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The Seven Deadly Sins

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Sin: an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.

  1. Pride: dangerously corrupt selfishness, the putting of one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of other people. The worst sin. It is the worst because it means you don't appreciate god and the fact that he created you. You have infringed copyright laws!
  2. Sloth: absence of interest or habitual disinclination to exertion.
  3. Greed: artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions.
  4. Gluttony: overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste.
  5. Lust: intense desire for things including sex, money and power.
  6. Wrath: uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred.
  7. Envy: resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else.

There seems to be an overarching theme in all of these sins. This theme is to be controlled by your carnal desires instead of paying attention to higher potentials. Pride, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust are all to do with being controlled by carnal desires. Of course these carnal desires are important to survival and are a part of being human, but once these are satisfied there are higher needs and potentials to fulfil. Think of Maslow's triangle.

The other sins, wrath and envy, can be integrated with the other sins to form the final overarching sin selfishness. Having such a small circle of concern to only include yourself and your own survival needs is animalistic and humans can rise above that. Whether we were designed to be separate from all other animals by god is questionable, but as far as I know humans have the greatest potential for compassion and the greatest possible circle of concern. This is where spiral dynamics comes in.

In a word, these sins are EEGOOOOO.

So these sins can be useful guidelines to self-actualization. Christians say that violating these sins leads to suffering, which I can validate in my own experience.

Pride leads to attachment, fear of losing what you have. Sloth leads to depression and guilt. Gluttony leads to health complications and distracts one from worthwhile goals. This includes lust and greed. Wrath leads to guilt, others hating you, a criminal record, etc. Envy results in resentment, anxiety, and depression.

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Pride is actually different from that. It concerns chasing after falsities, and is common among scientists.

Lust is similar to objectification. It means to pursue a person for sexual purposes. Sex is permitted under certain circumstances, but typically people do it wrong.

Adultery isn't mentioned, but is similar to desecration. It refers to a corruption. Sex with a married person is desecration of the marriage bond.

Edited by Artsu

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Interesting. Please tell me where you got that definition of pride because everywhere I look it is defined as inordinate self-esteem, feeling superior, etc.

Is it common among scientists because they make connections that no one else has seemingly made before, which makes them feel cognitively superior to all others? That would seem to fit my definition but not yours.

By your definition, is it common among scientists because they chase after things that will not ultimately fulfil them, or explanations of the physical world that will always be incomplete without direct experience into the nature of consciousness?

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This behaviours comes from consumerism wchich comes from negative treatment from the side of your environment, cuting you out of creating, out of your joi, happines when you were little. Don't do this, don't smile, don't be happy, don't do that, you are less then, you dont deserve, you have to do this like this and like that... The more pressure your environment putted on you, the more likely you are to find yourself coping with that pain by one of those behaviours. And it's not like it's their fault because they got the same suprise from their environment and they didn't know how to deal with that most likely their whole life.  If you were born in oposite cirqumstances, where your expressions, passions was encouraged, etc.  it is so much less likely that you will find yourself in those activities (maybe when something horrible hapens in your life and you dont know how to cope with that). You will be happy, satisfied, succesful individual who don't need those escapes.

Bottom line is those behaviours are not really yours in the first place. You get them thrown on your face after you were born, it's not like you had much to say about it. So calling it something bad, a mistake, a sin simply comes from not understanding how it came about, what caused those behaviours in first place, little bit of ignorance and pride. It's basically like saying you have red hairs - that is wrong, you are black - you are worse then white. And instead of finding a way to help people with acceptence. Instead of delivering a tools how they can deal with those limitations, fears, disadventages, you come up with criticism towards it, a sin, wchich makes them feel even worse about themself, like they did something wrong, wchich turns a part of themself into something bad, unacceptable in society eyes so they cover it up even more, run away from it even more. They treat it more personal, more shame, more self blame comes to the picture.     

Edited by Abrakadabra

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I quite enjoy each of those 'sins' in measure.... Better not to worry too much about it. I say it's the fear of sinning that leads to suffering ?‍♂️.  Although yes of course each one of these can bring indirect consequences that also lead to 'suffering.'  being human is fun! 

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3 hours ago, quan said:

Interesting. Please tell me where you got that definition of pride because everywhere I look it is defined as inordinate self-esteem, feeling superior, etc.

Is it common among scientists because they make connections that no one else has seemingly made before, which makes them feel cognitively superior to all others? That would seem to fit my definition but not yours.

By your definition, is it common among scientists because they chase after things that will not ultimately fulfil them, or explanations of the physical world that will always be incomplete without direct experience into the nature of consciousness?

It's because... They are not looking directly at truth, yet they treat it as the highest truth we know.

The spirit world has science far beyond earth's, so why not develop our spirituality instead?

Edit: oh, and I see pride as an error rather than a sin. Pride is not a turning away from love, but rather the truth. One strays away from the true path when one is prideful, by pretending that something is true and important when you know it isn't.

Edited by Artsu

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16 hours ago, Abrakadabra said:

This behaviours comes from consumerism wchich comes from negative treatment from the side of your environment, cuting you out of creating, out of your joi, happines when you were little. Don't do this, don't smile, don't be happy, don't do that, you are less then, you dont deserve, you have to do this like this and like that... The more pressure your environment putted on you, the more likely you are to find yourself coping with that pain by one of those behaviours. And it's not like it's their fault because they got the same suprise from their environment and they didn't know how to deal with that most likely their whole life.  If you were born in oposite cirqumstances, where your expressions, passions was encouraged, etc.  it is so much less likely that you will find yourself in those activities (maybe when something horrible hapens in your life and you dont know how to cope with that). You will be happy, satisfied, succesful individual who don't need those escapes.

Bottom line is those behaviours are not really yours in the first place. You get them thrown on your face after you were born, it's not like you had much to say about it. So calling it something bad, a mistake, a sin simply comes from not understanding how it came about, what caused those behaviours in first place, little bit of ignorance and pride. It's basically like saying you have red hairs - that is wrong, you are black - you are worse then white. And instead of finding a way to help people with acceptence. Instead of delivering a tools how they can deal with those limitations, fears, disadventages, you come up with criticism towards it, a sin, wchich makes them feel even worse about themself, like they did something wrong, wchich turns a part of themself into something bad, unacceptable in society eyes so they cover it up even more, run away from it even more. They treat it more personal, more shame, more self blame comes to the picture.     

That makes sense. It's like the incarceration system in America where many people are getting punished for their actions, even though they were driven to do those actions based on their environment or living conditions. Or like the war on drugs where Malaysians get more money out of selling drugs than farming, and they choose to sell drugs despite heavy penalties because they need to survive! Phrasing them as sins isn't helpful. The example of the negative effects of materialistic culture leading to those sins is a good example. If our society was more functional and had better healthcare systems, social support, financial support, etc., many of these problems wouldn't be so bad because people wouldn't need them to escape their own shitty lives. 

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On 27/07/2020 at 11:27 PM, Pookie said:

Pride/arrogance is definitely the worst of the seven sins as it causes a chain reaction among the other sins. 

I think this is because it perverts the truth. This means it creates conditions for the belief that things that are bad aren't actually bad. A prideful person is basically lying to themself about what is true. They know deep down they are doing this but it can be hard to confront, due to the faulty perception that a false belief creates. They get attached to the picture of the world they have created, and dont want to reassess their position when confronted with the truth.

An acceptance of the truth whatever it may be, in particular truths you may not like to hear, is key to ridding oneself of pride.



Edit: also, i believe i misrepresented lust earlier. It is not just sexual but takes other forms. I think it is the coveting of the 10th commandment.

Edited by Artsu

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Or if we wish to simplify, we may say all problems arise from delusion, believing that mind-body is all there is to us and stagnation in ego cravings.

Once we recognise that we are not the limited & transient form, all negativity recedes. There will be oscillation, no doubt, owing to flickering awareness. Still, pursuing this realisation, we veer towards a continuum of stillness.

There is then no need to separately list each negativity. In any case, neither repression nor sublimation can erase negativity. Our fulcrum must shift, voluntarily.

Edited by Unseeking Seeker

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33 minutes ago, Unseeking Seeker said:

Or if we wish to simplify, we may say all problems arise from delusion, believing that mind-body is all there is to us and stagnation in ego cravings.

Once we recognise that we are not the limited & transient form, all negativity recedes. There will be oscillation, no doubt, owing to flickering awareness. Still, pursuing this realisation, we veer towards a continuum of stillness.

There is then no need to separately list each negativity. In any case, neither repression nor sublimation can erase negativity. Our fulcrum must shift, voluntarily.

No that's not correct. Sin arises from free will choosing to do what is wrong. This takes the form of going against love, truth, God.

Sin also relates to the animal nature dominating the spiritual nature. I wonder, why do spirits in hell choose to sin?

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9 hours ago, Artsu said:

No that's not correct. Sin arises from free will choosing to do what is wrong. This takes the form of going against love, truth, God.

Sin also relates to the animal nature dominating the spiritual nature. I wonder, why do spirits in hell choose to sin?

Free will. Who chooses? On what basis? Is it not merely that upon exhausting ourselves in the external ephemeral, all attempts to seek happiness foiled, we voluntarily turn inwards into the internal eternal. Essentially, owing to veils of maya, we are deluded. The delusion shifts our attention into illusions. Indulgence therein is stagnation. Stagnation a narrow pattern in ego urgings.

Wherefrom came the thought, that inspiration along with it brought? Definitely not from limited mind-body. It comes from our conscience, connected to Universal consciousness.

What is sin? Is the word ‘sin’ not too harsh, having a ring of condemnation? Perhaps we should say not sin but misalignment ... temporary misalignment ... from the source ... which we too are ... the source being and radiating unconditional love. 


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2 hours ago, Unseeking Seeker said:

Free will. Who chooses? On what basis? Is it not merely that upon exhausting ourselves in the external ephemeral, all attempts to seek happiness foiled, we voluntarily turn inwards into the internal eternal. Essentially, owing to veils of maya, we are deluded. The delusion shifts our attention into illusions. Indulgence therein is stagnation. Stagnation a narrow pattern in ego urgings.

Wherefrom came the thought, that inspiration along with it brought? Definitely not from limited mind-body. It comes from our conscience, connected to Universal consciousness.

What is sin? Is the word ‘sin’ not too harsh, having a ring of condemnation? Perhaps we should say not sin but misalignment ... temporary misalignment ... from the source ... which we too are ... the source being and radiating unconditional love. 


Sins ARE to be condemned. They are a person choosing to do wrong. If you do wrong, you face condemnation.

Error, such as deluding oneself or choosing to do something stupid, are similarly to be condemned.

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23 minutes ago, Artsu said:

Sins ARE to be condemned. They are a person choosing to do wrong. If you do wrong, you face condemnation.

Error, such as deluding oneself or choosing to do something stupid, are similarly to be condemned.

Who condemns who? 

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Just now, Unseeking Seeker said:

Who condemns who? 

One condemns onself through the realisation of what one has done.

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Just now, Artsu said:

One condemns onself through the realisation of what one has done.

Ah! All being one, not condemnation then but merely consciousness correction. Upon seamless resonation with love without oscillation, we are in alignment.

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15 minutes ago, Unseeking Seeker said:

Ah! All being one, not condemnation then but merely consciousness correction. Upon seamless resonation with love without oscillation, we are in alignment.

I agree, i think, but i still stick to using the term condemnation. There are other forms of consciousness correction, and this form says that the intention/action which was sinful should not have arisen. In other contexts, one improves one ones action, without supposing that the previous, inferior action should not have happened.

Its almost inevitable that a great deal of sin will take place, but it is always a choice, and always the wrong choice.

Edited by Artsu

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