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What is love?

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After enlightenment experience, you realize that you (self is gone this point) are nothing therefore everything, every moment, which is now. Therefore, love appears inevitablely. But real love is effortless love, because there is no self, whatever you see or feel is you. So love is, helping others (because they are you) when they need, crying with them, sharing them pain and happiness, if they are hungry be hungry with them, But not as body (because there is no body as you), whatever the emotion, sensations, thoughts or people in the moment they are you. So behave to others how you behave yourself. There is no separation. 

Because whatever people are doing is force or convincing someone to love is the only right thing to do, judging people that they dont love enough, or blaming enlightenment that everything is an illusion or manipulating people with your own words that they are not good enough, because “YOU” know what enlightenment is. This is not enlightenment, or selfless. You still have an expectation from others. Expectations and questioning occurs within the ego. This is CONDITIONAL LOVE. Love is giving people whatever they need. If cat is hungry go fed them, if flower need water give water. Love is sharing, everything till nothing left within you. Than you will realize what is the enlightenment or selfless is :) Thats what LOVE IS. This is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. 

Be humble as nothing, share as everything. This is what enlightenment is, this what selfless is, this is what no mind is. You are nothing therefore everything is you. 

Additionally, dont ever get confused with non dual state and love. If you have experience non dual awakening through meditation, you forgot everything, because you are nothing. Love is the consequences (after start to remember), in non dual state there is nothing except you and you are nothing. Infinite nothingness, thats why it is just nothing. 

Much love

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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