Evil Raccoon

Does NoFap really work?!

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Ok I've been trying NoFap/semen retention for almost 3 years now with varous streaks that lasted a couple of months (my highest streak was 7 months, I'm curently 5 months in) and I don't have that "magical women attraction" and all the other benefits that all these No-fappers seem to experience.I actually DID notice some of these benefits every now and then but NOT in a significant amount.Like yeah I do feel more energized and shit since I don't drain my semen everyday, I do have a sharper mind and I do feel more masculine and less socially awkward but I didn't become a "God/Super-human" that all women swoon over like they all say."NoFap changed my life forever! I'm a TOTALLY new person! NoFap women attraction is real" bla bla bla.The only thing I can say it REALLY did for me was curing my ED and make real sex more pleasurable.And that's amazing I'm not putting that down.But I did all this work to become a Titan and get pussies, ain't gonna lie.Abstaining from porn was the MOST challenging shit I've EVER done in my life and I feel like all this pain was for nothing.I'm very dissapointed and frustraded with the poor results.Should I go back to porn? I'm really hesitating.

Edited by Evil Raccoon

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Every ideologue likes to exaggerate their ideology. That how they keep themselves sticking to it. Add also that part of the effect is placebo. They imagine the results they want. And lastly advertisers will perfect everything for you to convince you of joining in.

19 minutes ago, Evil Raccoon said:

Should I go back to porn?

I wouldn't.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Gesundheit I need a new reason to keep going but I can' find a solid one.Up until now my reason to do it was women attraction.If I go back to pmo and then regret it, I'm gonna be REALLY pissed off! This shit takes serious work to master.

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Try it for yourself and see what works for you. some swear by it, others think it is tomfoolery. 

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36 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Try it for yourself and see what works for you. some swear by it, others think it is tomfoolery. 

Have u even read my post?

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Basically pornography is addictive. It is designed to be addictive and to get males hooked on it.  Any addiction is not good for your life.. You need to  be as free and detached from depending on external material pleasures as possible if you wanna taste real happiness and serenity in life .. And "maturity".. What are you a fucking kid that needs to suck on a candy lollipop constantly or otherwise it will start crying??   That's like addiction bro.    I have smoking addiction and it sucks when I can't just enjoy Music or watching a movie or watching Leo's videos without smoking that shit.. 

You said it was the hardest thing you ever did.. That says you were addicted.. And now you finally recovered and you are asking should i go back to square one and repeat the whole thing again???.  Seriously? 

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

And now you finally recovered and you are asking should i go back to square one and repeat the whole thing again???.  Seriously? 

Well, if it doesn’t give me the benefits I expected why should I keep going? 

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Just now, Evil Raccoon said:

Well, if it doesn’t give me the benefits I expected why should I keep going?  


you really expected that just because you stopped jacking your Johnson to porn that somehow you will turn into a superhuman chick magnet..?

Yeah you should've expected getting a million dollars out of nowhere as well lol.. 

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@Someone here Honestly, yes.There’s a lot of information about semen preservation all over the internet that made me believe that.Ppl who are claiming they’re doin it and getting results are stage green ppl why would they lie? 

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porn is reallllllllllllllyyyyyyy bad for your mind. You're impregnating a computer and wasting your life force. save that shit. Anybody who knocks no fap hasn't tried it

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@Evil Raccoon they are not lying.. Perhaps exaggerating a bit and keep in mind that everyone are different. 

It's easy plain and simple.. When you stop busting your nuts you have more sexual drive and more energy and motivation to go out there and approach girls.. That's all that there is to it.  It doesn't mean you will definitely attract women.. Because that obviously takes more than just not busting your nuts DUH 

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@Chumbimba I know homie...Can u tell me about your experience with NoFap? (streaks, changes you’ve noticed etc) 

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   The only way Nofap and semen retention works is if you actually put that extra energy to use! The most common mistake with this practice is making the practice number one, and not treating it as the fuel for your other priorities, for example like working out, hobbies, creative actions, meditations and so on.

   About pornography, it depends on your health, physic, psychology, energy system, and many other factors that determines whether you want to continue or stop doing pornography. Ideally, stop using porn and use your imagination/real women instead, but if you have other higher priorities in life, funnel that extra energy into it and it will make this practice very useful. Also, geniuses and legends practiced some form of sexual abstinence and achieved staggering feats of human intellect and strength unrivaled by average humans. Worth it to continue this practice!

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

@Evil Raccoon When you stop busting your nuts you have more sexual drive and more energy and motivation to go out there and approach girls..

That wasn’t really true for me.Let me explain.Back in my PMO days, what motivated me to go seek girls WAS porn!  Except that what I didn’t know is that there’s a difference between porn and real sex and that’s why I couldn’t have an erection in bed unless I was thinking about porn yet wanted to sleep with girls 24/7 cuz I was a fucking pervo with all these dirty fantasies in my mind.In summary, I expected real sex to be like porn but that never worked and now that I’ve had experienced my real sexual desire instead of porn images in my head I understand why.Porn and sex are two different experiences.


10 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Evil Raccoon Because that obviously takes more than just not busting your nuts DUH 

I know bro I’ve learned how to do pick up and shit.But still, NoFap is supposed to make you even MORE attractive than the average player.

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@Evil Raccoon

5 minutes ago, Evil Raccoon said:

@Chumbimba I know homie...Can u tell me about your experience with NoFap? (streaks, changes you’ve noticed etc) 

   A bit about my journey with this practice: I don't necessarily put myself as a sex addict, but I've watch porn, read porn comics, read erotica, had real sex and fapped to my imaginations. The frequency was anywhere from once a day, sometimes 2-3 times a day or a few times a week. As time progressed, I became more picky with what I fap to, and most times I fap around night time. I'm healthy enough to fap at least once a week.

   My reasons for doing this practice is, if I'm honest, the sex god statue lol! However, it mainly is for health and energy issues I kept having at slight degrees of intensity. I almost had a heart attack with one of my fap sessions, and that really put more motivation into doing this practice. Also, I workout sometimes, and the sometimes mainly comes from limited energy reserves I had for exercises. Not a problem after walking this path, in fact I did so much it hurts and I can still keep going. About social awkwardness, I don't care as much for, especially around women because it's not a priority. I've had minor problems around women during my fap days, but during Nofap the only key issue is my mind wondering around fuck land long enough for blue balls to set in, which a few times happened to me during this journey. However, I have meditation, yoga and chi gong to funnel the soreness down a bit, also exercises. Even after a full year of Nofap, with 3 90 day challenges and some 30 day challenges I think it's worth the cost for the benefits you might get.

   And great on you for doing this practice for 3 years! Mind telling me if it's a cluster of 30-90 day challenges, or was it 3 years straight of not fapping?


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13 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Evil Raccoon

Mind telling me if it's a cluster of 30-90 day challenges, or was it 3 years straight of not fapping?

I’ve already said it was multiple streaks of a few months (and also weeks but I don’t really count weeks as streaks).I relapsed MANY times on my journey, it was awfully hard man.(no pun intended)

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@Evil Raccoon dude if you're doing this for these few benefits I would say it's not worth it. You could focus your attention better on the things you want directly instead of focusing it on abstaining from pmo. If you can handle it well without being addicted, then you can consider moderate use while putting other practices in place, like exercising and socializing etc.. Being on a challenge constantly drains your focus. It can be better utilized somewhere else ime. 

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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3 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

@Evil Raccoon If you can handle it well without being addicted, then you can consider moderate use

I don’t think it’s possible to use porn and not be addicted to it.It releases WAY too much dopamine.That’s because reproduction is crucial to our survival on a primal level.Sexual desire is too powerful homie.

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@Evil Raccoon

  1. About Dating, see my thread about Visualization and Dating
  2. About Porn, read the book: “Your Brain On Porn” By Gary Wilson
  3. You have extrinsic motivation in dating. You need to have intrinsic motivation: Your motivation must come from within. In this way, nothing can stop, while having extrinsic motivation, if results do not show up, entire ship sinks.
  4. Do not compare yourself to other people (Other players)
  5. Semen Retention will help every aspect of your life, while pornography will do vice versa. It’s simple. Why do more people watch porn but not as many people do semen retention. You know the answer. Do you want to be extraordinary, or just another guy jerking off to porn? I know you want to be extraordinary, therefore apply this information.

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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