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I have some healing for y'all, look no further.

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I have some healing for y'all, look no further.


I used to have things to say, now I feel too aware to communicate to others. Heaven is in my mind and everybody is already here.

I already sense responses from everybody else. I like to play, but I know reading is better for me. Everytime I get on this site to start a topic, I start talking to myself enough onscreen until I just open up yet another document and fill in pages and pages and pages of questions and answers and affirmations and stories. My computer is just an empty desk with virtual form. Maybe I'm not appreciating form enough. Maybe I'm craving reality physically. Maybe I'm deeply fucking over it. Maybe I need to take more DMT to awaken. Maybe I need to take some fucking bipolar medication because somebody else recognizes a distinction in me once I start getting energetic and jovial. Maybe I should contemplate. Maybe I should consider more possibilities and make people feel my pain.


I don't intend to be so cruel to you guys. This pain is pretentious anyways. It's all just thoughts. I don't feel depressed. I don't feel passionless. Mental illness is just a distinction of being cured, I understand that. 


If you want to play life on extreme difficulty, try explaining awakening beyond form to a mental health professional attempting to diagnose you because of what your parents said you believed. Of course, you don't believe anything; you simply consider. You talked too fucking much.


For that, I dislike my parents for ever trying to fucking tell me I'm different. And they tell me this all the time. I love them for making me who I am though; I have nobody else to be anyways.


Hate is love. Maybe I like being unhappy right now.


I have a news flash. Creativity is the source of mental illness. People tend to go overboard. We are very clever dramatists even to ourselves. :) 


I'd rather play with the fact that the remaining universe is the Buddha's mind not yet awoken from meditating on the future. Maybe I'm the future Buddha, oo Maitreya. But so is everyone else. 


Nobody wants to be themselves. Wouldn't it be fun to roleplay as any other form? That sounds like an actor complex.


Ah, so I'm the creative type who has difficulty forming a sense of identity. I think laterally do I? Honestly, I only think because I remember looking for another authority figure's point of view. It comes from the literal "Heaven in my mind" possibility that I keep tabs with. I communicate to all of y'all telepathically-- you like how I built the place?


The Dao Sustains. No matter what. No question can fix reality. If one did, it would annihilate everybody. If somebody had an answer for reality, it would call for suicide or a really big explosion. Explanation of the answer is asking somebody to take a pleasurable shit on your face while you already feel bad. In that situation, they know more because you asked less. 


I am aware of the answer, everybody. Don't gotcha me.


So literally the only thing I have to do is appreciate shit?

appreciate or die, spiritual seeker shit for brain awoken membrane. You are only another. You are not special; nobody thinks you are until you are and then even you begin to have doubts.


Am I lazy for not being able to sustain appreciation because I get annoyed with my own forceful attempts to focus? 


Do I just like to come up with more and more stupid levels of wonder?


It feels like an uncontrollable itch. I could cease, but where else am I gonna go? 


I'm tired of Leo's metaphysics. I want to know how I could create physicality itself, not build a motorcycle. I'm already on track for that.

I mean I want to be responsible for inviting the aliens on the white house lawn type shit.


Do I want the responsibility? Do I want the selfish, THAT WAS MINE, accomplishment of it? 

No, I only love the magic of happening. My dad really wants it to happen. I'm not any more useful to him as anything else other than his son if I don't possess that possibility. 


Do I want to be more than who I am? Am I attempting to prove something grand? 

I suppose that's my problem. Stage Orange levels of self progress, lack of assimilation into the stage Green community.


Fuck people. That's all I want. I am tired of seeing people as my soul. I want to objectify women again.

Oooo. That's egoic corruption. Cleanse, my son. You need Jesus.


*a couple worship songs later*


Fuck Jesus. Krishna is better.


* a couple hare hare's later*


Krishna is fucking sick.




Don't forget the DejaVuddha. Buddha imagined him first before he walked a million miles. That's how he left that tree. Awakening is nothing short of DejaVu into infinite familiarity. Remember where it began: once you saw it all before!! hahaha 


* a couple evil laughs later*


Fuck you. Contemplate and then say something interesting.

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9 hours ago, savior said:

No, I only love the magic of happening. My dad really wants it to happen. I'm not any more useful to him as anything else other than his son if I don't possess that possibility. 

Replace dad with God and you have Truth.

Notice how many times you said, "I" in your text. Attempt to rewrite everything without the I.

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17 hours ago, savior said:

Creativity is the source

Of beauty too, not that mental illness isn't beautiful ?

17 hours ago, savior said:

mental illness. People tend to go overboard. We are very clever dramatists even to ourselves.

???.  So true. Was just noticing it in my husband earlier, which of course was because I was noticing in myself. 


Would you like to talk more about this interaction with your parents? Are they in a dogmatic religion? I'm confused, what does your dad want to happen? You need to prove the power of God for him to finally  believe and accept you again? 

How old are you?

You can objectivey women anytime, if that is the desire which arises.. Who said you couldn't? You've never had a lucid dream and screwed a hot piece, not caring that they are you? ?‍♂️  Also, you can't suspend belief like when watching a movie or play? 

You say you aren't depressed, yet I am picking up on a cynical melancholy. Why do you need total control?  So you can control the things in your life bringing suffering? 

Are you bored? 

I'm totally calling my deja vu 'dejaVuddha' from now on

I'm curious how much experience you have with lucid Dreaming and /or astral walking



17 hours ago, savior said:


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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