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Books on discipline that don't reek of stage orange materialism? 

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title says it all

I realize I need to develop more discipline in my life if I am to change careers and start a small business and hopefully build up my finances so that I am in a stable place long term. I also could benefit quite a bit from it in other domains. thing is I don't like how discipline is often framed at the cost of giving self love and accept one's own short comings. any books out there that approach disciple from a high conscious perspective?  

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The Road Less Travelled by Scott Peck

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The road less travelled is great.

Or you can read the purpose driven life.

There aren't many books on discipline. Most books touch on willpower or perseverance but those are stage orange types.

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Stephen Covey's 7 Habits is kinda Orange-Green-Yellow but it is extremely practical for everyday use and time management especially. 

Steve Peters' Chimp Paradox is brilliant manual on how to tame your lizard brain

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