
I need help with digestive problems - I feel trapped

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Hi. In Susan Blum's book "Immune System Recovery Plan" she recommends eliminating certain food (e.g. dairy, gluten, eggs) for three weeks to check If the person is sensitive to it. Is body reaction after reintroduction more precise and believable than the reaction to the some product but without being eliminated?  Shouldn't that product cause problems all the time, even if I do not eliminate it? Can I judge if I am sensitive to sth without elimination? (In my case - I need to gain weight, I find it hard to eliminate dairy for 3 weeks). 

I have severe problems with digestion - I am bloated all the time, have severe bad smelling gases pain in lover belly, loose stool (not every day, every few days), I have low energy levels during the day, frequent headaches.

I do not know which foods are the root problem, if food is the problem at all.

So far I tried eliminating dairy, gluten, corn and soy all at once and I lost weight. After reintroduction it wasn't clear to me whether I felt worse or not. After dairy I felt headaches but over time it became less frequent. Sometimes after gluten (pasta type, I do not have any reaction to whole rye bread) I feel more gases and bloating but I have it also after all beans, and some vegetables. 

I also tried taking oregano oil, Berberine - capsules that were supposed to clean any yeast, bad bacteria and parasite. This did not help bloating and gases neither.

I tried eating chlorella to clean myself from heavy metals. I tried Pancreatin enzymes which, I think, helped for a while but didn't solve bloating and gases completely.

I tried to relax more, meditate, chewing longer. I have quite stressful life but I am better at managing it now. Could my problems be a result of long0term stress from the past?

What would you suggest I should do in my case? Do you think this is a problem of some food intolerance? I have no idea where to look. I want to find root cause of my problems.


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For how much time in a row have you eliminated gluten, dairy, corn and soy?

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Look up a diet called "Low FODMAP" and try it for 2 weeks, if your symptoms disappear, you have something called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), if this is confirmed, it would be best to work with gut health specialist to guide you through the protocol. 

Oregano and Berberine are powerful antimicrobials but high FODMAPs may need to be eliminate for 6-8 weeks while you do antimicrobials and prokinetics. Once your small intestinal bacterial balance is optimised, you can return back to normal. 

A good test for this is methan/hydrogen breath testing. 

If these don't help, a stool testing should be done. Preferably Organic Acid test or GI Map 

Also regarding the food intolerances and headaches, more often than not the problem is not "intolerance" per see but an increased gut permeability that allows molecules of the food to pass through which triggers immune conflict. Lot of people diagnosed with food intolerance only have a leaky gut and once fixed they can eat everything again...unless allergic which is a different scenario. 

But again, best to find naturopath , nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner who specialises on gut and work with them. 

Good luck :)

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I'd recommend drinking a glass of Slippery Elm twice a day for at least a month.

Research Slippery Elm.

And keep trying other stuff.

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How long do you have these issues for?

I was in a similar situation for a few months, but mu issues cured naturally (almost, doc prescribed me some generic stomach meds, yet I don't feel like they have done much). I just had to stop eating dairy and vegetable oils. I also had replaced bread with rice waffles and refrained from eating wheat pasta, but I wasn't very strict about it.

So cut the stuff that cause inflammation, dairy first I think, then be patient, experiment and have a lot of patience.

Oh also, do you eat meat? If ye,s then you shouldn't have problems with loosing weight. I highly recommend eating chicken (or any lean meat you can find) during that time so you avoid drastic weight loses.

Edited by Girzo

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You will NEVER fix these gut issues on your own. Work with a trained professional and figure out EXACTLY what the root issue is and take informed decisions. 

Here's a qualified guy that actually gets results:

And here's a video of his that explains a bit why you can't self treat gut issues.


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On 7/28/2020 at 1:25 PM, MilenaS said:

I have quite stressful life but I am better at managing it now. Could my problems be a result of long0term stress from the past?

Yes, and also continuing to believe that. 



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I was diagnosed with IBS 5 years ago. Literally came out of nowhere, never ever had a problem with food in my life. Then boom, i had to go the bathroom 10x a day and was farting like one of those world war II flame throwing Panza tanks all day. I got onto fodmap diet when i realised it wasn't going away on its own, and then I took up yoga. Within 6 weeks I was fine, good as new. The diet is tricky, most condiments have onion and garlic powder which are big triggers. Good Luck. 

Also I contacted a hypnotist at the time as she advertised for IBS relief/recovery. i didn't try it but worth looking into.

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