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Good food, bad food, tasty food, nasty food, tasteless food, cooked food, raw food, hot food, cold food, fresh food, old food, junk food, healthy food, sour food, sweet food, dry food, juicy food : I'm tired of them all.

It feels like a burden to eat, I wish I could just survive on water. I've been feeling this since like 2 months now. At the same time, I do feel hungry two times a day and feel uncomfortable on an empty stomach.

Wtf is happening ??

This is approximately all I have been eating since the last 3 years at least (I've been extremely picky since I was born, and also my parents don't know shit about nutrition) :

Major : 

  • Wheat
  • Pulses (mainly 2 types)
  • Rice
  • Potato 
  • Clarified butter
  • 6-8 different regular spices

Occasional :

  • Red kidney beans
  • Lady finger
  • Taro
  • Different types of fruits during different seasons (mango, muskmelon,etc in summer and carrot, guava, apple,etc. in winter)
  • Curd
  • Lemonade
  • Chickpea
  • Soyabean
  • Junk food snacks
  • Cottage cheese

And probably some more random things I can't remember.

Also, I'm 18 male, borderline underweight, do not exercise at all, have problems focussing, addicted to jacking off and physically feel weak, tired and fucked.

LOL, I know I have a lot to change...... 

Edited by Kross

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I experienced same thing. You can't enjoy anything if you have unlimited access to that thing.

It sounds like you consume too much carbohydrates, this creates food cravings and because you eat too much and too often. You should try lowering your carbohydrates intake and start intermittent fasting. I woke suggest try 16/8 fasting and two meals a day.

This way you will appreciate your meals much more. Your will have less time to eat so it will force you to increase quality of your meals.

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@Username  I already eat only 2 meals a day and have 18.5 BMI (borderline underweight). 

Rice, wheat, pulses and potato are the four main things I regularly consume, and no milk ( not sure about how to analyze them in nutritional terms, do you know how, if these four things are causing problems ? ).

Edited by Kross

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That's not a balanced diet. Some people can live on mainly pulses and grains but eating nothing else is unhealthy and could even be deadly in some cases. If you can't be bothered to eat properly, get tested and supplement if need be. Instead of assuming that carbs are a problem, you should for instance test your carb tolerance (it does looks like you are stuffing yourself with carbs).

If you want people's opinions, post all you eat (including the amounts). A small amount of variety can make a big difference.

In any case, you can't got wrong by forcing yourself to eat a more varied diet.

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@Tarzan  I don't know it just does, can't find a reason or logic to it.

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12 minutes ago, Kross said:

@commie Have a look at the edited post.

There's not enough information about the amount you eat to do the sums or even ballparks. And frankly, I wouldn't be in a hurry to spend a lot of time researching what you eat in databases.

In some cases, it's obvious that people are getting enough protein for instance... but someone who eat a lot of rice or wheat could well be deficient. You can't tell without knowing the approximate daily amounts (and even then, if you didn't digest pulses well you could be deficient even if you ate enough proteins).

Can you afford medical tests? If not, best eat a lot better just in case!

Based on what you posted, you could possibly be malnourished enough that it might explain your lack of appetite. If you ate better growing up, you could in theory be living on reserves as far as a few essential nutrients are concerned. Are you at least taking vitamins or are some of these foods fortified?

Your problems could also have little to do with the way you eat. Can you ask someone who knows you for their opinion about your situation?

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I don't see any significant amount of protein here. If you could specify what you mean by pulses it would help.

And you may be intolerant to some food or food type like gluten or dairy. If this is the case and you're intolerant to gluten having wheat as a major ingredient in your diet isn't going to help you in any way.

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Try to find something that makes sense. From what I understand you have trouble getting enough food in and keeping weight on. If that's the case then include more calorie dense foods. It might be that you're feeling shit because of a caloric deficit. It's the easiest answer I can come up with. Nuts, seeds, fatty foods might help as they have less volume and therefore more caloric density. Peanut-butter-banana, or apple with whole-wheat bread are super filling. Smoothies maybe? Throw in bananas, berries, whatever you want to, even green veggies. If it tastes nice then smoothies go down really easy.

Another solution I come up with is to start exercising, even just running like 30 mins every day or every other day. They might boost your appetite and make you eat more than you lose with exercise.

If the problem is that foods don't taste well then maybe commit to learning how to cook better. Start with 1 meal that you want to perfect for your taste buds. Or just dabble around at first and then find the best nutritous foods for you. A healthy diet is the one you can stick with, and the one you stick with is generally the one which tastes good and satisfies you.

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I heard some yogi talking about how appetite relates to health. And from my experience it’s so true. When I’m sick I don’t have any appetite..And when I’m healthy I eat a lot.
Are you working out? Do u do any sport activities? Are u challenging your body constantly?(Even solving math problems counts)

It helped me.

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Where are the fruits and veggies? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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I am not surprised you feel that way. Rice is fine, cottage cheese is fine, potatoes are fine, and the beans are fine; however you are limiting your access to key nutrients such as B12, Vitamin A, creatine, and maybe more through this diet.

I'd recommend replacing wheat products with vegetables, fruits, or seeds. What I like to eat is broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts (good for soup), carrots, apples, oranges, kiwis, pineapples, and hemps seeds.

I'd recommend adding eggs & chicken. - protein sources  - get pasture raised sources if you can.

I'd recommend adding extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and nuts for healthier fats.


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   I'd recommend researching food combining, because some foods don't combine as well.

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I think you seriously need to add some animal protein to your diet, around 1-1,5gs of protein times your bodyweight in kg. Beef, pork, lamb, eggs, fish etc. Eating 3 meals per day could be better for you. Dairy products is pretty good if you want to gain weight.

Deep Nutrition by Cate Shanahan is a pretty good book.

Good luck!

Edited by Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj


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Dude, you are eating very very low amounts of protein borderline dangerously low. You need to add A LOT more protein in your diet

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Pretty much you got all the answers you needed about nutrition. What you should also focus on is that your thinking is a bit of disorder oriented. Stop thinking about food so much and don't stress about it. Just follow a more balanced diet - ask for nutritionist help - you need to eat from more food groups.

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I would suggest you to include healthy fats such as avocado instead of butter, reduce the carbohydrates and remove bread, include only potatoes or rice cakes. Chickpeas are ok but you should eat more protein such as eggs, or chicken from time to time. As for the 3 meals per day, that's a myth! You need to make sure that your food is rich in nutrients and you have a balanced diet. Though you can eat more if you want to gain more weight, but that doesn't mean that it is more healthy.

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1 hour ago, Vagos said:

Dude, you are eating very very low amounts of protein borderline dangerously low. You need to add A LOT more protein in your diet

We do not know how much protein Kross consumes.

Several posters have been making similar assumptions based on food groups and other superstitions. In particular, people who do not have metabolic or digestive issues such do not need to eat any animal protein.

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For whatever amount of protein that is necessary, can I depend on almonds only, instead of milk, meat, or eggs ? 

Never eaten meat in my life (no religious reasons or such, my family just doesn't like it, but I've not taken any vow against meat, might consider to eat in future if necessary) and have some problems regarding milk. Eggs too, have only eaten a few times but open to experiment more with them if beneficial.

Edited by Kross

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