
Does hell really exist?

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I've been struggling with the idea of hell for several years. It is the main reason of my suffering, brings me high levels of fear. Even though deep down i know there is no such place my ego just wont get over the fact that it might exist and im doomed to it. I wanted to ask if someone who has had genuine experiences on psychedelics or nde's or any profound awakenings or afterlife experiences: Does hell exist? When i say hell i am only referring to the place of fire, not the mental state of separation from God

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3 minutes ago, Frenk said:

When i say hell i am only referring to the place of fire, not the mental state of separation from God

How could anyone ever know? We only know what we experience.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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@Frenk You can certainly imagine and create the worst kind of hell for yourself.

Because reality is imaginary and you are God.

So if you believe in hell enough, you will go there.

But if you realize that your mind is creating reality, you can stop creating hellscapes and live in God's love.

The thing you fear is your own self. Your fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, since you are God.

Stop blaming the world and start taking responsibility for how you use your mind.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I definitely think there are hell realms and heaven realms too. I mean just read a Salvia trip-report. Thats hell for you right there.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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4 hours ago, Frenk said:

I've been struggling with the idea of hell for several years. It is the main reason of my suffering, brings me high levels of fear.

Sounds like "hell" to me.

Hell is a chaotic/fragile state of mind and you can work towards getting out of it. The vast majority of people live in hell already.

unborn Truth

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12 minutes ago, Dand said:

Does heaven exist?


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Of course hell is real. Try taking 400ug+ of LSD and resisting the crap out of it. Hell will get as real as it gets. And it will exceed any expectations that you now hold onto.

Both heaven and hell are right here, right now. Or not at all.

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@ivankiss yeah i get that. But at the end of the day you will make it out of the trip no matter how bad it is. What i was talking about is the religion's idea of hell. If you go there there is no turning back, its final, thats what scares me. Of course it might not be real, but you know how the ego is ? with all its doubts and fears and crap

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Yes and No.


You can make your life feel like hell. But that is just relativity, as an absoute there is no hell.

Only joy, love and wisdom.

Be aware how your mind creates the idea of hell.

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11 minutes ago, Frenk said:

@ivankiss yeah i get that. But at the end of the day you will make it out of the trip no matter how bad it is. What i was talking about is the religion's idea of hell. If you go there there is no turning back, its final, thats what scares me. Of course it might not be real, but you know how the ego is ? with all its doubts and fears and crap

I mean no one really knows if you don't mean the metaphorical hell.. If you mean an actual chamber full of lava that you gonna stay in it for eternity to suffer unimaginable levels of pain for an infinite amount of time.

But just something that comes to mind according to Abrahamic religions (Judaism.. Christianity.. Islam) this is supposed to be the judgment of an all loving all wise infinitely intelligent infinitely good God for your "wrong" deeds in this irrelevant preordained universe.....!!!!!!!

  Smells like bullshit .

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I mean no one really knows if you don't mean the metaphorical hell.. If you mean an actual chamber full of lava that you gonna stay in it for eternity to suffer unimaginable levels of pain for an infinite amount of time.

YES. That is exactly what im talking about, my deepest fear. When you really think about it, what other thing could be worse than that.. 

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9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Smells like bullshit .

I wish bro, i really wish this is true

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@Frenk Imagine you went to a place called hell, with eternal suffering and pain.

A "real" place.

But also imagine your mind was free. You have become love. There is no you.

Pain and suffering might appear, but it is not your pain. You are free.

At this very moment, hell will disappear.

Nothing is eternal, everything comes and goes.

People went to actual hell (if you study the holocaust and WW2). But it didn't last. And some became free of the suffering.

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19 minutes ago, Frenk said:

@ivankiss yeah i get that. But at the end of the day you will make it out of the trip no matter how bad it is. 

Except that while you're there you're absolutely convinced you'll never make it out. Such is hell. Eternal fire, madness and agony. Imo; it's much, much worse than anything any religion portrays.

But yes. You do make it out eventually. Because... Love. 

22 minutes ago, Frenk said:

Of course it might not be real, but you know how the ego is ? with all its doubts and fears and crap

Everything is real and possible. Even if right now it does not seem like it. 

Choose your steps wisely. Keep your heart open. All is well.

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10 minutes ago, Frenk said:

I wish bro, i really wish this is true

What you intuite?  What does your deepest deepest deepest intuitions tell you?  Is the source of all creation truly a God or a devil? 



my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here all good. All god. All love. But when you see all of these religious people (and they are too many) saying things like that about hell you really start doubting, at least me

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There is hell, but it is temporary. When you pay for your sins* you go to heaven.

But did you know there is more than one heaven? To get to the celestial heavens you need divine love. You can receive the divine love through prayer, but one day the opportunity will be lost. I don't know if anyone knows when this will happen, but waste no time!

* i dont know to what extent one must have sinned to go to hell, or how much repentance must take place to get to heaven

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@Frenk religious people yeah lol.. You mean echo chambers repeating mindlessly what their parents.. Society.. Culture tell them?  How can you take these people seriously?? 

What " you" really are is that same source of all creation.. And that is nothing.  Literally. Not this or that. Not anything at all.   All of life.. All of.. existence.. And anything possible.. Are just images on the screen of eternity.. Identify with the screen and let all the other shit go. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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