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Carlos MK

A thought about hatred, evil, darkness and LOVE

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As I was cleaning the dishes, my mind created a vision, a way to explain things to myself, that I believe, given what I've been reading here today, be of service to many who like me, struggle to define themselves about the nature of Love.

It starts with a question: What does darkness, hatred, vacuum,  cold, and Evil have in common? They are all the names we give to the lack of something, yet are not things themselves.

Cold is the lack of energy, of atoms vibrating, the vibration of those attoms generates heat you see, cold is not "generated," therefore, there is such thing as Absolute cold (absolute 0). In the same way, darkness is the lack of photons, nothing generates darkness, and therefore darkness is also absolute; there is a top as to how dark something can get. Vacuum goes without saying to be the lack of gas in a volume.

Then Evil and hatred?

Think about it; they are lack of Lovemore in particular, lack of Love and consciousness within the human experience.

A cat has no love for a bird, and such a state turns into vice, premeditated and uncompassionate murder.

Also, one of my cats, for example, wants to play with another that actively dislikes him, and this turns into hisses and growlings of hatred as a response. Male cat ins unaware, unconscious of what his need for playing does to my female cat, annoying the crap out of her.

So, when it comes to cats, we don't call those things "evil, or hatred," but if you anthropomorphized those situations, we would be using those terms. 

We are not that different.

Our corruption is lack of awareness.

Evil, lack of Love.

There is absolute Evil; there is absolute cold, absolute darkness, absolute vacuum.

There is infinite light, infinite pressure, infinite energy, infinite Love.


Tell me what you think, my mind creates constructs like this to explain things to myself.

do you agree? disagree? does it helpt you? I'm curious to know

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