
Enlightened Baby

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Is it possible for a baby just born to be enlightened and show the "glow" of enlightenment.


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You are the only thing that exists. Forget about babies and focus realizing that YOU are God dreaming up babies.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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All babies are enlightened. It is the natural state. They see the whole world as themself. There are no mind boubdaries created yet.

We need to get back to be as a newborn. 


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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45 minutes ago, Dodo said:

All babies are enlightened.

Babies are not enlightened.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you look at it like a journey of going full circle, a baby starts where an enlightened person might end, in a way. But they are going the opposite direction around the circle and they are going in one direction of developing the mind and the ability to distinguish, then coming back around to dis-identifying with the mind again using those very distinctions and mind they developed.

Babies don't distinguish between their hands or body parts and their environment.  No inner, no outer, no duality. They have to learn to function but the psychological identification usually (almost always, always?) comes in with that as well. It's that psychological identification, not the thought "my hand" exactly that's the problem. The pain of cutting your finger is not a problem but the suffering of the thought that someone could have avoided cutting their finger or looking for someone to blame for the pain (self or other) is psychological identification/suffering. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Babies are not enlightened.

I believe they are in the natural state, as enlightenment is the default.

It's only once the ego develops later on and acts like clouds which block the vast sky that is always there, that we start having the problems and suffering. 

Am I wrong in saying that enlightenment is not something we add on to ourselves,  but something that remains once we remove the junk (aka duality/egoic beliefs) ?

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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They experience pure awareness by default, but their sense of self is not developed enough to say that they're enlightened. Enlightenment comes with self awareness or real knowledge of Self. Not knowing is a virtue only in relation to this world, not to one's self.

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6 minutes ago, Member said:

They experience pure awareness by default, but their sense of self is not developed enough to say that they're enlightened. Enlightenment comes with self awareness or real knowledge of Self. Not knowing is a virtue only in relation to this world, not to one's self.

But hang on, you don't need to be able to say you're enlightenment to be enlightenment. It's actually more likely you're enlightenment if you don't say it. 

But I get what you mean, babies are below thought and we are talking of a state above thought. 

Pre ego enlightenment and post ego enlightenment should still be the same ultimate Truth., cant be 2

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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43 minutes ago, Dodo said:

Pre ego enlightenment and post ego enlightenment should still be the same ultimate Truth., cant be 2

Reality and the Self are One. But a baby isn't aware of that since it is only aware of reality. That's why to me there's a slight distinction between pure awareness and self awareness. However, it's easier for kids to see the Truth as their mindset is not so rigid like that of adults.

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7 hours ago, Member said:

Reality and the Self are One. But a baby isn't aware of that since it is only aware of reality. That's why to me there's a slight distinction between pure awareness and self awareness. However, it's easier for kids to see the Truth as their mindset is not so rigid like that of adults.

Not knowing is true knowing 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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It depends on the baby 

some babies are born enlightened ,

other babies are delusional 

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