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How do you feel when a girl takes the first step? Do you appreciate that?

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I’d like to know your thoughts on that

Edited by Hellooo

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It happens mostly in case where a female is extrovert and a male introverted. The biggest mistake girls make is to assume that he is not interested if he doesn't respond positively instantly. You have to give more time and be persistent - in this case gender roles are switched.

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As a guy who tends to feel insecure, I liked it when it has happened and it has even made me feel more attracted. Although I feel even better when I can get over my fears and take the first step.

But I think it's nice to relax from time to time and let the girl lead. Of course, I wouldn't turn that into a habit, because to me it would feel weird if my girlfriend embodied more masculine energy than me (I like feminine girls).

But I think there are ways in which women can take first steps without doing it in a masculine way and that's something I like now and then. 

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3 hours ago, Username said:


It happens mostly in case where a female is extrovert and a male introverted. The biggest mistake girls make is to assume that he is not interested if he doesn't respond positively instantly. You have to give more time and be persistent - in this case gender roles are switched.

It's a bit frustrating when that happens. People with zero persistence can't handle this very well and they're ghosting the introvert one. So yeah. You have to be super strong emotionally to deal with this.

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It's a good thing. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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How do I feel when a girl takes the first step? Oh my god, that's basically been my unfulfilled teenage wet dream, hah! (Even though I was feeling so goddamn insecure back then that I would probably have ran away screaming had it ever happened for real, lol.)

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