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It would be very dangerous to rely only on almonds. You need to eat more things, not give up on pulses and grains (unless these foods are making you ill, but so far as I know you haven't even taken the most basic blood glucose test at a pharmacy or something).

If you do not eat enough dairy, flesh or eggs, you might need cheap supplements (especially for B12).

Eggs would be an easy way to improve your diet if you like them but you also need the vitamins and minerals most people get from vegetables and fruits.

Edited by commie

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  • very low in protein - lack of protein will have a dramatic effect on your mood because your neurotransmitter production will suffer
  • high in simple sugars - causing rapid insulin spikes, this will impact your mood and cognitive performance
  • missing fruits & vegetables - this will impact everything
  • missing healthy essential fatty acids from nuts, seeds, avocado and (optional) oily fish - also related in mood and brain function
  • missing complex carbs - wholegrains, sweet potatoes, squashes etc
  • fibre is extremely low - this will slow down your bowel movement and starve your microbiome. It will also impact systemic metabolic function and energy production. The more your starve your gut microbes the worse your mood will become and at some point you'll end up with foggy brain and depression. 

This may be premature conclusion but your diet is severely lacking essential micronutrients, fibre, healthy fats and protein. You will be depriving your muscles and brain of essential factors that they need to function. I have seen this before when nutrition deprivation has been causing indifference and disinterest in life. Lot of essential cofactors are needed to turn your food into ATP (energy) all of these you are most likely lacking. 

It would be helpful to work with nutritionist or dietitian to help you out. Remember that your body is made of trillions of cells that have to be nourished to function optimally. Every food you eat alters your genetic expression at any given day. A good start would be to eat more, more regularly and add much more colour from fruits and vegetables. 

And honestly, cutting eating window and doing something silly like OMAD is the last thing you need. If anything you need to start eating more calories and more food to properly nourish your body. Depriving your body of further food will cause further decline of energy and mood. You'll give yourself early eating disorder. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Here's my vegan salad that I eat pretty much everyday. It's also my only meal.





Red bell peppers

Sauce(nutritional yeast, basil/rosemarin, cashews/other nuts, some cayenne pepper, nutmilk).


Mushrooms + sweet potato, oven-roasted, with cinnamon and salt.


It's a big BOWL, so bombard everything. like, half a can of beans, 2 cucumbers, 1/4 a pack of kale, half a cup of quinoa.

This covers everything you need protein wise, B vitamins(B12 too), and veggies. I also add a fruit and berry shake with it.

I can write you the full recipe if you're interested.


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14 hours ago, Kross said:

For whatever amount of protein that is necessary, can I depend on almonds only, instead of milk, meat, or eggs ? 

Never eaten meat in my life (no religious reasons or such, my family just doesn't like it, but I've not taken any vow against meat, might consider to eat in future if necessary) and have some problems regarding milk. Eggs too, have only eaten a few times but open to experiment more with them if beneficial.

Not really. Animal protein is WAY more bioavaliable compared to plant protein which means that plant protein isn't absorbed as much as animal protein. Try it out and see for yourself!

Edited by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj


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On 7/28/2020 at 11:05 AM, Kross said:

Good food, bad food, tasty food, nasty food, tasteless food, cooked food, raw food, hot food, cold food, fresh food, old food, junk food, healthy food, sour food, sweet food, dry food, juicy food : I'm tired of them all.

It feels like a burden to eat, I wish I could just survive on water. I've been feeling this since like 2 months now. At the same time, I do feel hungry two times a day and feel uncomfortable on an empty stomach.

Wtf is happening ??

This is approximately all I have been eating since the last 3 years at least (I've been extremely picky since I was born, and also my parents don't know shit about nutrition) :

Major : 

  • Wheat
  • Pulses (mainly 2 types)
  • Rice
  • Potato 
  • Clarified butter
  • 6-8 different regular spices

Occasional :

  • Red kidney beans
  • Lady finger
  • Taro
  • Different types of fruits during different seasons (mango, muskmelon,etc in summer and carrot, guava, apple,etc. in winter)
  • Curd
  • Lemonade
  • Chickpea
  • Soyabean
  • Junk food snacks
  • Cottage cheese

And probably some more random things I can't remember.

Also, I'm 18 male, borderline underweight, do not exercise at all, have problems focussing, addicted to jacking off and physically feel weak, tired and fucked.

LOL, I know I have a lot to change...... 

oof, I would suggest cutting wheat, rice, butter out. Potatoes are good. more veggies, fruits, beans, lentils. It prob won't taste as good, but that'll improve your mental energy and you'll find it to be worth it. Also, start exercising. Just start with jump roping and pushups. you will see  a difference if you do just these 2 things... also, jacking off excessively is not ideal for energy either... lol

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Most people overcomplicate this topic. You don't need lots of protein, 1g/kg is more than enough for most people, if you do sports, weightlifting etc then up to 2g/kg is good. If you weigh 60 kg then getting 60 g protein is ok. Technically you can get all of your protein from almonds, but I doubt you'd be able to eat 300 g of almonds in a day because they are quite calorific and satiating (almost 2 k calories and 60 g protein, which would be like 1g/kg or close to it im guessing). I mean I would eat almonds but not for the protein, for the fats and calories. I'd get the protein from beans, legumes, soy stuff, and grains. Beans, legumes, soy have a pretty nice essential amino acid content, grains are considered a bit less so.

I'm still sticking with my guess that you could improve by just getting more calories in. Eating high calorie foods that most people avoid because other people tend to pack on weight too much. For you it seems the opposite.

Also you don't eat almost no animal products so B12 supplementation is almost a must. Even if you eat a few eggs or a few cottage cheeses there and there then that is not enough. If you don't want to supplement B12 you can always make an extract of your own poop lol. B12 is one of the few supplements I would suggest. Most supplements are good for you if you're deficient but if you're not deficient then at best they are neutral and most likely have a negative effect. B12 is easy to suggest because you don't eat animal products almost at all and you're prob deficient, although you can get your blood levels measured at the doctor.

Also eating more veggies an fruits never hurts (usually).  In the end stick with the foods that you will enjoy eating every day, for the rest of your life. The best diet is the one you can stick with.

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To my knowledge, Soy is estrogenic, so I avoid it. 

Other than than everything looks good to me except the junk food and a lack of high quality protein. 

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On 7/29/2020 at 5:55 AM, Kross said:

For whatever amount of protein that is necessary, can I depend on almonds only, instead of milk, meat, or eggs ?

Hell no. There are high-protein plant foods, but almonds ain't it.

As an immediate measure I would recommend that you download the app Cronometer, get a $10 food scale and start tracking your calories and macro/micronutrients. Then, you can Google what a good amount of macro or micronutrients to have is, and adjust accordingly. That would be the fastest way to learn how nutrition works.

Edited by smurf88

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- Wheat

- potato

- cheese

- junk food

- Soyabean 

These are potentially problematic;

Potatos: Arguably the foundation of Sadghuru's nutrition advice is that potatoes are "negative pranic", which means that they will make you tired; this could be contributing to your lack of energy.

Wheat: Also, when gluten enters the bloodstream, this can cause immune dysfunction, as the immune system sees gluten as a foreign invader, and in an attempt to attack it, it will accidentally attack its own tissue (immune dysfunction).

Soyabean: This crops, as well as corn and wheat, are genetically modified. When plants are genetically modified, foreign proteins attach to the plants which have shown (in animal studies) to be difficult to digest.

Cheese: Dairy can also cause immune dysfunction. 


If you have Leo's booklist, read the book by Susan Blum in the nutrition section. I've been reading it lately and it is a fantastic introduction to nutrition; it talks about the gut, the liver, stress management, what food to eat, and the structure of the immune system. 


Good luck 


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On 29. 07. 2020. at 11:17 AM, Member said:

I would suggest you to include healthy fats such as avocado instead of butter, reduce the carbohydrates and remove bread, include only potatoes or rice cakes. Chickpeas are ok but you should eat more protein such as eggs, or chicken from time to time. As for the 3 meals per day, that's a myth! You need to make sure that your food is rich in nutrients and you have a balanced diet. Though you can eat more if you want to gain more weight, but that doesn't mean that it is more healthy.

It really depends upon the type of butter he is eating, meaning if he has access to organic grass-fed butter than he could do well with that. I know a lot of people are talking about the lack of protein, but what I also find problematic is the lack of quality saturated fat, and monounsaturated as well. 

These can be well-represented in coconut oil, types of animal fats, like beef, veal, lamb, and so on, even pork. What also is quite worrying is the lack of vegetables he is consuming as well. This should not be just occasional, but daily. Get some leafy greens in ya, like celery, lettuce, and even more important some very quality cooked ones like broccoli, spinach, and whatnot. These can really help elevate you. Combine them with some extra-virgin olive oil. I also like to mix the cottage cheese with that, it is very tasty. That in itself is a good amount of quality fats, but only for one meal.

The vitamin C is sufficient in the mangos and muskmelon, assuming it is summer where he is. However, I do like to squeeze some lime or lemon on my leafy raw veggies during lunch. It is quite nice.


And, yes, for the love of God, please cut down on the fricking carbs bro. Pick just one out of wheat, rice and potato for the day. I would more often eat rice than potato purely because it is lighter on my stomach but whatever. 

There is a long way to go, but you can make it. <3 <3 <3


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Thanks for all the help everyone !

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13 minutes ago, datamonster said:

Components in it are estrogen-like, but in order for it to have any noticeable effect you'd need to eat huge amounts of soy, much more than any normal person would eat.

If you're worried about man boobs and that kind of stuff, it makes a lot more sense to stay away beer and milk.


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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you feel weak and tired...

youre eating tons of high glycemic fruits and vegetables+wheat

thats why you got mental fog, fatigue and probably inflammation.

Try the keto diet for a while and evaluate how your brain and body feels

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Stop eating seeds. Completely toxic and have serious health consequences. Mental and physical. Like animals, plants need survival mechanisms too. The seed is the plants offspring so it wants to protect it. Physically and chemically. Physically because they are rock hard and chemically with toxins. Its only due to modern processing that it’s even possible to consume them. Ground down into powder, pressed into oil, soaked to be softened, cooked, etc. We consume them because we have to fill stomachs. Not for peak human health. But if you are in a developed country where you have access to as much animal products as you can afford, it’s all you should consume. Fruits and Vegetables aren’t as bad but have similar issues. Anti-Nutrients, toxins, fibre. Anti-Nutrients prevent vitamin and mineral absorption, toxins like in the seeds release stress hormones and ruin your nervous system and fibre is just another word for undigestible. Useless matter inside your body which has to make its way through. Massive effort for you body to pass this all through. Bloating, constipation, rapid aging, etc.

- Coffee (you should have stopped consuming coffee by now but if you haven’t, wake up and snap out of your addiction. You don’t need it)

- Nuts (Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Chestnuts, Filberts, Hazelnuts, Hickory nuts, Macadamia nuts, Pecans, Pine nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts, etc)

- Legumes (Baked beans, Lentils, Chickpeas, Garden peas, Black-eyed peas, Runner beans, Broad beans, Kidney beans, Lima beans, Haricots, Cannellini beans, Flageolet beans, Pinto beans, Borlotti beans, etc)

- Wheat (All Purpose Flour, Bread, Cereal, Pasta, Pastry, Cake, Biscuits, etc, etc, etc....)

- Oil (Olive Oil, Soybean oil, Corn oil, Cottonseed oil, Canola oil, Rapeseed oil, Sunflower oil, Sesame oil, Grapeseed, Safflower oil, Rice bran oil, etc)

You eat seeds because someone told you they are healthy but you don’t have a clue. And if you reckon you have a clue because you researched it, you got lost in the muddy waters of diet. Don’t be a domesticated human who doesn’t listen to their own body. Wake up and listen to your body. Spend enough time in nature and it will all make sense.


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1 hour ago, Cameron said:

But if you are in a developed country where you have access to as much animal products as you can afford, it’s all you should consume. Fruits and Vegetables aren’t as bad but have similar issues. Anti-Nutrients, toxins, fibre. Anti-Nutrients prevent vitamin and mineral absorption, toxins like in the seeds release stress hormones and ruin your nervous system and fibre is just another word for undigestible.

There is absolutely no scientific evidence that seeds, fruits and vegetables are harmful for human beings. However you'll find tons of research pointing harmful effects of animal products. If you look at the largest systemic studies following hundreds of thousands of people all show that high intake of fruits and vegetables reduce overall mortality from all causes and increase the longevity and overall health.

Toxins do not release stress hormones, they are passed into liver where they are deconjugated passed into the bowels and excreted. Not eating fibre is one of the quickes way to dig yourself an early grave. If seeds ruined our stress hormones, humanity would have died out thousands of years ago. 



Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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9 hours ago, Michael569 said:

There is absolutely no scientific evidence that seeds, fruits and vegetables are harmful for human beings. However you'll find tons of research pointing harmful effects of animal products. If you look at the largest systemic studies following hundreds of thousands of people all show that high intake of fruits and vegetables reduce overall mortality from all causes and increase the longevity and overall health.

Toxins do not release stress hormones, they are passed into liver where they are deconjugated passed into the bowels and excreted. Not eating fibre is one of the quickes way to dig yourself an early grave. If seeds ruined our stress hormones, humanity would have died out thousands of years ago. 



Well the evidence is that when people eat food which cointain lectins, oxalic acids, phenols, glucosinolates, saponins and tannins... they get sick.

Of course people wont realize or will see a dramatic harmful effect at the moment after eating, but are bad.

Often pro vegans argument that by processing (soaking, cooking, boiling) these negative components are reduced. But not eliminated completely


The problem is that the symptoms of these antinutrients are accumulative, for example chronyc inflammation, fatigue, arthritis.

And the antinutrients interfere with nutriend absortion, so we can eat, a lot, and still be malnouriushed.

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@datamonster Just research it yourself. I’ve just said a bunch of stuff you could follow up on. Above all else, listen to your body

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12 hours ago, Moreira said:

Well the evidence is that when people eat food which cointain lectins, oxalic acids, phenols, glucosinolates, saponins and tannins... they get sick.

Only if their gut is messed up.

When you have inflamed gut, that has permeable walls (leaky gut), overgrowth of bad bacteria colonising your small and large intestine, pathogenic overgrowth like candida and keep dumping sources of typical western inflammatory food like flour, white rice, meats and dairy, you WILL react to all those. Absolutely! But that does not mean they are bad. Oxalic acid is not a problem if your calcium intake is balanced and your microbiome healthy, read the second study you listed properly. The third study basically just summarises symptoms but it does not address why this is happening. 

The answer is that having a messed up gut makes you susceptible to tanins and lectins because antigens from these migrate through your bowel walls and trigger an immune reaction which is how you get all these inflammatory symptoms like hashimoto's , RA etc. 

So the answer is not to stop eating legumes and plants. The answer is to FIX YOUR GUT. 


2 hours ago, Cameron said:

you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I'm listening

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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