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Reflecting On Advice

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In order to overcome my issues, I have been meditating, contemplating, and doing self-inquiry. I have been advised that this is simply dwelling on my issues and escaping life since inner problems can never truly be resolved and that I should just preoccupy myself with new activities.

That advice seems to come from a place of unawareness to me, but I am open to the possibility of me only thinking that due to my own ignorance. What's your all's take?

Tagging: @LeoGura 

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@Leo Gura

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@username Life is whatever you make it. Your thoughts become your reality so talk nicely to yourself 

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  On 8/2/2016 at 2:18 AM, username said:

I have been advised that this is simply dwelling on my issues and escaping life since inner problems can never truly be resolved and that I should just preoccupy myself with new activities.

Indeed, this advice seems to come from someone who doesn't know how to do the inner work and is dimissive of it because it is far easier to "preoccupy youself with new activities". That's what most people do because doing inner work takes painful effort that most people don't want to take, so they do the easy thing: distract themselves. This isn't a sustainable solution as it never actually addresses the issues or attempts to repair them.

  On 8/2/2016 at 2:18 AM, username said:

inner problems can never truly be resolved

Someone who sais this is only doing so because it's convenient for them to believe it. If they belive this then they don't  have to confront their issues and do any inner work.

Inner problems can absolutely be truly resolved. To believe otherwise is to avoid the work of working on issues.

It's a bit like someone saying "There's no point getting an education because you'll never get a job anyway". That way they don't have to go to school because they truly believe that there isn't any point. It's a convenient excuse. But that's all it is. A limiting belief.

Working on inner issues is not dwelling on them. Dwelling on them is going over and over them with victim-mindset feeling sorry for yourself. Working on them is breaking them down to see where they come from, what is causing them, how they affect your life and what you can do to unwire them. It is actively working and taking action to repair the damage.

Doing inner work isn't easy. It can open up a can of worms of emotions, feelings, beliefs and values. It can turn it all upside down and cause you to face your greatest fears and inner demons. Which is all good. But it's work many people are afraid to do. That's why they distract themselves instead. But doing the work is the only way to move on and imporve the quality of your life. Distraction will not.

There no need to fear inner work, it can only lead to positive change and a better, happier life.

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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