
I'm Enlightened!

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I became enlightened last sunday! 

I wanted to share a song I wrote :)


I love my brothers and my friends,

I love my my mothers and their ends,

I love the cosmos and its stars,

I love the trees and all their scars.


Because its all one greater whole,

The harmony cant lose its hold,

With all the violence and its toll,

Destruction, hate, and toxic mold.


I love those things you hate the most,

I accept them and bring them home.

Theres nothing that should not be,

For the great Being is all their is.


I thank the Gods for my one life,

Enlightened souls have played their part,

So breathe in all this brand new life,

And joke with friends and foes alike,


For all the world is but a stage,

A stage for play and endless love... for... all.


I feel like Neo from the matrix and feel like everyone else is too but they just dont know it yet!

I love all you guys, you all are the best motherfuckers that exist for real.  Well everyone is... hehe.


Thank you!!!!!!!!!

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Yes I saw the mushroom video early in the morning and then I meditated for 3 hours that day in 1 hour blocks and apart from that contemplated alot, writing in my journal.  I did self inquiry a good amount too.  

When Leo said he had the moment of ego death and that he had never been born and that how would he explain it to his mom I didnt totally grasp what he was saying.

But during my meditation I realized that all the meanings/stories/contents of my thoughts are illusory like he explains in one of his videos.  And all of a sudden it clicked for me what he was saying about ego death and the fictions of our life stories.

I realized there is no good or bad meaning to life, it just is, with no meaning, and then its like everything is love, joy, peace, gratitude, humor...

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That is enlightenment? I'm enlightened then and I didn't even realize  But seriously, I meditate for about 60 minutes daily and after few minutes the 'voice' shuts up completely and I realize that all there is during remaining minutes is: visual field, external sounds, body sensations, visual thoughts, auditory thoughts and emotions. Every time i notice some new experience in my awareness i note it (I even have a number for each type of experience) and continue being aware.

So basically for an hour a day I stay in this ego-less state and I logically understand the illusory nature of "I", but during the day I'm still unconcious a great deal. I would never consider myself enlightened now and your description doesn't sound very convincing. Maybe Leo could share his thoughts on this.

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Ozzy I think that you dont understand that anything anyone says has no meaning.  Like for example right now you are looking at markings on a screen. Any meaning you make out of it is an ilusion.  Well its the same thing for all the meanings of all thoughts.  They are all ilusions.  

Edited by Nexeternity

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Cool @Nexeternity I am very happy for you, although there's no one to be happy!!!


Cool! I I would like to know a bit of the story about how was your path to enlightenment.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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An Awakening has occurred and a pretty deep one , nice

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@abrakamowse   Hey man!

I always thought something was off, like Neo in the matrix, like there was something I was missing.

I joined a spiritual community that taught me that everything is internal.

Then I found Mooji youtube videos and found out about non-duality and self inquiry.

Then Leo with his No free will, no morality, and self acceptance videos really helped me.  

I realized I could accept and love all of myself, all other people, and all situations.  Past, present, and future.  

I visualized myself hugging and loving Hitler, knowing he suffered a lot doing what he did, and that he did it because he was unconcious and had no free will not to do it.  And no morality so I cant judge him.

I visualized hugging and loving my ex gf that treated me badly, my dad, my ex boss, any one or any situation that I didnt like.  Even something simple like the pain of hitting my toe against something a few days ago, a few years ago, or even in the future.  I can love and appreciate all situations, people, and things.

And then the mushroom video really mobilized me.  Everytime I wanted to stop meditating during my 1 hour sessions I would remind myself that if I was enlightened I should have no problem meditating for 8 hours in one day (Meditation on Steroids video)  

And then it clicked.  I realized I can look out at reality without conceptualizing it, and if I do conceptualize it I am aware of it and see through the ilusion. 

Its an amazing way to live.

Its better than anything expected.  


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  On 8/3/2016 at 5:13 PM, Nexeternity said:

I visualized myself hugging and loving Hitler, knowing he suffered a lot doing what he did, and that he did it because he was unconcious and had no free will not to do it.  And no morality so I cant judge him.

He was a bad person whose actions killed millions of people (including my grandfather). If your actions hurt and kill innocent people it's morally wrong, period.

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@Nexeternity I think it was Jed McKenna that wrote that Buddhism doesn't produce Buddhas. I am glad does!  ;-)

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Guys I have super powers.

- I can flatten illusions of people talking around me and just hear the sounds.  I can do it with books, just see the markings.

-I see everything in ultra high HD, super crispy, and everything and everyone is beautiful.

-I can flatten the illusion of thoughts with negative meaning to disolve resistance or to not judge bad feelings as "bad" so I can conduct them better.


I feel like I love my ego, my mistakes, my monkey mind, my charged negative reactions to things.  Its like by loving them they show up way less.

I feel totally free and at the same time totally surrendered to whatever reality will show up with next.  

I know everything that was, everything that is, and everything that will be is what should be because thinking that its not is a fiction of my mind.  

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“I don't know what, I'd have to be a fucking poet to communicate your ignorance to you, it's so deep”


There is something in that can only awaken through your loss,

A fire that erodes all your thoughts,

Drown in the ocean of your Being,

Give yourself to the purifying light.


No words can describe the experience,

And they shall hide from the Truth as from their love,

Ignorance that breeds such suffering,

When all that exists cries out for your protection.


Let it in, let that light crack open your mind,

Turn the dry bitter tears to those of outstanding joy,

Disable your delusion, see through its fearful infusion,

Escape from hell, and turn your back, to its hate.  

Edited by Nexeternity

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  On 8/2/2016 at 7:29 PM, Nexeternity said:

I realized there is no good or bad meaning to life, it just is, with no meaning, and then its like everything is love, joy, peace, gratitude, humor...

Beautiful. ... beautiful. ... beautiful. ...

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@Nexeternity What's your next step? what is your life purpose now? Are you maintaining your current job? Switch careers? Become a life coach or spiritual teacher?

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@Eelco1981 I want to finish my psychology degree and also see how I can help other people get enlightened :)

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