
blue light blocking glasses

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should I get blue light blocking glasses? are these effective or just a bunch of hogwash?

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You can just download blue-light filters, glasses seem overkill to me

Blue light isn't all bad anyways, you need it during daytime to help your body recognize that it's not time to sleep and it regulates your mood

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yeah but I'm talking about excessive exposure to screens. fall semester is gonna be online so I'm gonna be staring at them all day lol

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@iceprincess You could download a filter. Windows 10 even has one built into it.

But, if you have no control over downloading it and you have to look at a blue light screen for a while I guess glasses are viable

Edited by Osaid

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Blue light isn't good for eyes and can even cause a damage (especially in older people's eyes). I always use blue light filter on my PC and phone.

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Same as @Username 

F.lux is incredible and allows you to go to 1200K but even then BLB glasses can improve your sleep quality, especially if you have your lights on at night which most people do. But many cheap brands are not that effective, some don't seem to work at all. TrueDark is a really good one.

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They should theoretically work. Not necessarily by protecting your eyes but by protecting your pineal from late-night blue light that will interfere with melatonin secretion and prevent you from falling asleep. 

Best protection for eyes is to cut down on screen times, do eye "gymnastic" exercises and eat lots of green leafy and orange veggies :)

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I have to use blue light blockers all the time and I wear prescription glasses just to stop UV light. I get hemiplegic migraine, as well as typical migraine and silent migraine and one of my big triggers is blue light and cycling fluorescent lights. I got mine from spec savers. I have pretty much 20/20 vision but my brain is super sensitive to light triggers for some reason. My glasses have transitions lenses and a coating that reduces glare and they help a LOT by blocking UVA and UVB. I also have the option of contacts, which help SO MUCH. 

I use blue light filters on every device I use. I can’t watch a normal TV without blue light filtering. I get a migraine in 10 mins flat. Keeping UV out of my eyes helps too. Both measures improve my sleep, though you don’t sleep well with CFS as a rule. I’d definitely give it a go. Most android devices come with a filter or you can buy actual clear filter screens. 

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