
Psychedelic Treatment For Depression

39 posts in this topic

Your problem is similar to mine, you are just not taking it regularly.

Psychedelics can be crucial (although they will just catalyze change and healing, you must be there to accept the changes, which is the difficult thing), but they must be done enough.

Unfortunately psychs are not usually so powerful that you can trip 1 each x months if you have a very neurotic mind. You might want to trip at least 1 a month. Don´t push yourself with the doses. Just make sure you can handle it, but be regular

Edited by Javfly33

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4 hours ago, Nahm said:

So, just a thought that came to mind...LSD is a bit of a long hall trip. Not saying I’m for or against it, but you might be ‘swinging’ from holding those beliefs about yourself, to more of a full blown trip & being without those beliefs, then as the trip fades, not noticing with as much nuance as you’d like how those beliefs reconstruct, or, are picked up / recreated again. The thought that came to mind...you might use dreamboard & loa, and or ‘put your feelers out’ on psilocybin (mushrooms) in vapor form. Compared to an ingestion which is quite deep and an hours long endeavor, the vapor is completely controllable in terms of incrementally dosing, and it’s effects are instant, and fade in less than an hour...maybe twenty minutes.  It came to mind because that might be highly effective for you in being able to ‘see more’, in terms of clarity around the picking up and putting down of those beliefs / thought patterns. Might see right through them, and realize the how’s, why’s and when’s of where they came from, or, where they were initially ‘picked up’ to begin with. Just thought I’d share that, use it if it’s useful. Godspeed and much love ??. (Disclaimer for clarity...I’m not at all suggesting this instead of therapy, and I have no sourcing info.)

I'm going to try psychiatric meds first but I think mushrooms will be the next thing i try if meds don't provide relief. 

I do think i need some kind of intervention to make my mind more manageable (I know you're going to say i don't need anything, and nothing is wrong haha) but the anxiousness/tension has really only been released through drugs. I think it's possible psych meds can take the edge off to a degree that all this other advice will make more sense, and will be easier to apply. 

How much of this is beliefs vs emotions being locked in the body unable to be let out?

My guess is when you're relaxed, and have purged out lots emotions and the body is less contracted then it's a lot easier to notice beliefs and be able to pick perspectives and control the mind in a way that's more conducive to well being and happiness. 

I talked to a therapist recently and she told me her approach is mostly focused on emotions, and how she believes emotions get stored in the body and people carry around stuff without even noticing. I do wonder how much i would be thinking about all this stuff, if i just felt relaxed, energized, light, free etc. I'm hoping this is where meds/psychs can be most effective. Loosen me up a bit so i'm more ammenable to express and release the emotions.


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4 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

But I dunno. It seems to me that he needs at least some sort of development. 

Last time i was depressed, when i was 19, i was hopeless and whiny etc like I am now. But through random practices i did then i reached a point where the fog of depression was lifted, and i had real momentum with life. Increased energy, confidence, will power. Life was so much better, and it was much easier to function. It was like i was a different person. 

I just want to learn how to feel better, like i did last time and live from a place of well being, as opposed to living from this depressed place. 

I bet moving out, working 9-5, working on a business etc are all much more doable when i'm not miserable, hopeless, depressed etc. 

3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

My take he will still cry after 4 years about same issues.

Something has to work. Psychs, therapy, antidepressants, RASA, idk what else but there has to be something that can get me right. 

You said you had a friend like me, but did he ever try to change his circumstance? Did he want to be different?

No way i'll be here in 4 years, i can find a way.

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33 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

My guess is when you're relaxed, and have purged out lots emotions and the body is less contracted then it's a lot easier to notice beliefs and be able to pick perspectives and control the mind in a way that's more conducive to well being and happiness. 

It’s arguably the opposite. The more one doesn’t feel good and is experiencing “anxiousness” and “tension”...the more ready the body is to let go and release. That’s precisely what is being felt / experienced. Every one acknowledges beliefs when every one does though, and I do imagine adopting beliefs about oneself which do not feel good at younger and younger ages makes the clarity more difficult. 

41 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

How much of this is beliefs vs emotions being locked in the body unable to be let out?

All of it. Those go hand in hand. There’s no body, just love and conditions / beliefs held to the contrary, but I digress. 

45 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

I talked to a therapist recently and she told me her approach is mostly focused on emotions, and how she believes emotions get stored in the body and people carry around stuff without even noticing. I do wonder how much i would be thinking about all this stuff, if i just felt relaxed, energized, light, free etc. I'm hoping this is where meds/psychs can be most effective. Loosen me up a bit so i'm more ammenable to express and release the emotions.

It will help tremendously...when you approach that point of seeing through the beliefs and releasing - don’t quit and blame her! Lol. Keep going! 

9 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

No way i'll be here in 4 years, i can find a way.

I know right?! What’s with this guy and his four years?! You got this. You’re ‘doing the work’ already. Let go, let go, let go! Much love for ya man, always rooting in your corner. 



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@Javfly33 Yeah i agree that more frequent trips would likely serve me better to untangle my mind. 

I'm going to try conventional psychiatric meds first and see how I feel, i've read some reports by people about the profound effect of normal psych meds, and it may be enough to get my life moving in a different direction.


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11 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:


@Raptorsin7 I do agree with @Nahm make no mistake 'bout it. I too wish ya all the best. 

I just sound harsh and pushy on you just to make you concious nothing else. I do love you. 

Beleive it or not @Nahm is exactly like this to me. He will slap my face so hard. Unlike you I have no luxury like you do with him. 

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Advice can only point, transmissions can only help bring things held closer to the surface of release, so to speak. Nobody, no thing, no practice or substance has a leg up on Mind. Mind always ‘wins’. ???


Yes I think that would be ideal too. However, minutia here, but the ‘in & out’ so to speak of meo is so quick...I figured someone might have a little more time to ‘have a look around’ with the psilocybin vapor. Ultimately, I’m guesworking on this here. Tryin to help. Seems to be different for each one, given wherever one is at. Direct experience, yada yada. :) 




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22 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Javfly33 Yeah i agree that more frequent trips would likely serve me better to untangle my mind. 

I'm going to try conventional psychiatric meds first and see how I feel, i've read some reports by people about the profound effect of normal psych meds, and it may be enough to get my life moving in a different direction.


Go for it!

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Psychedelics can help you become more aware of your subconscious, which can be great for spotting flaws in your personality, such as projection, unconscious desires etc... But I wonder if it is a good idea to take them in your current situation, I am not so experienced with psychedelics. Just gotta be honest about what is happening.

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@bejapuskas I'm going to go with therapy and psychiatry for the near term, but if those don't work then psychs are the next line.

I'm a mess, but I don't know what else to do. The psychs have showed promise before, and I cant ignore anything that can work 

I have pent up emotion and tension that I can't let out. I can literally feel the tension and pressure in my head.

The psychs have let me release the pressure before, and the closest I've come to a full on cry was after a break through trip. 

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@Raptorsin7  Do you think you could attend a retreat with a shaman? Maybe they will show you new ways. I am just worried about you when you say you are mess, do you think it is a good idea to trip alone at this point?

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an ayahuasca ceremony is something i'd recommend

best of luck to you my friend <3

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@bejapuskas I would prefer to trip alone, but if psych meds don't work for me then i'm going to find a therapist who's comfortable with me doing psychs so i have some accountability around the trips.

I'm at such a low though, i don't know what else to really do. I would also need to do psychs regularly to maintain progress. I've had amazing psych trips that i thought would transform my life etc, but in hindsight one trip wasn't enough and the mistake was in not keeping up continual trips.

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16 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

an ayahuasca ceremony is something i'd recommend

What do you think the ceremony would do? 

My fear would be that i'd have this incredible experience, and then come back to my life and just fall back into the same ruts and habits.

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@Raptorsin7  The thought that you need psychedelics for progress is a limiting belief. They can be great for some, but also they can be like a means to an escapism life style for some. Perhaps some guidance from an experienced shaman at a ceremony might help you. I na group setting also, you might see how your subconscious is projecting your flaws onto others, by which you discover your flaws (if you are honest enough!) and then you will be more able to work with yourself. You cannot work with yourself, if you don't know yourself. 

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10 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

What do you think the ceremony would do? 

My fear would be that i'd have this incredible experience, and then come back to my life and just fall back into the same ruts and habits.

Give you insights

Try to not let that happen. But yeah - taking a psychedelic is easy; it's the work after, integration, that is hard

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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