
Is celibacy necessary to raise kundalini?

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Yes I do yoga/breathing exercises not too long. I've been doing it for couple months an sex is really everywhere. I wouldn't mind staying cel just curious for how long one must or how often one can have sex/jack off? 


If I could as easily get a heart orgasm or mind orgasm I wouldn't fuss.

Edited by Andrewww

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The idea of raising kundalini itself is rather subjective. This is one of those things that differs depending on where you are.

If you're practicing tummo and working with dantian, celibacy can make that practice more potent, and this might be similar for other breathing exercises. 

On the other hand, many "left hand path" practices including tantra and chaos utilize sex acts to manifest rapid changes in consciousness. 

It really depends on what you're doing and what your current goals area.

If you're curious, you should probably give it a shot. Celibacy pairs very well with QiGong and tummo, which I cannot tell if you've delved into as breathing exercises can mean many different things. 


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Au contraire, if you follow the tantric path, sexual transmutation and semen retention is very much a part of the Kundalini awakening process. It is advisable to practice semen retention and frequent intercourse with a partner to accelerate and energise the rising of Kundalini.

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It's not necessary, but it helps.

I had a kundalini awakening while masturbating every day, but am doing seman retention now, as it helps with spiritual transformation.

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Not sure, I've been doing some occult stuff recently.... no-fap, or celibacy seems to preserve a lot of energy from what I have observed.

But in a month or so, you might get the urge force your dick into your ass. Body can be very insistent and will try to take over the psyche. I think a knowledge of working with sexual energy is required to pull this off successfully....

Edited by Yog

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it can be necessary in the med term but I don't recommend it for the long-run. coz sexual energy is a funny boomerang, if you throw it away, it will come back and injure your own face 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Can help but not necessary, personally for the average young person who has a high sex drive, it may end up doing more harm than good. (Unless it’s a short term thing like a 90 day nofap reboot) but whatever you repress will just come back stronger and stronger, so be aware of that.

If you want an example of natural celibacy, look at Ramana, he just didn’t want to have sex post awakening- fair enough.

If you want to see forced / unnatural celibacy look at Priests / Monks who end up with sexual abuse & even abusing children, as Sex just goes in the shadow and manifests in horrific ways. 

In my own journey, nothing helped more than transmissions, and as a result of awakening I am trying to quit porn & focus on real sex & healthy sexuality & developing my own sexuality. There are no rules, many awakened masters are celibate, many are married or in relationships.

Everyone is unique, for me, I will be having sex for the foreseeable future, but I can see how it could be beneficial in the right situation. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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On the contrary, sex is one of the most powerful things for spirituality, especially when acted upon with love and passion and done with spirit and intent from one another. The merge and union of two parts become One. Spirituality is God Essence, Sexuality is God Essence Expressed in physicality.

Remember, All Is One. So by merging with another, you allow All-That-Is to 'fuse', embody, know and become more of itself.

There are no right or wrongs, but tell me a higher practice of service to creation than literally making love to yourself?

Enjoy yourselves!


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