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Nak Khid

Requisite Variety & Creative Laziness (blog video) 

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Requisite Variety & Creative Laziness (blog video) 

July 22, 2020


The spiritual life and the creative life are most often two different things 

One is about accepting what is and improving one's own psychological health and the psychological heath of others 

The other is about trying to fix or improve or create objects  that my inspire or improve people's lives 

I think writing books, both philosophical and fictional could work for Leo as a next step. 
They later the fictional, perhaps spiritual science fiction , I think could be an untapped trove
It could start with improvising stories by speaking and then recording them 
stories can also teach  
But what do I know? 
I'm a very creative person but sometimes I find it burdensome to be constantly creative.   There is a freedom in being boring. 
And very creative people  often have problems,  they can design incredible buildings, dynamic businesses or write symphonies or great philosophical books
but they can also fail drastically in human relations and self awareness 

To me it's not creativity that solves emotional problems
It's bravery and faith 
and as Leo points out here, people say they want to change
but are often actually very afraid of it 



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7 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

I think writing books, both philosophical and fictional could work for Leo as a next step. 
They later the fictional, perhaps spiritual science fiction , I think could be an untapped trove

Philosophy is fiction that only philosophers believe its non-fiction. 

I would like to read spiritual science fiction from Leo. 

I believe that enlightenment makes people too complacent. Once we have achieved the final realization of the nature of reality, we tend to trivialize all other aspects of the nature of reality. 

Reality is vast and can be infinitely explored not only in breadth but also in-depth.  

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In the video Leo doesn't mention creative artistic people like Beethoven or PIcasso

He is talks about Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. 

I'm a little surprised because these are not spiritual gurus and they are very creative but in material very utilitarian ways not in the shamanic ways of an artists who produces "useless" objects like poems, paintings and music

He also mentions Tony Robbins

No spiritual people were mentioned except Rupert Spira who  he used as an example of someone limited in scope 

And psychonauts, Terrence Mckenna wasn't mentioned or Timothy Leary etc. 

Instead these tech entrepreneurs and their innovative products. That is very material although a lot of imagination and risk taking is required to come up with these products. I'm not saying "materialistic" in a negative sense as if it is all motivated by money ( sense of security and power) 

But Leo is not a part of this tech entrepreneur field.

He also briefly mentioned Tony Robbins, self help entrepreneur .   That is closer to how Leo started. 

Leo has also talked about spirituality more in recent years but if you listen to this video he seems a lot more impressed by these super-entrepreneurs than by spiritual gurus.   
One thing I think about sometimes is how certain people, myself included might have a partial motivation in doing creative things as a compensation for feeling lesser than other  people or as "revenge" against naysayers and people that say that you will never amount to anything or that your ideas are stupid.    Then you have this concept of "success is the best revenge" 

So are these mega creative people motivated by that?  I think that could be a part of it but it varies.  I'm not going to write off creativity as being solely motivated by the thought that someone needs to do it  to prove their worth and than a so called "ordinary" life is not worth living. 

What about the need to help people and improve the world with innovative new things and ideas.  

I don't think those are the primary motivation things with these super-Entrepreneurs  or highly accomplished artists.  
I don't think they are sitting around thinking about how they can help the world 

I think what motivates them more is that they have found a thing which they enjoy doing
and they become obsessed with it. They like to tinker with specific objects and utilitarian systems
and if they are talented the byproduct is they produce creative things that may improve the world 
There is also that competitive element that can drive certain people. 

But unless Leo changes direction into making tech or communications products and starts a company based on this  
what he's doing now is more similar to Sadhguru, Rupert Spira, Tony Robbins (put all in a blender) .
But what they do that Leo doesn't do so much is 

1) write books* 

2) regularly interacting with people in public,
conversing or advising them in person 

But he may no longer want to do this. He may want to change direction and start a company and bring in experts to work 
on something like a cybernetics system I don't know what he's going to do. 
Rupert Spira keeps things on a small level and I think he likes it that way, look at his personality.  
But Sadhguru and Eckhart Tolle bring in millions. The seem to me to be largely  very centralized, most of their ideas come through them
although Sadhguru has a big organization of people helping him 
But people like Elon Musk, or Bill Gates, their innovations are a lot more about hiring innovative people and creating their products collectively.
This is not to say they are not highly creative but what they do is bring together many minds under their companies. 
Comparatively Picasso or Einstein are soloists   
Do you want to have a dynamic company or do you want to be a great philosopher or guru? 



* writing a self improvement book or spiritual book would be easy.  Somebody could be hired and simply transcribe already made videos.
This could be made into books  -or that could be just an outline that Leo would come in and make changes to, edit, rephrase, switch things around, update etc . This would be easy  (if not stifled by perfectionism) 
And there is a second type of book I think he might like, fiction because in fiction there are no limits. You are nor thinking about if something is proper advice or not.  It's pure imagination.   And the thing about it is it reveals your own subconscious problems and also wisdom. 
Myths are a re powerful teaching  tool.   
they way to do it is not try to produce absolute truth.  Just let everything flow out with all it's "errors" and "mistakes" 
we are constantly evolving 


Edited by Nak Khid

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1 hour ago, Nak Khid said:

He is talks about Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. 

Why are you so concerned about the people Leo talks about? It doesn't make sense. 

Our whole society is evolving, and if you notice the most common needs of the people, they are still materialistic needs. Socety needs Musk and Bezos, because they fulfill the societal need for materialism. If a few decades, once we have solved the materialistic needs of the 99% of the population, society will try to evolve beyond materialism and will look into the spirit.

You just need the patience to see it through. 

Instead of asking Leo to write a book, why don't you try writing it yourself? @Nak Khid

Edited by JosephKnecht

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40 minutes ago, JosephKnecht said:

Why are you so concerned about the people Leo talks about? It doesn't make sense. 

Our whole society is evolving, and if you notice the most common needs of the people, they are still materialistic needs. Society needs Musk and Bezos, because they fulfill the societal need for materialism. If a few decades, once we have solved the materialistic needs of the 99% of the population, society will try to evolve beyond materialism and will look into the spirit.

You just need the patience to see it through. 

Instead of asking Leo to write a book, why don't you try writing it yourself? @Nak Khid

I'm working on my book 

I don't believe in the actualization model where you have to have this sort middle class platform to get to the higher levels 
Monks and Sadhus and artists sometimes live at poverty level 

You ask "Why are you so concerned about the people Leo talks about? It doesn't make sense. " 

But it is your question that doesn't make sense.  You and I are here because we are interested in what Leo talks about and then you are asking me why I would be interested in one of the things he talks about, people. 

Even if he's wrong on some things I learn from it. Leo has accomplished a lot and that is one thing that makes him interesting , he talks about various thing, philosophy, people, soup, etc etc 


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14 hours ago, Nak Khid said:

You and I are here because we are interested in what Leo talks about and then you are asking me why I would be interested in one of the things he talks about, people. 

I am interested in ideas, not people. 

Don't place too much emphasis on the words of others. <--- including these words.

Think for yourself. You are free to admire whomever you want, but notice that you admire people only for the ideas they stand for. 


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