Evil Raccoon

Do most girls really like assholes?

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By "most girls" I mean girls that are either orange or orange/green (but who are still chimps) and even blue/orange ones that are modern enough/not too religious.

I thought that by being a badboy I wud get all the chicks but it dosen't seem to work since most girls are either not interrested in me or find me obnoxious/too arrogant.And I have game, I'm not just savagely hitting on girls like a fucking ape without any pick up techniques.Of course some girls like me and shit (I'm no dweeb, I've got laid before) but I'm still far away from being a Casanova.Why is that? Don't nice guys finish last?  I know that you don't have to either be a total asshole or a beta nice guy but since we live in a society that is mostly stage orange (thus glorifying that badboy/alpha male image of masculinity) isn't being a douchebag the most effective way to get laid? Plus, since I've decided to be a chimp and not persue the Hero's Journey, I feel like not being bad wouldn't be authentic to me.So what should I do? Pretending to not be sexually thirsty/faking being a nice person just to get some pussy? To me that's even WORSE than being an asshole!

Edited by Evil Raccoon

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9 minutes ago, flume said:

The problem isn’t that you don’t know the right strategy, it’s that you’re trying to use a strategy to get girls.

Isn't that what ALL successful players do?

9 minutes ago, flume said:

Woman are highly intuitive and can smell your inauthenticity from afar.

How can inauthentic women smell my inauthenticity?

Edited by Evil Raccoon

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Maybe women don't actually like assholes but men think that all other men who aren't them that get women are assholes. xD

Trying too hard at anything is the problem. Even if you're good at hiding it it colors your perception so much you miss the real opportunities that are there. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw I don't mean to be misogynistic or anything like that, but I don't think I should listen to you regarding this topic.(it is said in the dating advice world that women are not the proper people to get advice from when it comes to knowing what women want in a man since they don't have the same understanding of their psychology as a man needs to have).

Sorry Mandy, I luv you tho.

Edited by Evil Raccoon

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2 minutes ago, flume said:

What's your measure of success? What's your objective? Getting laid?

Yes I'm a chimp like I've said.

2 minutes ago, flume said:

You're smelling their inauthenticity too, right? (I love how your sentence already implies that:D)

Well most people are unauthentic, that includes girls.And also me of course.

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@Evil RaccoonAww.. I love you too. But how you know I'm not actually a dude pretending to be a lady? Hmm.... All online advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt in my opinion. ;)

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Sounds like you're pretending to be a non needy guy, playing bad boy, but it's a mask. 

Girls (and lots of us men too) can smell these kind of inauthentic acts from miles away. 

Connect to your authentic way of being and you will eventually get girls to get attracted to you. 

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4 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Evil RaccoonBut how you know I'm not actually a dude pretending to be a lady? 


8 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

@Evil RaccoonAll online advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt in my opinion. ;)

Sure, so that no one knows how to interact with the opposite sex and we end up with a population with no sex life like what's happening in Japan?

I'm not friendly.

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3 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

Sounds like you're pretending to be a non needy guy, playing bad boy, but it's a mask. 

I've NEVER said I wasn't a needy guy.I said I was a badboy.Being a badboy ALWAYS masks insecurity.But it has its qualities and it's better than being a stereotypical nice guy (who is also needy minus the balls).

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@Evil Raccoon it's good that you are aware that it masks insecurity. 

The thing is from your description it seems like you are still using that mask. And that's what girls can intuitively pick up IMO. 

There are other options beside nice guy and bad boy. It's not black or white. 

What are you seeking through "getting all the chicks"? Is that what you deeply desire? How do you feel when you don't "get all the chicks"? 

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If you want to build an authentic relationship then be authentic. 


If you want to manipulate, you might get a relationship which won't last long. 

Sometimes listen to what women say. Might help you. 

Women are not rabbits and men are not foxes. This equation is created by pickup community. 

What if a woman wants a decent authentic man to approach her and marry her. Then she isn't exactly a rabbit. 

Women want a deep authentic natural relationship where they can thrive in peace and love. 



And the answer to your original question is a straight NO. 

women don't want assholes. Women don't like assholes. Women hate assholes. 

The reason you feel they like assholes is because only assholes dare to approach them too much and finally get them. Good men generally don't do the gaming or manipulating. So women are left with no option but to pick one asshole out of the many assholes that approach them. So it gives the impression that women only like assholes. 

Therefore such relationships don't last long and result in breakups leaving a woman frustrated in not getting the quality man she wanted. 

However she cannot even rely on the stereotypical nice guy because deep down all these so called nice guys are just putting on an act and being nice just to get laid.. They are basically creepy men who want to sexually exploit women. They just act like white knight or protector in the beginning only to win the woman's trust and confidence. They are worse than the "bad boys" because bad boys at least admit they are bad. But "nice guys" manipulate and hide their inner bad intentions. The nice guy is just a mask. 

What a woman wants is not a nice guy or a bad boy. She wants an authentic man who she can share her life with, a man who is genuinely in love with her and not with her for game. She wants a lover, a true lover not some playboy or sexy male 

Some girls do get attracted to a bad boy. But that's because they are young, naive and or damaged with low self esteem or broken in some way in early age by  abuse. However even these women begin to see their poor choices and leave that bad boy in the end. 

Bottom line - women don't want men in order to suffer in a relationship. They want a man with whom they can grow and flourish with. An asshole won't do that.. So the answer is no. Women don't want and don't like assholes. 

Just because some women fall into such relationships out of desperation or lack of awareness, don't try to take advantage of the weaknesses in women. 

Expect a woman to be healthy because eventually that is good for her. And you be healthy too. 

If a man genuinely cared for women in general, he would want them to make better choices for a partner and he would want them to be happy and fulfilled and not miserable and suffering in a toxic environment. This is real compassion. 

Rest is fake.. 


And now you can say that you don't want to listen to me because I'm a woman. But that's you doing a disservice to yourself. 

So if you want a healthy companionship with a woman in life, then start with you being a healthy male first. And give up believing in toxic ideas and manipulation. 


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17 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

@Evil Raccoon There are other options beside nice guy and bad boy. It's not black or white. 

I know, I've mentioned it in my post.Plus, I've had a period in my life when I was more stage green (I was a vegan, eating healthy, detoxifying from mainstream culture etc) where I wasn't an asshole but I was still learning on how to become a better man and everything.More a hero than an anti-hero (at least that's what I thought I was).But then I've had an ego backlash and I'm back to the Dark Side ever since.

17 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

@Evil Raccoon Is that what you deeply desire? 

Hell yeah.

17 minutes ago, Farnaby said:

@Evil Raccoon How do you feel when you don't "get all the chicks"? 

I wud say undesired, misunderstood, angry and sometimes sad.

Edited by Evil Raccoon

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I think @Preety_India described it pretty well. 

Why shouldn't you listen to women when you want to know what women want? 

Sure, everyone has blind spots and may not be aware of what drives his/her behavior. But that's true for all of us.

The only thing with which I disagree is that nice guys are always creepy guys who want to exploit. I think a lot of nice guys are just very insecure men who are afraid that they will be seen as jerks if they are honest about their intentions. I'm talking about the kind of guys who end up "friendzoned". Not all of these are creepy exploiters lol. 

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@Evil Raccoon I don't know you so I apologize if what I'm going to say is completely wrong.

I think that when you get a girl to like you, you stop feeling all those uncomfortable feelings and that's why you chase that. 

I don't really think that's what you deeply desire. It's just something that makes you feel great (like a high from a drug) in the short term. 

There may be some positive reinforcement coming from friends and culture in general, because we tend to admire people who "get all the chicks". 

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@Farnaby some nice guys could be genuine. I agree 

The thing is all the exploiter type of nice guys ruin it for the genuine nice guys. 

It erodes the trust that women have and they eventually box all the nice guys in the same box. Pigeonholing 

Yea because there's isn't so much time in life to have every nice guy on a trial period and see if they are really nice or not. 

Plus a woman has her age. She would age really quick just experimenting with men, trial and error.. 

Women just don't want all this bs.. 

Just a straight up Trustworthy authentic guy and finish.. 

For most women, time is running like a bullet train.. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Women are not as men imagine them to be. They're too overrated for just a human being with strategically distributed fat, generally.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

If you want to build an authentic relationship then be authentic. 

If you want to manipulate, you might get a relationship which won't last long. 

I wanna do the whole "getting laid with as many hot girl as possible" stage orange thing.

1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

Women want a deep authentic natural relationship where they can thrive in peace and love. 

And the answer to your original question is a straight NO. 

women don't want assholes. Women don't like assholes. Women hate assholes. 

That depends what type of woman u're talking about, which again brings us to Spiral Dynamics.It's your VALUES that determines what u want in life.(in this case the type of partner you're looking for, which is just a reflection of your own values basically).

1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

However she cannot even rely on the stereotypical nice guy because deep down all these so called nice guys are just putting on an act and being nice just to get laid.. They are worse than the "bad boys" because bad boys at least admit they are bad. But "nice guys" manipulate and hide their inner bad intentions. The nice guy is just a mask. 

Agree on that one.

1 hour ago, Preety_India said:

And now you can say that you don't want to listen to me because I'm a woman. But that's you doing a disservice to yourself. 

You know all this shit cuz u're more spiritually evolved than most ppl I guess.Most girls are not into this whole self-actualization thing therefore they themselves are toxic and are blind to all this.I still think I should't listen to girls when it comes to dating tho.

Edited by Evil Raccoon

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Neediness is a repellent. It's possible to mask it and get laid, but it takes work, you would have to learn game. Really learn it, fail time and again until you get the principles down. 

Of course, even if you are able to mask the neediness and get laid a lot, that low self-esteem isn't going anywhere until you turn within. And, spoiler alert, getting laid with hotness will not make you happy.

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They like: confidence, assertiveness, detachment from outcome, driven-ness, strength, leadership, charisma.

Which tends to be what assholes have a lot of.

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@Leo Gura aren't assholes often hiding a lot of insecurity and just putting up an act? 

Don't you think it's possible to be nice  and warm (not nice in like people pleasing) and also confident, charismatic, etc.?  

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