
For those who walk backwards (post - enlightenment)

93 posts in this topic

You might not be aware of this... but everything you are going through is actually happening in reverse. Backwards.

You are remembering everything into actuality. You are being retracted back into Absolute Zero. There's nothing you can do about it, really. It's all you are meant to do.

The Shift happens when you let yourself become totally devoured by 'The Great Nothing'. He who cannot be named will then (not) step through and (not) come out the other side of... The Light - as Light. The Non-Nothing. The Non-NoSelf. The Realized. The fully initiated and activated. The Awake. The Enlightened. The Ascended. 

That's what 'Enlightenment' truly is. It's stepping through the Light. Quite Literally. 

If everything you can perceive - think, sense and breathe doesn't turn into infinite, pure white - it's not full Enlightenment. Just a glimpse perhaps. A breath of consciousness.

Some might even be so unused to a quite mind and the effortlessness of being...that they assume the release of the stored junk in their fields is what enlightenment is. It is absolutely amazing and truly freeing, yes. Really beautiful.

But not Enlightenment.

Only Light is Enlightenment.

You see 'Nothing' because you are approaching The Light. It is blinding  your senses. Melting them down, even. 

As long as you can observe 'it' from a safe distance, or even observe at all... You are still walking backwards. Still going through the disintegration process.

Remember now; if you do not not take this note that does not not exist seriously... Not Nothing will happen. Regardless.

The Nothingness in me does not recognize The Non Nothingness in No You.






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Yeah bro I'm dancing on a rainbow eating pink cotton candy can't wait to go ride my unicorn and then off to Puff the Magic Dragon Land...

So much light

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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In fact once I make sure my parents are being responsible by paying all my bills I'm off to puffy puff land...

Puff where you at... here I come you crazy Dragon you

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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13 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

Yeah bro I'm dancing on a rainbow eating pink cotton candy can't wait to go ride my unicorn and then off to Puff the Magic Dragon Land...

So much light

lol . you are over thinking  you already know what he means.  that is the trick. because it brings a lot of other stuff :) , you see light but its blurry, you don't understand why, until the veil in your eyes goes away. 

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@cnfvm ❤ you are graduated why are you here. Go live life ❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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1 minute ago, VeganAwake said:

@cnfvm ❤ you are graduated why are you here. Go live life ❤

lol. if that is true or false, you wouldn't know. never. maybe i am just lying to your face :)

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Yes so true.. it is what it is ,what can be done, and who could do it. ?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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It's funny because it's true. ?

'Dude I'm soo nothing and nobody right now that I think I might as well embrace everything and everybody' 

@VeganAwake You clearly do not realize the non importance of what's not being said ?

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Yes absolutely it doesn't matter at all.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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18 hours ago, ivankiss said:

Some might even be so unused to a quite mind and the effortlessness of being...that they assume the release of the stored junk in their fields is what enlightenment is. It is absolutely amazing and truly freeing, yes. Really beautiful.

But not Enlightenment.

Only Light is Enlightenment.

You see 'Nothing' because you are approaching The Light. It is blinding  your senses. Melting them down, even.

Beautiful! Very relevant to the process that's happening here right now. It's so confusing, and yet so sacred and clear. Thank you! ?

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19 hours ago, ivankiss said:

You might not be aware of this... but everything you are going through is actually happening in reverse. Backwards.

You are remembering everything into actuality. You are being retracted back into Absolute Zero. There's nothing you can do about it, really. It's all you are meant to do.

The Shift happens when you let yourself become totally devoured by 'The Great Nothing'. He who cannot be named will then (not) step through and (not) come out the other side of... The Light - as Light. The Non-Nothing. The Non-NoSelf. The Realized. The fully initiated and activated. The Awake. The Enlightened. The Ascended. 

That's what 'Enlightenment' truly is. It's stepping through the Light. Quite Literally. 

If everything you can perceive - think, sense and breathe doesn't turn into infinite, pure white - it's not full Enlightenment. Just a glimpse perhaps. A breath of consciousness.

Some might even be so unused to a quite mind and the effortlessness of being...that they assume the release of the stored junk in their fields is what enlightenment is. It is absolutely amazing and truly freeing, yes. Really beautiful.

But not Enlightenment.

Only Light is Enlightenment.

You see 'Nothing' because you are approaching The Light. It is blinding  your senses. Melting them down, even. 

As long as you can observe 'it' from a safe distance, or even observe at all... You are still walking backwards. Still going through the disintegration process.

Remember now; if you do not not take this note that does not not exist seriously... Not Nothing will happen. Regardless.

The Nothingness in me does not recognize The Non Nothingness in No You.






I think I get what your trying to say and its got Truth to it, but there's more or other that can be said, not higher not lower, just more ways to expressing "IS".  Also a danger with what your saying is it creates an idea of a process or path or steps that must be met to Reality or that someone is incomplete still before this "Enlightenment"


Your saying that some word "enlightenment" (which isn't anything but IS) only happens when something called FULL light happens is only true in the sense that everything is true because there is only IS, not because IS only happens when FULL light is reached.

What I'm talking about has been said in many different ways, some of which I think your familiar with is the expression; form is emptiness and emptiness is form.

Not two, is another, some even go as far to say and I understand why, in saying Not two, Not one, and Not nothing.

I may have to elaborate. 

One God experience so to say is, living a human life with the unquestioned tangible experience that they a separate individual on a real place called material earth.  Then somehow they get a tiny taste out of that leading eventually to a giant shift into formless awakening.  They could live eons with this new experience so to say, and then one day have another awakening, that the formless was not whats Absolute and that Form and Formless where both or make up the Absolute.  Eons go by and they eventually see that Form and Formless aren't two "somethings" that when you add together you form the whole, but that the Whole always IS and the Form and Formless are just words and experiences or expressions of Reality/IS/Whole.

Sure sometimes you have to meet particulars on where they are at so to say to help, and perhaps that was your intention, but as a general statement I feel like this may only continue some idea of a duality of there's light and theres not light, or theres real and not real, or theres enlightenment, and then theres being wrong because you don't see whats real.





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@peanutspathtotruth I am glad you find that helpful ? 

Hi @Mu_ Thank you for adding your thoughts.

Not sure if you picked up on the comedy aspect here. In a sense; this was a shitpost lol. - Which does not mean there is no purpose for it. My intention here was to nudge some members. Hence the sense of there being a duality or the impression of me telling what's right or wrong. Hence the distortion between the lines.

My true intention is not to create a division. Rather; to elevate the standards - if you will.

I see a lot of folks here clinging to the idea of 'nothing, noself, nobody, meaninglessness' ect. Tons of 'this is not real, that does not exist, it's all an illusion'. And since having gone through the same phases myself; I feel like offering an alternate and perhaps 'upgraded' perspective on things is just natural. I am enjoying this very much. I love expressing and sharing my thoughts here.

I aimed to point out the ridiculousness of endless and mindless negation and...well...denial. Which is not liberation - imo. It is segregation and not unification. Dissociation and not detachment. Exclusion and not inclusion. Disintegration and not integration. Checking out and not committing absolutely. Denying cowardly and not embracing fearlessly.

So yeah. Duality.

But so what? It's coming from the heart. 

There might not be a false path but there surely can be an irrelevant and inappropriate one. And jumping on a bandwagon when it comes to this 'work' is not a smart idea. Following blindly instead of taking our own steps can be dangerous. I think there were quite a few examples of members losing it hard on this forum. All because of forcing themselves down the 'wrong' road. Playing with fire. Not respecting the magnitude and sheer complexity of this work. Not recognizing or appreciating the simplicity of it. Not embracing the beauty of it.

That is why I enjoy nudging some folks here - from time to time. But it is not my main interest, really. I am doing my own thing here; for the purpose of my own 'evolution'. But if I feel like dancing - I won't stop myself from dancing.

Sometimes the love in my words is undeniable. Other times it is disguised as a provocative argument. Certainty and confidence are qualities of God - after all.

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This Truth arguments are so stupid. You created a strong spiritual ego that says that my belief is better/accurate than the other but without understanding that this is just another belief. 
No words are the Truth because all words are within it. Those words are just pointers, different people resonate with different pointers. 
IMO it’s a very childish post and hurts the feelings of other members.

Good luck <3

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@Heaven It is meant to trigger. Not to hurt feelings though. 

Not the purest post - but not the stupidest around here, either.

Thank you.

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13 minutes ago, Heaven said:

This Truth arguments are so stupid. You created a strong spiritual ego that says that my belief is better/accurate than the other but without understanding that this is just another belief. 
No words are the Truth because all words are within it. Those words are just pointers, different people resonate with different pointers. 
IMO it’s a very childish post and hurts the feelings of other members.

Good luck <3

 yes and some times shaking needs to occur or what appears as childlike behavior that hurts feelings.

It reminds me of a story when papaji shook gangaji telling her to stop repeatedly. 

She instantly recognized it was her own mind causing the issues.

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@ivankiss you don't know shit.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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