
For those who walk backwards (post - enlightenment)

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3 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Deliberately, on purpose and for a reason.

Go on? 

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The finger and the moon.. 



my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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4 minutes ago, traveler said:

Go on? 

Litterally spreading Light onto this forum, where there seems to be so much 'nothing' and so many 'nobodies' and endless 'illusion'.

Also; offering an opportunity to realize another, perhaps lighter and more loving way of doing this 'work'.

But hey - I needed to burn in order to realign, too. Blaming or judging anyone is not my intention, at all.

You do your thing. I'll do mine.

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16 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Litterally spreading Light onto this forum, where there seems to be so much 'nothing' and so many 'nobodies' and endless 'illusion'.

Also; offering an opportunity to realize another, perhaps lighter and more loving way of doing this 'work'.

But hey - I needed to burn in order to realign, too. Blaming or judging anyone is not my intention, at all.

You do your thing. I'll do mine.

Okay! That is apparently what is happening. The purpose of it is based on a dream though. Light also implies non seriousness, so don't take words so seriously.The light message seems very dense and forced to me, especially when it apparently has a very strong defiance to apparent words within it.


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Is light a wave or a particle? Is enlightenment nothing or is it light? If it's nonduality, not two, then how come we have the word two and the word not to name what we're talking about in the first place? There's no resolution, no ending. Thank GOD for that cause otherwise, this, (whatever the fuck this is, cause I don't know) wouldn't be so much fun. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@travelerGotcha, cool.

I was smiling and laughing before I even created this thread. As I said; I truly enjoy this. And I also see meaning and value in our conversations. Thank you for joining in.

And yeah, JP is hilarious ? 


Also wanted to create and add to this thread the following scenario;

Imagine a clueless seeker just beginning their spiritual journey. They come across two paths.

Path A says:

'You are nothing, you have never been born, you don't exist, your entire life is a lie, none of this has ever happened, nothing is real. You only ever speak to yourself. You're even having sex with yourself. You have never felt a touch of another. Never heard a voice of another. Even this message is just a hallucination at play. To realize this Truth for yourself you must be annihilated once and for all. You must die, now.'

Path B says:

'You are much, much more than you believed yourself to be up until now. You are not only your thoughts. Not only your body. Not only your circumstances. Not only your past. You are everything and everywhere. You are pure, unconditionally loving Light. To realize this Truth for yourself you must find courage and faith within your being to follow your heart. Only Love can liberate you.'

In time; the seeker will inevitably come full circle - no matter which path he chooses. All paths lead Home. It's just a matter of resonance and relevance.

Path A is a path of disintegration. It is driven by the mind and it is, imo, filled with much more and much nastier traps and 'egotrips'. 

Path B is what's commonly known as the 'middle way' - I suppose. It is driven by the heart. It is a path of integration, affirmation, authenticity, radical acceptance and unconditional Love. 

Those who walk on path A... Are walking backwards. Only to arrive home and embrace the crap out of everything that's in front them.

Edited by ivankiss

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19 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Is light a wave or a particle? Is enlightenment nothing or is it light? If it's nonduality, not two, then how come we have the word two and the word not to name what we're talking about in the first place? There's no resolution, no ending. Thank GOD for that cause otherwise, this, (whatever the fuck this is, cause I don't know) wouldn't be so much fun. 



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30 minutes ago, mandyjw said:



Haha! Now that's some next level shit ? Reminded me of 'don't hug me I'm scared'

30 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Is light a wave or a particle? Is enlightenment nothing or is it light? 

All conclusions are the mind's way of trying to grasp magic.

30 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

If it's nonduality, not two, then how come we have the word two and the word not to name what we're talking about in the first place? 

Because Infinity. Because absolutely everything that could possibly exist; exists. 

And also because; the mind and polarization.

30 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

There's no resolution, no ending. Thank GOD for that 


Precisely! When one is done pretending to be nothing, they continue by being everything and loving the crap out of it. No matter how seemingly opposing things seem to get ?

Edited by ivankiss

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@ivankiss cue the eye rolls, but do paths a and b resonate based on left brain, right brain dominance?  Path b is very intuitively driven. (not that path a isn't, to a degree)  what are the major traps of path b? 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@traveler :x

4 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Haha! Now that's some next level shit ? 


5 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

All conclusions are the mind's way of trying to grasp magic.

Magic is all mine mother fuckers. End of story. You'll never find my horcruxes so don't bother looking or writing a story about it to thrill the imaginations of boys and girls. They'll just love to hate me. 

5 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@ivankiss cue the eye rolls, but do paths a and b resonate based on left brain, right brain dominance?  Path b is very intuitively driven. (not that path a isn't, to a degree)  what are the major traps of path b? 

Rupert Spira talks about them as Vedantic and Tantric paths. The two paths are one, both are needed but differentiating between them can be quite helpful. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@ivankiss @mandyjw do you think insights are biased somehow towards one of these paths, or towards what you hear people say the most? although I am talking about genuine insights, not regurgitation. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance Insights themselves are tantric. Insights can only point to what is not, they are only pointers, never anything more than that even those they may coincide with profound changes in feeling or your state. Because there is no "not" you can only deny the false. Everything is false. Insights point to love or they point to denial, love itself is the great denial, the great Unknowing. There's no two paths, because there's not even a destination. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Nak Khid Nice!

13 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

do paths a and b resonate based on left brain, right brain dominance?

I suppose you could put it that way, yes. I'm no brain specialist; but I guess I understand what you mean.

There's a lot of ways to point out that duality.

I flow with 'the analytical mind' and 'the creative heart'. 

24 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

what are the major traps of path b? 

Screaming love and light in everyone's face when they did not ask for it. Becoming aggressively passionate in expression - instead of being calmly confident and steady. Withholding love and compassion from those who do not radiate love and compassion. Being judgemental. Being naive. Being a people-pleaser. Being a saviour. Being a martyr. Etc.

18 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

There's no two paths, because there's not even a destination. 

Yes. But also; bullshit.

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6 hours ago, traveler said:

How can you discern a light "here" if there is only light? There would be no position to know light (if "light" is the word we are going to use for what is), it wouldn't even be light it would be just as much "void" or "dark" or "soda-pop". This is the reason "nothing" is used, because calling this "light" is just not as direct, imo. You have a resistance to the words nothing, no one, no self because it implies that you're not real, and most importantly but very awfully for you: you're not special.

haha, lol, this discussion is funny between you and ivankiss

There truly is no one here, and nothing going on, except Light/Love/God/The Self/Nothingness dancing with Itself

End of discussion right?:>

Calling it "nothing" or "light" doesn't matter, both words are - objectively - equally direct and indirect. Sure, to you, traveler, no-self/nothingness/nothing seems more fitting, while to ivankiss "Light" seems more fitting. To me, Love or God is most fitting.
But hey, The Absolute/The Divine/The Godhead/Nothingness expresses itself in infinite ways. It is the SAME Nothingness, or the Same Light, just in different flavours/frequencies, perceived slightly different, and expressed slightly different by different "avatars" (human beings:D).

Sure, he has a resistance to the words nothing, no one or no self. But you have a resistance to "Light", haha. 

Sure, no one is real, no one is special, which means that everyone is The Divine, everything is Nothingness/Light, and Everything and Everyone are infinitely special/mysterious. 

Hehe. <3


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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@ivankiss ha yeah, I've always been stuck in that 'left hand, right brain, more creative' mind set. Probably because I'm left handed ?️

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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7 hours ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

Sure, he has a resistance to the words nothing, no one or no self. But you have a resistance to "Light", haha. 

The seed that's growing into the flower has no resistance towards being the seed. It's simply reaching out to the Light ? 

38 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

ha yeah, I've always been stuck in that 'left hand, right brain, more creative' mind set. Probably because I'm left handed ?️

Feel ya ?

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I think what's being pointed out and sort of getting lost in the sauce of discussion, is that with this work, when the ego/separate 'self' feels threatened or gets rattled, it recognizes its own possible death. It goes in the super stealth sneaky spiritual ego mode... it's very cunning.

 it says this is it... we've achieved it, we are the new higher self, true self, the I AM, etc. It becomes the new spiritual do-gooder ego... and why would we want to get rid of that when it's so good.

see when everything is completely let go of, there's nothing for the ego to hold on to or identify with any longer...

for the first time it recognizes the ship is going down and it doesn't have a life preserver... for the first time it sees its own unreality... to die before you die.

But don't count it out yet.... it kicks and blows bubbles all the way down( Dark Night of the Soul/ego backlash)

when it's no longer given oxygen it stays deflated underwater waiting for a hint of inflation.... hence the term inflated ego.

then for the first time everything is recognized as it is.... simply THIS.

Pure unconditional freedom for No One. Paradise!!




“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake Death of 'the ego', or anything else for that matter, is - in a sense - yet the beginning of one's actual 'work'.

And it involves no avoidance and no denial. Rather; sheer commitment and dedication.

Something that most of those who are still disintegrating would label as 'attachment'. But it is actually pure love, acceptance, freedom and joy of being.

Edited by ivankiss

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