Kalki Avatar

Pickup is good-crap

80 posts in this topic

Pickup is more limiting than productive (relative speaking). 

After years of reading, watching and being into pickup ive come to realize most people are better off without it.

Pickup is a system. A one way approach to get sex. Pickup is like the hatha yoga for enligthenment. 

Most ppl dont get laid even after learning it. Is a big business. 

The problem with pickup in my case has been that after knowing the truth of sexuality, you start to see the conditioning it has done on you. One thinks that if not done exactly as we have been taught, any act will be wrong. Building alot of limiting beliefs. 

I've come to discover my success rate has grown after not applying pickup. You might start well with a strategy and dont continue or get any result. It pisses off. This calculation and rules are actually bad when seen from a higher perspective. 

You are better of going just intuitively-compulsive and unconscious of the process than by analyzing anything at all. 

Ive come to prove this to my self after highly increasing my results on tinder by just going bluntly straight forward from the start as to me being sexual with the girl. But, the thing is you think you need to think. No, you dont. It has to be intuitive. The frame has to be unconsciously persistent from you to her without you being conscious of what you are doing. Everytime you become conscious of an aspect of the interaction it actually interrupts the flow of the frame. 

Cut off the bullshit from the start. The bs patterns of getting to know each other. If you feel truly sexually confident she will feel it and most of the time follow you. After that you know if shes worth of your time and now you can slowly escalate your way there if needed. If not, you can get straight sex even agreed from the chat. Its an energy game. A game of the subtle bodies (ego). I wish I could explain this better, but its difficult through words just as truth. 

(Believe me, What ever you feel she will feel, even through text. Timing is huge in texting, so patterns are to be percieved. If you feel anxious through text, she will feel it. If you feel confident, she will also feel it. Even if you dont know how. You dont need to know. Just trust she is feeling you. So be honest to yourself and her. Interactions should not be seen through the lens of "Game". Its very limiting and counter-productive most of the time. If you interact in a hyper aware-calculative manner you wont proceed. Thats robotic. Interactions most Flow unconscious of all the aspects that are normally thought off and analyzed).

My point is, become aware, then forget about what you became aware off in order to proceed in true Flow. 

Im amazed by how fast I can get results now. Just truly feel it and she feels it... No need to do any crappy juggle. If shes not into it, skip and go to the next one. Simple as that. If you want a partner then do all that stuff and slowly know each other. But if what you truly only want is sex, stay on that frame, feel it, embody it and you will attract the right partner in that same vibration. 

So again, why is pickup limiting? Well like in any topic, some knowledge can be applied in some situations, but in others its just counter productive. After gaining more general knowledge, Truth and Consciousness you start to develop mixups skills, which only comes when you have a good higher perspective of anything. For example, in my case ive stopped liking being over masculine and alpha. It doesnt satisfy me. Neither regular and hyper femenine women. I like really slutty women who have a more balanced energy as to masculine and femenine. It doesnt mean they are masculine, it just means they dont have all of the bs drama and limiting beliefs of regular hyper feminine women. They are harder to find, but most bisexual girls & scorts are like this. And in my case, I like being less masculine and a little more passive. Also, letting the girl have more sexual intitiative (Most girls are lazy & not slutty). This makes me experience my sexuality more complete and deep. Cuz now I can feel the feminine energy and masculine too in sex. Not just active masculinity. Its hard to explain and show this. But, sex is on a whole new level like this. One of my wishes is to find a hot advanced alien slut to get as naughty as possible, lol. 

What will get you laid:



3-Sexual confidence (This one is tricky. You dont need to get laid a bunch of times to develop this. Get used to being naked. Sleep naked. Watch yourself in the mirror, record yourself, get dirty on cam or snap. This will make your subconcious believe you are sexual, thus making you feel confident. Love your body and sexuality).

Note: Dont start chatting a girl randomly. Do it only if you feel it. Awareness of emotions are crucial in interactions, they let you know what you are unconsciously communicating through expression. My only strategy is the following: If on a dating app like tinder. Dont get a bunch of matches. They get nowhere. Only like women you really like. After the first match go unseen and dont do more matches. Focus on one girl. Now, after matching let her there. Only talk to her when you are in the mood. Prepare your mind as to what you want. Thats setting the frame. "Sex". Ok, get into a sexual mood. Touch, watch porn, whatever turns you on. After that, prepare your mind to know you will either succeed or get rejected. Dont try to do any tricks to make her like you. Charge some courage until you feel it. Be honest with your emotions. Ready? Ok, you are now confident in a sexual mood and full of some courage. Proceed your request through some flirty comment on her. Forget about showing interest too early. Dont think. Just feel. Know that there are only two options. She liked your comment? Great, keep going and set a date. She rejected you? Great! Thats exactly the girl I dont want. There you go.

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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It's really simple:

Go out, socialize, talk to girls. You will get laid.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

Most ppl dont get laid even after learning it. Is a big business. 

What? If you don't get laid you haven't learned anything. 

You seem to confuse Knowledge Set for Skill Set.

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@Hello from Russia Pickup is good to start. I mean, I dont like thinking or applying any conscious mecanics any more. I do better just being me. Pure inner game and personality. Thus, I have changed my preference towards what women I like. I can fuck a normal girl, but they are not my preference. So I dont do that style of pickup. I just go straight to the point (more like fuck-buddies). But for that, you need to find a girl who is also as open as you in her sexuality. Having a dick Orgasm is nothing compared to feeling your complete body in Orgasm. For that, the feminine energy in you has to be activated.

If you are not careful with your beliefs, learning pickup will imply you are not good with women, which can make you feel even less confident without you even knowing. It can also imply putting them on a pedestal for investing so much learning about. The best way to define it is as to simply learn more by curiousity. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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3 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Leo Gura Yet there is an entire industry teaching men something as common sense as that. We are truly in the dark ages, lol. 

And there is an entire industry teaching people to sit and do nothing.

Just because it sounds simple doesn't mean it is easy and unworthy of study and support.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura When is your video related to this topic coming out. I am just here patiently waiting.

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@Kalki Avatar

Yeah, but think of a historical context on how important attracting your desired husband\wife was throughout all history. You can't say this stuff is useless or is a fad

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PUA=learning how to build attraction there's no doubt about it but you must learn from many different sources to make sure you don't fall into an ideology trap. Pick up honestly speaking should never be pursued more than 5 years, once you're able to implicitly understand women and attraction, drop it and go work on other areas of your life its really that simple.

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@Kalki Avatar Man I just watched his video about Requisite Variety on his blog where he alluded to his journey to pickup. It was just an example for open mindedness and creativity. My mind just got blown.

I am with you I will pay. But that's not gonna happen.

I am just waiting for him to release videos about this. He told us he is going to make, now I just can't fking wait.

@Leo Gura Hear us out! Think about us as how you were lost when you went to Vegas to pursue pickup.

I am not whining. I am patiently waiting. :)

I chose to no longer be a member of this forum.

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@Zak Nice, I gotta watch that video then. Probably tomorrow or at work. 

Our minds will get really blown soon. Through Leo, sadhguru saying levitation is possible, alot of weird mystical shit I didnt knew was possible, the illuminati pandemic. Holy fuck. 2020 must be one the best series aliens have watched. 

@Leo Gura Leo, if you dont want to distract your audience on youtube by releasing pickup videos, feel free to express all you want in your blog. 

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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@Kalki Avatar Ime, it was good to have certain knowledge of PU while doing it based on feeling. When I felt something and couldn't quite put my finger on it, there was PU which brought more structure & clarity into it. Nevertheless, I feel too that an intuitive approach to meeting new people and connecting doesn't necessarily need PUA at all.

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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24 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

You think that God whose main perogative is to maximize love is really on board with manipulating women in order to get sex from them

If God wasn't on board with it, it couldn't be happening. God's on board with everything, so it's a moot point.

Don't invoke the name of God to justify your judgment and rejection of reality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Keyhole Its all relative in this plain. Theres no absolute conclusion. Is all good. We are just having fun in this cinema. Some are in a comedy, others are in a terror movie. What does it matter one takes a million life times to clean your karma? At the end its ok, it will be released anyways. It has to. Time is illusion as well. A million years to you is a day to God. 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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26 minutes ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Keyhole Its all relative in this plain. Theres no absolute conclusion. Is all good. We are just having fun in this cinema. Some are in a comedy, others are in a terror movie. What does it matter one takes a million life times to clean your karma? At the end its ok, it will be released anyways. It has to. Time is illusion as well. A million years to you is a day to God. 

Ye is that your experience? Consciousness may not have any karma, but living beings can sure create a fucking mess and you want to stay away from that, people can try to justify all sorts of hypocritical nonsense through spirituality, not saying you do it, but it's a slippery slope to even talk about it as such.

Oh ye, I figured out what irks me about this PUA talk on here. No, it's not bad to talk with girls.

But Jesus, if you had a spiritual awakening of some kind, the worst thing to do would be to try and program yourself again into some manipulative needy seeking based mindset which is what PUA is, 99% of it, as now finally someone authentic, please don't waste it!

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2 hours ago, Keyhole said:

@Leo Gura Don't invoke the name of God?  God doesn't even have a name to invoke in the first place.

Yes, from a very large picture perspective God is okay with everything because it permits everything to exist however, for the personal development of the individual manipulating other people goes against experiencing God's love.

People do have karma you know that is a thing and if you don't fix it in this lifetime you'll have to fix it in the next.  

I could delve further into this to explain why your retort to me is a bit hypocritical but I'll just leave it at this.

It's easy for you to say because your survival doesn't depend on approaching.

You are like a rabbit telling a wolf, "Don't go hunting. God doesn't approve hunting. Just eat grass like me and you will be godly."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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