you, why would you give him a chance ? Just because there is a slight chance he has a good personality ? Heck no ! Even if she knew you had a good personality it would still be very strange. Liking someone's personality alone without attraction is no reason to date someone because a lack of attraction with a good personality is just friendship ! Nothing else. You would get friendzoned that way. Why would you waste your time trying to convince a women that you would be a good husband while she clearly showed you in the beginning that she wasn't into you and only wanted to be friends. This is gonna make you look even more desperate and unattractive. And don't forget that she is in this situation not in a relationship with you. And she is probably already dating someone else. It's not worth it at all man. The ideal situation would be that you make a great impression on her which first will make her feel attracted to you ( not love, but attraction as you said before women don't immediately fall in love ) then later when she gets to know you better then and only then will she find out if you have a good personality or not and then while she was already attracted to you she also starts to develop feelings for you and that is when the love starts. But before love she has to feel attracted to you and has to respect you. How can a women love you and not have any respect for you at the same time ? This of course happens when she gets to know you and sees if you're a wise man with passion. Or someone who is just wandering through life like a zombie.

As I said before improve yourself physically, mentally and spiritually for the best results. Improve yourself from the inside and the outside.

Edited by Don Wei

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@Roy as I said to the other guy, she first has to give you a chance in order to be able to show her you have a good personality. Women have a lot of options so they are not just gonna give you a chance to show them you have a nice personality. Nobody has time for that, especially not when she doesn't even know you and even more so if she is extremely attractive and gets attention from almost all the guys she meets. If she doesn't know any of the men who hit on her personally then the only things she can use to judge whether she would want to sleep with you is your appearance and the way you carry yourself. Your personality becomes more important later on when she gets to know you assuming you already have your foot in the door. Thats why you shouldn't only improve yourself on the inside or only on the outside. You should do it every way possible.

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My impression was that guys with poor morals have a more forceful approach and cast a wider net, and sometimes it works.

Its probably easy to go and flirt with someone if you dont care about how they feel. People generally arent trained to read for toxicity and some people can be very deceptive.

So yeah, i dont know if women prefer mean guys over nice guys in general (it seems absurd to think they would, but the idea is repeated so often...), but the approach of the mean guy is more likely to be successful, at least temporarily.

Edited by Artsu

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3 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

My theory on that matter is that the attraction women have for jerks is just occurring while we evolve to a more mature and sustainable type of attraction.

In general, a woman probably wants to gain the love and protection to what she recognizes as the best suitable man for her. With development, pure survival skills get replaced by more sophisticated forms of masculinity. 

This is very true. And this is also what spiral dynamics tells you. That a person's values and beliefs depend on the environment he/she grew up in. There was a time where it was useful for a woman to have a stage red boyfriend. There was a time when it was useful a woman to have a stage blue boyfriend. And so all the way up to turquiose. The more layers of maslow's hierarchy of needs that are satisfied, the less a guy/girl will focus on just survival ("me, me me") and the more they will focus on having a greater purpose, harmony between people, helping others, being useful to humanity, happiness, feelings, spirituality.

Stage blue, for instance, is very useful if all you care about is law and order and safety. A "straight up" normal guy, you know where you have, and who has his standard 8-15 job and does what you tell him to (xD).

Stage orange, for instance, is very useful if all you care about is success, money, expensive cars and diamond rings and social survival (power, fame and so on). Then a rich man or just a guy who portrays himself as determined and confident will be enough for a stage orange/stage blue woman.

When we get to stage green, people are beyond success. They value feelings and harmony between people and between different cultures. Now, a stage green woman probably wants a guy who she can talk deeply and openly about feelings with. She wants a guy that has a purpose beyond his own myopic self-success, or that is beyond just money. 

When we get to stage yellow, she probably wants a guy who is very smart, intelligent, open-minded, yet pragmatic.

When we get to stage turquiose, she probably wants a guy who is very deeply invested into spirituality, highly honest, highly conscious.

3 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Once you see that you're a chimp and don't resist it (and I don't mean just falsely convincing yourself that you're not resisting it), don't other more powerful desires for real connection outside of survival arise? 

They do, don't worry <3


To me, if the desire for something bigger (God, humanity, whatever you want to call it, or whatever it is for you) is clear enough, real enough and strong enough, then transcendence is effortless. It's like a creative project that consumes you so entirely that you don't eat or sleep or think about sex. I think chimpery happens when people aren't really sure of what they really want, so all these other desires have power over them.

This is very beautifully written. You are very much on point. Except, of course, a highly conscious person would be conscious of the need for eating and sleeping -- and even sex -- to satisfy the ego (((the lower needs of Maslow's pyramid, which IMO need  to be met for basic happiness for even the enlightened master; I'm talking about the lowest three, especially the lowest two. Number three, belongingness is sort of a grey area, but I think it's needed, too. The highest two, esteem needs and self-actualization aren't needed  but are still enjoyed when given))). There isn't any problem with ego per se. Only unconscious ego is a problem. Ego that has light/awareness/love shone upon it, transforms into God <3


3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A few highly exception people can transcend chimp drives.

But I'm not gonna bank on that when looking for a date.

Sexual attraction is not a conscious choice. It is foolish to go into a dating situation expecting that the person you're dealing with is some kind of Buddha/saint. It's must wiser to go into the situation understanding that you and they are both selfish animals. This doesn't preclude a loving relationship. It's actually enables it because it is being honest about the animal forces which arise in relationships.

The whole point of my chimp video was to get you to admit that you're a chimp. The problem is that people love to paint stories in their minds of how superior they are to chimps when they really aren't.

The entire domain of dating is basically chimps in a zoo. I like being honest and realistic about that, rather than dressing up these chimps with pope hats and pretending they are saints.

You are not going to change what makes a chimp want to fuck. Because the desire to fuck and the act of fucking is completely absurd and irrational to begin with. And relationships are equally absurd and irrational.

Everyone can transcend chimp drives. Don't be conservative now. Of course, many -- in this life time -- won't. But hopefully, in future generations, as more and more people climb from stage blue to stage yellow and above, more and more will be able to fully transcend chimp drives.

"But I'm not gonna bank on that when looking for a date." 

Which is probably why you will never meet one that has. Law of attraction, hehe. As long as you are primarily dating to just get laid, of course you will also primarily only attract pretty unconscious women.

It's a self-fulfilling loop.


It is foolish to go into a dating situation expecting that the person you're dealing with is some kind of Buddha/saint.

On some level it is, yes. But another level it is also pretty wise. Depends on context. 

I mean, all that separates most average stage orange/green "healthy", normal people from being a Buddha: is their ego. 

People who are stage orange and above are quite high on the spiral. They are pretty conscious. I mean, a stage orange kind of dude treats life as if its a game..., which it is, hehe. They just aren't aware it's Love's/God's game, though, but why aren't they? Ego.

This video is really cool. He's so on point in his talks about how you just need to lower your own, and thus hers, ego, to actully get a deep spiritual connection. The video isn't so much aboubt sex, or how to pick-up. He's beyond that, now, my great Connor friend. Instead he talks about you have to be honest and vulernable in a loving way in your interaction with a girl, if you want to connect with her "quickly and deeply".
If you can show her that you are okay with being vulnerable, then her ego will also be weakened, because it sees that it's still possible to love oneself/others despite of "flaws".

Love your fucking ego, man.

After all, what is flaws? Flaws are imaginary. Flaws are something society, culture, mom/dad, peers told you existed within you. They told you you were ugly/bad, or they told you you weren't good at x or y, or that you were x or y. And you bought it and thus you acted your whole life like it was true. It's a self-fullfilling loop. You buy a belief from "others" and you live it out, and thus it becomes "true" by you living it out. Lol. Beliefs are the greatest trap in self-development/spirituality. One really has to question ALL beliefs. ALL.

"Sexual attraction is not a conscious choice."

No, per default it isn't. But with enough inner work, consciousness, love and of course LOTS of direct experience in the field of dating, it can become, of course. The thing is, the ego doesn't believe in "mind-knowledge/beliefs" that goes against its default programming. It has to see for itself (live it).
Thus, for the ego to surrender, it has to have directly experienced lots of external things, such as getting lots of success, sex and material things, before it can accept that these things won't  give it lasting happiness (because they never do, of course). Also, of course, the ego has to be shone upon by the grace of Awareness/Light/Love/God. Then it surrenders, for good and for real, naturally.

"It's must wiser to go into the situation understanding that you and they are both selfish animals."

Yeah that understanding is wise to have. But it's important to have both of the opposite perspectives in mind. That one one hand, we are both animals, and on the other hand, we are both Divine/Love/God. I agree with you that only buying into either of these perspectives is ignorance. We have to keep both perspectives in mind if we want to develop truth, love and consciousness in our lives.

"This doesn't preclude a loving relationship."

Well, it easily could if you "forget" the other -- just a true -- perspective of both of you being The Self/Love/God dancing around. If you don't see and acknowledge the divinity in each of you, then, naturally, a 'divine loving relationship' is impossible, and is never going to happen.

"The entire domain of dating is basically chimps in a zoo."

You believing this make it seems so. As if is the only case.
It is not the only case.

Yeah, on Tinder it is. And lots of places, most of USA sure, and many forums, such as this even. 
And to you it is, because you are still invested in pick-up world views.

It isn't to everyone, though.

"I like being honest and realistic about that, rather than dressing up these chimps with pope hats and pretending they are saints."

This sounds like a materialist saying about the metaphysics of the world:

"I like being honest and realistic about physical reality, rather than dressing the obvious materialistic world up with fancy concepts such as idealism and consciousness and pretending the world is made by some God."

You see, Leo, I don't disagree with you per se, I just disagree with your conservative way of writing here, which make it seem like you take a very narrow stance on dating. Not a very holistic view. And it's funny, because you take a holistic view on almost everything, except dating and women, lol.

"You are not going to change what makes a chimp want to fuck. Because the desire to fuck and the act of fucking is completely absurd and irrational to begin with. And relationships are equally absurd and irrational."

But Leo! (;D) There are no chimps! There are no human beings! There is only God imagning himself/herself to be human (and lots of other infinite things). Everything can be changed. Stay open-minded in regards to dating, man. <3

Sure, the desire to fuck is absurd and irrational... from ONE perspective. From another perspective it is Divine or perhaps even very logical.

Sure, relationships are absurd and irrational from one perspective. From another perspective they are absolutely magical and Divine and full of potential for growth for both parts.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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2 hours ago, Don Wei said:

@WaveInTheOcean yeah, but you forgot to mention that women are not always looking for a serious relationship or a man to raise kids, especially young women

Subconsciously the woman-mind is always looking for a serious relationship or a man to raise kids. Also young women.

Of course there are exceptions, but I'm talking in general terms here. From the feminine point of view.

Just like , subconsciously, a man-mind is always looking for a new hot woman to inseminate.

That's how survival works, bro.

" but the first impression is still extremely important."

Sure, it always is. The thing is though, that for a man, a large part of his first impression of a woman will largely be dependent on her looks.

While for a woman a large part of her first impression of a man will largely be depend on his charm/personality/micro-expressions, basically the way he puts himself forward/talks/uses gestures/smiles/eye-contact, etc, and to some degree also what he says (not that important though). Ofc looks will also influence her first impression, but far less than looks does for a man.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@modmyth A jerk basically.Arrogant, vulgar, macho, cocky, super confident (at least from the front), brash, extremely sexual and so on.

Edited by Evil Raccoon

I'm not friendly.

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@Etherial Cat I know that’s why I precised what type of girls I was talking about (their position on the spiral).

I'm not friendly.

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Transcending chimpness, doesn’t necessary mean chimpness is destroyed or dissolved. Transcendence can be expansion and integration, similar to other characteristics in SD.

There can be new sexual energetics that arise with things like yoga, tantra, meditation, eye gazing, creating art, dance, mystical sessions - sexual elements that flow independent of, or in conjunction with, traditional chimp-level physical elements. Yet when one is contracted within chimp-ness, these energetics wouldn’t appear. If they did, it wouldn’t be considered “sexual”. 

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