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A primary illusion is imagining that one is born.

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A secondary illusion is imagining future re-birthings. When all separateness ceases to be imagined, what remains? All that is necessary is to become free from the illusions created by thought. - Bob Harwood aka Zendancer

I'm sure many people here would proclaim that their birth and death are imaginary. But are you believing in any of these other ideas like past and future lives, afterlife, awakening from a dream, etc? 

If you do believe these things, you're falling into the same trap! The distinction is that your Ego has used your spiritual knowledge to drop the old (primary illusion) and picked up the new (secondary illusion). But its still the Ego.


Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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I don't agree with the idea that you can transcend the ego entirely. It only changes forms and becomes more sneaky. Particularly watch out for when someone states that something is not ego. It will most likely be ego. Such a cunning tactic. This work was supposed to be about direct experience, so people deny their own birth. Yet, they believe in reincarnation and other silly concepts as if they were true or could be verified by any means.

At least you have tons of evidence for your own birth. But no, they're just thoughts and you're imagining your birth, therefore you're deluded. Of course.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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One is Born. 

One is being born for all eternity. 

All of creation is the process of giving birth to the One from the none. 

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