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The "super-fun-enlightenment-poll"
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The "Super-Fun-Enlightenment-Poll"
30 members have voted
1. What are your ambitions concerning your journey of personal growth & Self-Actualization
I want to reach enlightenment ultimately17
I wanna reach alpha-male/female status (money,sex,career etc.)1
I want inner peace and end all suffering9
Not shure what i want, but i feel the things leo is talking about might improove my life somehow...1
Ambitions? Pfff... i´m enlightend!! Stand out of my sunlight now!2
2. Tell us about your meditation habits...
I don´t meditate every day yet, but i´m working on establishing a daily habit5
I´m meditating every day for up to 20minutes9
I´m meditating every day for up to 1 hour9
I´m meditating every day for 90minutes and sometimes more...3
I don´t meditate since i have better things to do.2
Meditation? Jeah man! I love it! right after i finished my 3rd whopper and netflix has no more new shows... Totally!! swear!!2
3. My overall life-quality benefited the most by...
doing self-inquiry10
daily meditation14
Reading books5
using mind altering substances (drugs)1
4. (Adding to the last question) ...i personally...
...used drugs for purposes of spiritual growth and i am glad i did so! It helped me in some way11
...used drugs for purposes of spiritual growth and i regret doing it, I would not recommend it.0
...never used drugs before, but i plan doing so, since i heard some good stuff about it7
...never used drugs before and i feel that i don´t need them on my journey.11
- high af right now , sheeeesh1
5. When it comes to daily meditation...
I planed trying it for 1-2 years and then see how it is going.1
I planed trying it for 3-5 years, i´m ready to invest long-term.2
I made an inner commitment to a life-long meditation habit.24
I´m not convinced yet, that it is worth my percious time, so i rather work on reaching my goals.3
YEAH! definatly 5 times a day... oh? meditation? ...sorry i read masturbation...0
6. I started my actualizing journey because...
I felt really bad/ i was unhappy & depressed and needed a way out!17
I felt ok, but something was always missing in my life!9
I felt awesome, mostly loved my life, but i wanted to learn about ways to make it even better!4
Rick & Morty Season 3 will only start in 2017, so i don´t have anything to do until then...0
7. Since i started meditation & self-inquiry...
I feel worst than before3
I don´t notice any difference1
I definatly feel better , yes.10
I reached a new quality of life & consciousness15
I don´t have time to watch porn 24/7 anymore... ohh this suffering!!!1
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