
Liverwurst: A Miracle Food For Hypothyroidism

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Hey everyone,

I realize this topic is pretty niche but I wanted to share a diet addition that made a significant difference in my energy levels, body temperature, and metabolic rate.

I think that one reason hypothyroidism is becoming increasingly common in the US is that there's been a cultural shift away from the consumption of organ meats and towards eating muscle meats exclusively in the last 100 years. 

Liver, for example, is an organ meat that we now consume far less of as a culture. It is extremely nutrient-dense, and is packed full of vitamin A, Biotin, B12, zinc, and many more:


The only problem with pure liver is that it tastes bad. A good liverwurst, on the other hand, mixes liver with beef and spices, so it actually tastes pretty good!

US Wellness Meats has a healthy grass-fed one: https://grasslandbeef.com/grass-fed-beef-liverwurst

It tastes fine on its own, but I really enjoy integrating it into recipes (chili and shepherds pie are my favorites). 

I used to have a whole drawer full of zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, and about 10 other supplements that I would take on a daily basis, and it made no difference for me. It was only when I began getting nutrients from "supplement-like" superfoods (liverwurst, oysters, etc.) that I felt a significant difference in my quality of life. 

I'm not claiming that it's some sort of miracle cure, but integrating about half a pound of liverwurst per week into my diet has really been a game-changer:)

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Liver is higher in cholesterol than steak more likely than other meat products to contain high levels of pesticides (from animal feed), as well as antibiotics and other drugs that the animals may have been given. 

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The liver is like the toxic waste dump of an animal's body. So all the heavy metals and junk that animals are fed and watered will all get stored in the liver. And then you're gonna eat that :o

Can you even imagine the quality of the water that they use to raise those animals?

All those vitamins you can get from raw veggie juice.

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except for the b vitamins - which you might get from fermented foods... why do they say fermented foods are not good for thyroid issues?

i‘m not yet sure about which parts are myths and which parts are actually interfering - every autoimmune has some myths attached.

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animal organs have no place in human diet 

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26 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

animal organs have no place in human diet 

your liver is probably also full of b12 b6 - maybe even overdose :P

how good i don’t like humans.

Edited by remember

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Organ meat was sacred to the Native Americans. Though the quality and toxicity of farm raised meat is likely much different. 

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@Leo Gura 

“The liver does not filter toxins. Instead, the liver modifies them to make them less toxic, and to make them easier to excrete. This leads to their elimination in the feces and urine, not their retention in the liver” - Chris Masterjohn


The nutrients do exist in plants, but not in adequate quantities I believe.

I tried veganism/juicing/detoxing for a while. For me, it only made my symptoms worse. I was always freezing and had no energy. Fasting did the same thing.

While removing toxins is great, for me fixing my symptoms was much more about getting nutrients and calories in through whole food sources than getting toxins out.

I've tried pretty much every popular diet out there (veganism, low-carb, fasting, etc.). They all lowered my body temperature and metabolic rate. 

Raising the rate of metabolism with nutrient-dense foods like liverwurst, oysters, eggs, etc. and diligently tracking nutrient levels (zinc, selenium, vitamins A,D,E,K, etc.) was the only thing that could fix me. 

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On 2020.07.28. at 11:41 AM, Michael569 said:

animal organs have no place in human diet 

Roasted.... I agree.

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On 28/7/2020 at 9:30 AM, Leo Gura said:

The liver is like the toxic waste dump of an animal's body. So all the heavy metals and junk that animals are fed and watered will all get stored in the liver. And then you're gonna eat that :o

Can you even imagine the quality of the water that they use to raise those animals?

Would this still apply for 100% grass fed grass finished beef liver?  It's been said that It truly is packed with lots of vitamins and minerals, and specially Vitamin A in its most bioavailable form.


On 28/7/2020 at 9:30 AM, Leo Gura said:

All those vitamins you can get from raw veggie juice.

Do you have any toughts on the argument of "bioavailability"? I've heard plenty of sources claiming that you BARELY absorb any vitamin A from vegetables, and the best way to get any ammount of it would be from best quality beef liver, cod liver oil or the best egg yolks you can get your hands on.

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