Will Bigger

Can School Teach Me Useful Information?

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So, as many of you know, public school in America starts about this time every year. I'll be going into the 11th grade, and I was wondering how valuable the information I learn in the classroom is. I am taking AP (college level) chemistry, physics, english, and US history classes, so what I'm learning will be a little above the regular curriculum, but I'm still curious as to whether learning about these things from school will serve me in self-actualization. Because, if not, then I'm considering switching to some easier, less time consuming regular classes.

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@Will Bigger You sound like a smart young man.. Be cool stay in school.. Say no to drugs..  Chase your dreams.. F__k self actualization.. 

Edited by Atom

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If you can't handle AP classes, how you gonna handle self-actualizing?

I loved AP classes in high school. Best decision I made back then was to enroll in them. Regular classes will make you lazy and dumb. I found regular classes harder than AP classes because of all the foolish kids and dumbed-down subject matter. But that's just me. I dunno what your goals are in life.

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you can't handle AP classes, how you gonna handle self-actualizing?

I loved AP classes in high school. Best decision I made back then was to enroll in them. Regular classes will make you lazy and dumb. I found regular classes harder than AP classes because of all the foolish kids and dumbed-down subject matter. But that's just me. I dunno what your goals are in life.

In high school, I balanced AP classes and IB classes particularly History and English classes which were my deepest passions. Math is one of my biggest struggles and i remember those foolish kids from that Special Ed Math class. 

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Can school teach you useful information? 

Yes! It can show you basic social hierarchy within peers, teachers, and standard power play. 

You can also learn of what other people spend time socialising about, talking about, is it even real? Useful? Entertaining? What can you learn off them?  

Also contemplating what this work will bring to you in the future, is there valuable resources that can aid and potentially push you forward? Yes? No? Why? What can you spend your time focusing on that will push you forward instead of thinking about grades and scores. 

I don't have much advice on which classes to take as their mainly personal preferences but don't think of school as just a place to work, you can learn so much from observing the behaviours of other people 

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Ohh AP classes are tough, but still I feel Leo is right if you take advanced programs you will be with great company, people who work hard hence you will be influenced POSITIVELY! I'm going to 11th grade as well like you I'm taking A level-course which is kind of college standard similar to AP I heard  it will pay off at college since you won'

t need to do foundation so then you will finish earlier and then you can get busy with personal development.


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I attended a small rural high school years ago (I'm totally dating myself here). Because they didn't have the staff or class sizes required to offer specific courses each year, we had to take a course offered that was two years our senior. I'm from Canada and we had Grade 13 back in the day. So, in Grade 11 (or sometimes even Grade 10), if we wanted to take a Grade 13 level biology class, we had to do it during Grade 11. 

Point is, taking those classes will keep you on your toes and challenged which, based on what little I really know about self-actualization, will help you with self-actualization. Besides, even if you did decide to take something a little easier so you could focus on self improvement, I think you would realize rather quickly that you need to challenge/better yourself in other areas of your life (such as school). 

You will get what you set out to get out of those classes. Even though everyone writes the same test at the end of the term, many will take something completely different away from the course. Immerse yourself and get what YOU want to get out of them. 

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@Will Bigger

School and the information is valueable and important because when you try to learn it,  you teach yourself how to learn. And with that, you are prepared for all of the learning you will do later on in life. 



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