
Empty State of Vagueness

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Feels pointless writing a post about all this I am going through. I am still writing this nonetheless, which means that I do see some point in it, doesn't it? 

I do not know what I mean by saying "I". Can give it a name, one description or another but names and descriptions are in a different realm than what I experience myself to be. Almost as if this "I" is an activity rather than an entity. This produced numbness IME. Feels like all these happenings just happen. No effort is made for them to happen. Meanings dismantle. All the ideas are seen as ideas. Limited and unnecessary therefore no action is taken to embrace and make them happen.

This state brought a feeling of what they call "non-doership". This sounds nice, right? Doesn't feel nice, though. Actually, it feels worse. And whats the worst about it is that I'm okay with it! Even feel happy about it. I feel like there is nothing to talk about, nothing to think about, nothing to do in life. This made me isolated AF. Friends are slipping away, family is slipping away, all meanings are slipping away. I am becoming lonelier and lonelier day by day. And you know what, I see no point in doing anything about it. It's like I really do not give a shit. On the contrary, I do care all about it. But this caring-not-caring warfare inside is what catches all of the attention therefore little to no attention is left for anything else. This isolated state is not satisfactory. No joy, no bliss. Only this "no-me" which is actually just a new "me". Sensations of frustration and wanting to get out comes up more frequently. I've caught myself wanting to brute-force abandon my mind while on DMT trip. I also feel like physical death wouldn't be something bad. That's one way of getting rid of this "I-thought". Easy way. Although even suicide feels ridiculously pointless. It's like I've reached a point where I no longer have a choice. All that is wanted is getting rid of the "I-thought". It feels like life is not worth living with this illusory assumption of a separate self.

I am considering leaving everything behind and going completely quiet, although this idea feels even more vague and lonely. Paradoxical, but at this point I feel like making it further by myself is very unlikely, if possible at all. On the contrary, am considering to start attending vipassana retreats, meditation retreats, psychedelic ceremonies ect. At the same time, putting trust in teachers sounds like a joke. However, as I have stated before, all these ideas are just mere ideas. It's like being stuck in observing without the ability to act on anything. I want this to end. Feel like wasting my life being in this "non-doer" state of shit.

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