Guest SirVladimir

You beautiful bastards! YOU are the purpose!

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The deafening beauty of yours jails me in awe, and yet seems shackled in thoughts, and oblivious to itself. Wake up, fellow being! I scream so desperately that waves crash onto shores. Awaken to the temple within! I scream with my lungs dry.

To everyone stuck in finding their life purpose: You are not lacking your purpose. It is buried within, it is there, right now, it is there. It is written deeper than you can imagine. It seems hard to find, because it is so obvious. Your face is pressed against the glass.

If you are like I was, this is exactly what you need to hear: Drop off any sort of practicality that's holding you back. Your life purpose doesn't need to satisfy someone else. Raise the middle finger to that. Life purpose is your perfect reflection, a mirror. Read these paragraphs again until you see it. 

Is it a crazy purpose like building cities underwater? Great! Do you wish to see genetically modified snail pets that produce DMT? Go for it! Do you want to become a treasure hunter and document your findings? Turn the camera on, already! I'm seriously telling you, you are perfect. Embrace the insanity. Don't feel like you're alone -- we are all insane too. I will give you example of my results from Leo's course. I couldn't acknowledge them aloud for the longest of time -- because I feared how impractical they would be.

My Zone of Genius: Exploring the beauty of the Universe.

Impact statement: To capture a human heart in immersion, taking it on a journey.

Ideal medium: Writing.

My #1 Question in life: Where lies the border between possible and impossible?

My top values: 

  1. Tranquility+Beauty+Adventure (interconnected)
  2. Intimacy 
  3. Humor

My top strength (obvious by now): Appreciation of beauty and excellence.

The Life Purpose: To bring people to authenticity and love by overwhelming them with Beauty.

So fear not, fellow being. Follow your heart beyond reason. The fucking childhood magic will be rediscovered and regained!




Edited by SirVladimir

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Congrats! I remember this section was the most gratifying part of the LP course. Felt good having it all clear on one paper :)


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@Michael569 Oh, my lovely ape. I'm happy for you too. :D The greatest deed will be now to overcome the #1 limiting belief that people are too ignorant to notice the divine beauty in themselves; and bring them to see the blossoming temple within. 

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Great post, and thank you.

But, what advice do you have for people suffering dark nights - what is the point / purpose in living if it's all an illusion. Why bother help people if we are all one ?

I don't mean to be negative, i'm just struggling to find REASON to follow my purpose. 

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@Stephen I have spent about three years in a dark night. About three years. Let that sink in. My friend, I do have an advice. One great indeed. Don't hold back the negativity. Embrace it. Feel it at its strongest. You are struggling to find reason, and it's fucking frustrating. Scream it aloud. It's okay to do that. If I could right now, I would come and sit with you in silence, and just hold you. After a while, the pain would just flow out.

Also, visit my response here. It might tackle a few neurons in you. In your case, I want you to explicitly imagine the top of the curve to be the Dark Night of the Soul period. In addition to that, it's a classic nihilistic trap. Yes, in a way, nothing has meaning -- but that includes the statement itself! And therefore to say that nothing has meaning, is meaningless. Which is ironic -- because when you look close enough, you'll notice that your mind perceives the statement "nothing is meaningful" AS meaningful. That creates a cognitive dissonance. 


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