
For those who walk backwards (post - enlightenment)

93 posts in this topic

2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

@Someone here I know everything I'm supposed to know right now

Which is nothing. 

All Your terminology means absolutely nothing except to you.    "Light" ?  What on earth is that supposed to mean other than whatever you imagine that means?  Same with "frequency" " pure white" "dance" and all the baggage.. There is no path.. No right no wrong..no knowledge.. No "traps".. No deleued ones and enlightened ones.. No higher no lower.. No questions no answers.. No meanings to words.. No absolute facts independent from the perspective...

It's just a dance. It's just whatever it is as it is with or without whatever you think or not think what is actually is or isn't. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Which is nothing. 

You mean; everything?

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

All Your terminology means absolutely nothing except to you.

Except to me who does not exist?

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

"Light" ?  What on earth is that supposed to mean other than whatever you imagine that means? 

Have you never seen Light? Have you never gazed at the Sunlight? Do you have a lightbulb in your house? That's literally Light. It means what it actually is. 

Also; I double dare you to imagine nothing.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Same with "frequency" " pure white" "dance" and all the baggage..

Are you saying you don't understand my language? My way of expressing things? Well, bummer. It is the way it is. 

Frequency...is literally frequency. Maybe if you pay close attention you'll be able to pick up on it; right now. If not; Google it. Find a sample of a wavelength. 

Pure white...is literally pure white. Do you have a flashlight? Point it directly into your eyes. There you go.

Dancing...is what you and I are doing right now.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

There is no path.. No right no wrong..no knowledge.. No "traps".. No deleued ones and enlightened ones.. No higher no lower.. No questions no answers.. No meanings to words.. No absolute facts independent from the perspective...

Can you think of any other word that you can combine with 'no'? 

Is there no yes? 

No no?

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

It's just a dance. It's just whatever it is as it is with or without whatever you think or not think what is actually is or isn't. 

Now there is Truth in that. 

There is a dance. But not without me.

It is what it is and I am free to think whatever I feel like thinking about it. And guess what? It totally and quite literally matters.

Edited by ivankiss

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7 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

is what it is and I am free to think whatever I feel like thinking about it. And guess what? It totally and quite literally matters. 

Sure. Nothing else matters.  Even that doesn't matter unless "you" say it does.  


Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Even that doesn't matter unless "you" say it does. 

It matters simply because of the obviousness of its presence.

13 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Sure. Nothing else matters.

'So close, no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

And nothing else matters'


Thank you.

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I don't really get it, however, i wanted to ask, do you have the experience of being infinite as you percieve the world? I partially do when i really remind myself some of the timeless truths i know or some other things i know. Even sitting in one place and not doing amything. I am getting more and more results, but i just want it to happen.

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14 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I see a lot of folks here clinging to the idea of 'nothing, noself, nobody, meaninglessness' ect. Tons of 'this is not real, that does not exist, it's all an illusion'. And since having gone through the same phases myself

Who has been through the "nothing, no self, nobody, meaninglessness" phase and who walked out the other side? A self claiming  that it is no self is nothing appearing as that. What is pointed too in nothing is something indescribable. It is everything and nothing. It is real, and unreal in the sense that it's only reality is the appearance of it. Empty fullness. If there is still an apparent position within the body of @ivankiss then that is what is happening in empty fullness, the dream for @ivankiss is that he is on his way to fullfilment. He will never be able to see that which is before him. 

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7 hours ago, Applegarden said:

I don't really get it

Try smiling while reading - you might get it more that way ?

7 hours ago, Applegarden said:

i wanted to ask, do you have the experience of being infinite as you percieve the world? 

Well...it's not really an experience of being infinite as much as it is just simply being infinite.

7 hours ago, Applegarden said:

I partially do when i really remind myself some of the timeless truths i know or some other things i know. Even sitting in one place and not doing amything. I am getting more and more results, but i just want it to happen.

That's awesome. Imo; the easiest way to remind yourself of your infinitude is to simply say to yourself: 'holy fuck! This is all happening now!' 

There is nothing you should know in order to be infinite. The Infinite knows everything.

7 hours ago, traveler said:

Who has been through the "nothing, no self, nobody, meaninglessness" phase and who walked out the other side? 

Infinitely intelligent, endlessly awesome, heavenly divine and absolutely badass Light.

7 hours ago, traveler said:

A self claiming  that it is no self is nothing appearing as that. 

A self claiming that it is nothing is a self that jerks off a lot to the idea of nothing. I know because I did it, too.

I was unable to accept myself fully. I was unable to face certain aspects of me. I was afraid of seeing and loving the 'ugliness' in me. The pain. The confusion. The devastation. The solitude. The loss. The desperation. The sorrow. The shadow. The martyr.

That's why I jerked off frequently and furiously to 'nothing' and 'illusion' and 'non-existence'

7 hours ago, traveler said:

 What is pointed too in nothing is something indescribable. It is everything and nothing. It is real, and unreal in the sense that it's only reality is the appearance of it. Empty fullness. 

Yes. Ok.

But that's still polarity at play. It's still the mind's view on the Infinite. Similarly to how the mind can get caught up in a paradox...and the heart has no idea what a paradox is. Real and unreal or real vs unreal is just the mind dividing things to create understanding. Even if it seems like it's unifying.

7 hours ago, traveler said:

If there is still an apparent position within the body of @ivankiss then that is what is happening in empty fullness, the dream for @ivankiss is that he is on his way to fullfilment. He will never be able to see that which is before him. 

I'll put it this way for you to understand;

Ivan has been completely surrendered to the Light. Annihilated - if you prefer the word. 

Then... 'Resurrected'.

'Redesigned'. 'Recreated'. 'Reborn'.

Light has no need to deny or negate Ivan or anything else for that matter, in order to be Light. From God's point of view; that's just hilarious. 

It is what Ivan used to do... Deny his own existence. - Not Light.

Light is too busy being perfect and whole.

Ivan is light (lowercase)

Light is Ivan (uppercase)

Oneness is the sum total of everything(including 'nothing'). It is all-inclusive. All-encompassing.

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss There is no one here, or I'll put it in a way you understand: there is only light.

Edited by traveler

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@traveler 'There is no Light here, but there is only Light' - is what you are saying.

Final attempts of resistance.



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The tension of perspectives is palpable. 

I have nothing to had but it gets me every time that to be separate inherently means that there's tension involved.

I was hanging out with friends the other day and it hit me that what the whole scene was is tension manifest in unfadomable ways. Reminded me of like a major 7 chord or something lol it wasn't that tense

Sailing on the ceiling 


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12 minutes ago, Rigel said:

The tension of perspectives is palpable. 

I have nothing to had but it gets me every time that to be separate inherently means that there's tension involved.

I was hanging out with friends the other day and it hit me that what the whole scene was is tension manifest in unfadomable ways. Reminded me of like a major 7 chord or something lol it wasn't that tense

Yes, but how satisfying it is to resolve that tension and arrive home ? Infinite chord progressions... Only one Home. Infinite colours... Only one Light.


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1 hour ago, ivankiss said:

@traveler 'There is no Light here, but there is only Light' - is what you are saying.

Final attempts of resistance.


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5 minutes ago, traveler said:



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2 minutes ago, ivankiss said:


How can you discern a light "here" if there is only light? There would be no position to know light (if "light" is the word we are going to use for what is), it wouldn't even be light it would be just as much "void" or "dark" or "soda-pop". This is the reason "nothing" is used, because calling this "light" is just not as direct, imo. You have a resistance to the words nothing, no one, no self because it implies that you're not real, and most importantly but very awfully for you: you're not special.

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@traveler What part of 'I used to jerk off to the idea of nothing, unreal and nonexistent' did you not get? 

I am aware exactly of what you are talking about here. Maybe even more than you yourself are. That's how special I am.

Nothing you say here is not something I myself have not told before; to myself and others. I used the same bundle of words. I stood for the exact same things you stand for. For the exact same nothing. Then Light burned me alive and I could hold on to 'nothing' and 'nobody' no more. It simply was no longer possible. No longer true. Call it a 'natural progression'.

Am I jerking off to 'Light' now? I suppose - yes.

But at least it's actual, real, ever-present and unconditionally loving.

It is true (to me and beyond)


Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss There is no one here that is aware of it, but you clearly are very aware of something (or what you like to call it: nothing), hehe.

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@traveler 'Nothing' is freakin' literally just LIGHT, god damn it! ? It's actually and totally for realz just freakin' LIGHT! 

It cannot be 'nothing' and it cannot be 'no one' because it is just Light. Love-Light. Right here; right now. It's magical.

'Negative space' or even 'the shadow' or 'darkness'...are actually Light, too. Just distorted.

That which is unseen and unknown is all that is seen and all that is known. It's freakin' One. And it is self-aware. ?

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1 hour ago, traveler said:

How can you discern a light "here" if there is only light? 

By Being Light.

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11 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

That which is unseen and unknown is all that is seen and all that is known.


12 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

'Nothing' is freakin' literally just LIGHT, god damn it! ?


3 hours ago, traveler said:

@ivankiss There is no one here, or I'll put it in a way you understand: there is only light.

You are the only one making distinctions between "nothing" and "light." 

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Just now, traveler said:

You are the only one making distinctions between "nothing" and "light." 

Deliberately, on purpose and for a reason.

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