Thought Art

Life Purpose: Making changes in direction

2 posts in this topic

Life purpose is this funny intangible thing. How did you come to terms with realizing you didn't have the right life purpose, or as you developed and got to know yourself, reality and to develop realistic expectations did you reorganize your life?

Right now I am realizing how under developed I am, and I am wondering just how deep my lack of understand of reality and myself is, despite working on myself for many years. 


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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4 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Right now I am realizing how under developed I am, and I am wondering just how deep my lack of understand of reality and myself is, despite working on myself for many years. 

You will come to that conclusion many, many times that you know nothing about anything.
But each time you relive that realization you become more aware of the enormous scale of your ignorance.
It makes me smile each time I go full circle and realize it yet another time.
It is just a part of the game.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." - Plato
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates

Even writing this advice makes me aware that I don´t know anything to give advice. But this makes you humble and open for new possibilites.

I think the key here is to pursue knowledge & wisdom despite the fact that you will only know a tiny fractune of reality, no matter how hard you try. It´s about living with this paradox and coming to peace with it.


4 hours ago, Thought Art said:

How did you come to terms with realizing you didn't have the right life purpose,

In the beginning it is just a subconscious feeling that you have so much more potential and that you could have a big impact on society. But you suppress this feeling until this feeling of wasting your life can´t be suppressed anymore. Often times this happens when everything else is already collapsing around you and you can´t put the truth aside anymore.
At this point you start to take action, slowly.

Everything from this point is just a matter of finding the solutions through the process and not giving up the faith.

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