
For those who walk backwards (post - enlightenment)

93 posts in this topic

12 minutes ago, traveler said:

You obviously don't hear what is being said. 

Right back at ya.

12 minutes ago, traveler said:

You just want to argue

I am actually helping you. You are welcome. And thank you for helping me, too.

13 minutes ago, traveler said:

I'm not going to play along anymore. 

Alright then. I salute you.

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1 hour ago, Nak Khid said:

what about walking sideways?

That's an entire new thread.

A few more thoughts come to mind...

For those who might not get the metaphor... 'Walking backwards' is thinking/believing yourself to be your own reflection in the mirror. The process of 'remembering' that you are actually the one looking into the mirror is happening 'backwards' and I refer to it in this thread as 'the process of disintegration'. Why? Because you quite literally disintegrate into Light. Dissolve into it. Melt into it. It is as real as it gets.

'Steping through Light' and 'Coming out on the other side' is meant to point to the emergence of the 'True Self'. The real, fully activated, authentic, fearlessly loving You. I am pointing towards Beingness. Actuality. Love. Light. 

What happens is that Being then simply is, and it knows it is simply because it sees itself in the mirror (consciousness). It no longer sees things backwards. It is disillusioned. It knows itself for what it actually is and it also knows the mirror for what it is. It does not negate the mirror. It does not deny the mirror. It does not look away. It does not hide away. Being simply is. And the mirror simply mimics and reflects what is.

It's the most beautiful, miraculous and mind-blowinglly awesome thing - ever. 

It's Light, ya'all. And it loves each and every one of you. Infinitely and forever. It could not do anything else but love you unconditionally even if it tried, for a million years. It loves all your quirks and features. All your curves and edges. All your perfect imperfections. Yes, I totally just quoted the lyrics of that song, randomly. ?

I Am The Light - The Light I Am.

As you are, too.

Blessed be your name.

Edited by ivankiss

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21 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

That's an entire new thread.

A few more thoughts come to mind...

For those who might not get the metaphor... 'Walking backwards' is thinking/believing yourself to be your own reflection in the mirror.


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@Nak Khid Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I see the beauty and meaning of what he said. But I also see the limitations.

I know it's just a 5 minute cut... But I find it outstanding that he never once mentioned the breath - while talking about walking meditation. Breathing into the steps of sorrow. Walking and breathing no matter how 'imperfect' our steps seem to be. No matter what is being seen, no matter what is being felt. 

He mentions 'no destination', too. And then presents destination: 'walking peacefully and joyfully'. He skips the steps in between. The true power of a conscious breath.

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On 27/07/2020 at 7:34 PM, ivankiss said:

You might not be aware of this... but everything you are going through is actually happening in reverse. Backwards.

You are remembering everything into actuality.

DejaVuddha ???

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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1 minute ago, ivankiss said:

@Nak Khid Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I see the beauty and meaning of what he said. But I also see the limitations.

I know it's just a 5 minute cut... But I find it outstanding that he never once mentioned the breath - while talking about walking meditation. Breathing into the steps of sorrow. Walking and breathing no matter how 'imperfect' our steps seem to be. No matter what is being seen, no matter what is being felt. 

He mentions 'no destination', too. And then presents destination: 'walking peacefully and joyfully'. He skips the steps in between. The true power of a conscious breath.

the breath would be a distraction  to this form of meditation


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ever heard of Déjà rêvé? It means already dreamed. Its not so much like premonition dreaming, but the way I experience it will be like things I see in dreams that seem random will actually appear the next day. Had two today, simultaneously, at work. To explain it would be hard because I'm a dog groomer, but for example: I dream of a blue butterfly passing by and the next day there's one dead under the bench.  

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance That's awesome. Sounds like some epic synchronicity.

Did not hear of the term before. But I vibe with what you described. All this dream stuff...man...so fascinating. So exciting. So beautiful. 

All the dreamlands. All the dream characters. Really, truly breath-taking.

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9 hours ago, ivankiss said:

What happens is that Being then simply is, and it knows it is simply because it sees itself in the mirror (consciousness).

You don't see yourself in the mirror. You are everywhere, not only in the mirror. Reality is a mirror of you, more precisely - you.

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21 minutes ago, Member said:

You don't see yourself in the mirror. You are everywhere, not only in the mirror. Reality is a mirror of you, more precisely - you.

Sure. It was yet another metaphor ?

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