
Emotional Mastery

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So I noticed that thoughts cause a emotions so if I detach myself from thoughts I'm in control of my emotions ? :P

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@NutellaTC :) 

Yes. And vice-versa. 

Only problem is, nobody ever was able to do that for the long term (life).

It's the YOU that is detaching from either that is the "issue" 



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@NutellaTC You choose what you focus on and think about. Sometimes I have memories I do not want to think about because it changes my mood and brings me down but I always have a back up plan to distract myself and change my focus on something more positive and something that is going to serve me.

You should try it too. As hard as it seems sometimes you are in control of your thoughts and emotions and sometimes you just need to be sad and have a cry or be angry for a while, but don't stay down too long. Make a decision to make the rest of your life the best of your life =)

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17 hours ago, Ayla said:

It's the YOU that is detaching from either that is the "issue"

Isn't it beautiful if you look how at some level there are thoughts arising that trigger let's say a bad emotion and shortly after that there comes a thought that one has to do something to get rid of the prior thoughts. Plus the narrator thoughts who says this has to stop is being fed with another thought and emotion of being the self suffering from this.

Of course this is really unpleasant if you are just completely identified and suffer from this - I know this myself a ... frickin' lot. But when you see these two thoughts arise and can see how they play with each other ... it is on some level the highest kind of game one could play with oneself, although I see the perversion in this.

I'm just fascinated. :/

18 hours ago, NutellaTC said:

So I noticed that thoughts cause a emotions so if I detach myself from thoughts I'm in control of my emotions ? :P

@NutellaTC, you are in total control of your emotions if you let them arise as they want. Now, this poses another question: "How can you let them arise as they want if you have the automatic reaction to stop them?" One answer is: You let this be as well. You let it be as it comes and just look at it, feel into it. In addition you can add some thoughts that say: "I'm sorry you have to feel so bad right now, I'm totally lost. You are so powerful."

Sounds kinda cheesy, right? Yeah, do that. Find out for yourself what happens. You cannot prevent a thought from happening and you cannot build a fence around you that just lets good thoughts arise. You can just let them arise and be understanding with them, because something seemed to trigger them that wasn't as pure and nice as you want to live. So let this go with the negative emotion / thought and bring it to its highest form by pleasing it and helping it to integrate.

If you let go completely of control ... it will come back and offer you the world.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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