Kalki Avatar

Pickup is good-crap

80 posts in this topic


What age demographics are you talking about? Can you give me a link or two?

Anyway, I'm talking about something I am directly witnessing. Perhaps it's different according to location.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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56 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:


What age demographics are you talking about? Can you give me a link or two?

Anyway, I'm talking about something I am directly witnessing. Perhaps it's different according to location.

This seems to have a lot of information.



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@Roy I've checked it out previously. It's different from what I'm saying because it doesn't cover guys born after 2000. This is a very important yet fine distinction. Incels are mostly born between 1985 and 2000 from what I have seen. There are exceptions of course but this is the general trend that I see. Younger guys have less problems with the girls. That is due to feminism I guess.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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7 hours ago, modmyth said:

Some men are good with women and usually also with hiding the bitter antagonistic attitude, or somehow they make it work for them with having a lot of confidence.

It is not really "confidence".

Men who think that a woman is better looking/ has more "value" than oneself will feel insecure.

Men who think that this woman is equal in looks and worth to them will feel/think it is possible to get this girl.

Men who think this woman is below them in looks etc. will feel entitled to get her or just plainly think:" I can get her".

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I talk to girls I don't know with the intention of having sex with them and if it goes well I will consider having a relationship with them. I do this wherever I go: supermarket, bus stop, inside the bus, a sidewalk, public gatherings etc.

Am I a PUA? or nah?

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4 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

What would it implicitly imply to take them seriously?

That you have no idea how women work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 26.7.2020 at 5:21 PM, Keyhole said:

@Display_Name when I say that I don't want to continue a conversation you need to respect my boundaries, do you understand?  This is a basic courtesy that I can offer to most people when they ask, and the fact that you're unable to lends a lot to what your true character is really like, on top of that the meme that you posted goes to show that you have some pretty sexist views of women that you are trying to foist off onto me and I'm not having any of it.

if you don't respect my boundaries and you comment on this again I will screenshot your posts and I have no problem putting them all together over the course of your behavior on this forum, so that in the future if you continue this behavior the moderators will see what sort of person you are and they will be able to take action do you understand are we clear?

this is the second time that I have watched you attempt to instigate an argument with women who didn't agree with you, what's clear is that pickup is not working for you I would suggest perhaps learning empathy, learning boundaries, and maybe getting rid of your own underlying sexism before worrying about mine, you clearly have bigger fish to fry.  I wish you luck you're going to need it.

Imagine people getting angry because you reply to them in an online forum



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On 7/26/2020 at 9:12 AM, Kalki Avatar said:

The word pickup is as corrupted as the word "God". 

Amen brother!

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On 26/7/2020 at 10:37 AM, Kalki Avatar said:

Also, im best when being alone. When your awareness and knowledge grows and you see ppl dont get you or see you to far ahead, but that you have to lower yourself onto their level to match, is when you start enjoying aloneness even more. 

Maybe this article resonates with you:


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On 7/27/2020 at 8:54 PM, DnoReally said:

Imagine people getting angry because you reply to them in an online forum

snowflakes gonna snowflake.

i'm actually a nice guy though. just always only on this forum when im at my worst :ph34r:

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That's actually very suspicious that out of all of the terrible instances that could happen in the real world to bring out someone's worst that the worst of your personality is saved for a self development forum, and that out of all of the things that could happen to frustrate you it's the posts here that tend to bring that out.

The fact that you're lying about this in order to justify your behavior is a red flag, human beings don't just keep one single thing to contain all of the bad aspects of their personality - so what you are saying then,  not only is it not true, but people should be wary of you - that's a "nice guy" thing to say. In fact abusers who are not aware of their behavior tend to use these sorts of excuses.

"Baby I didn't mean to hit you, but you made me mad just this once."

As far as being a snowflake goes I read this post yesterday and I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a reply to it but I had some synchronicity involving snowflakes.

You could say that the soul quite literally does represent a snowflake and the fact that I am trying to exert my individuality would be considered a special snowflake syndrome, but what's interesting is that you try to devalue that process despite the fact that it's an integral part of human development, and that you should be doing that for yourself.  But instead all you're doing is offering very slight ques into the integrity of your character.

I had been listening to this song while receiving a spiritual download and the mantra that was going through my head was, "Be like snow and wash yourself of yourself".  And I surrendered into it until I could hear angels in the chorus.  I'm sure most people could hear such things if they took the time to put their lower energies into their heart, but I imagine that you probably wouldn't be able to considering that you're being dishonest about yourself and misrepresenting your personality quirks in order to win an online argument.  

If one were to witness the personality it would appear as though it was some electromagnetic snowflake, like an energetic fingerprint.

I was also wearing my pink pajamas that happen to have snowflakes all over them on that night.

So when I came across your comment that was trying to put me down it was as though consciousness was giving me a high-five for being right and letting me know that I wasn't going in the wrong direction, and so your attempt had someone of the opposite effect which I find to be kind of humorous.


The truth is before long there won't be any genuinely unique woman left.  And part of the reason is because of men like you who attempt to devalue women who do try to show off more of who they are on the inside.  Women aren't a fast food dish, we are all unique individuals and we should be treated that way.  And part of the reason that you do this is because you can't actually relate to a woman from that point of view, nothing that you have said has shown me that you have the ability to relate to a woman from an emotional standpoint. You attempt to devalue me because there is absolutely nothing unique about you that you could bring to the table that would allow you to get a woman, and you've made that choice of your own accord. 

My advice still stands, I would stop looking at pick up and start looking at increasing your empathy.

And maybe stop lying in order to try to win an argument, because what's going on underneath is pretty clear.

That said after my experiences with men, I'm not going to date anyone anymore, so my opinions on your trashy pick up don't really matter.  Let me put this to you simply, I would rather die in a ditch from a self induced drug overdose, with city rats chewing on my rotting, filthy, unidentifiable, maggot infested body - discovered only two weeks later after Timmy's dog brings my chewed up skull to the child's 7th birthday party at a local park, then ever have to put up with another man again.  

@Keyhole To be honest I feel sorry for the hurt that causes you to get in a frenzy and write all that and I hope you get to work out all your stuff ??

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9 hours ago, Keyhole said:


That said after my experiences with men, I'm not going to date anyone anymore, so my opinions on your trashy pick up don't really matter.  Let me put this to you simply, I would rather die in a ditch from a self induced drug overdose, with city rats chewing on my rotting, filthy, unidentifiable, maggot infested body - discovered only two weeks later after Timmy's dog brings my chewed up skull to the child's 7th birthday party at a local park, then ever have to put up with another man again.  

Wow! That was very specific. I want a similar scenario for myself but only regarding the death part.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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9 hours ago, Keyhole said:


My advice still stands, I would stop looking at pick up and start looking at increasing your empathy.


If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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2 hours ago, Keyhole said:

In your late fifties you will wake up in the middle of the night to find that your divorced ex-wife has cooked a batch of warm pancakes and placed them directly on your stomach, butter, syrup, fruit preserves, the works.  The moment you realize what is happening and you go to try and stop it you notice that you're shackled to the bed by your wrists and ankles.  She takes a really sharp knife and a fork and jams it into your stomach, through pancakes and all, and says, "Oh, sweetie you're just so cute, I've always wanted to take a bite out of you." Before digging in.

After one single satisfied bite she leaves you there harnessed to your own bed.  Unfortunately you work for an at-home business and have no family or friends to check up on you.  Two weeks later the neighbors call the cops to find out what sort of odors are coming from your house.  When they find you, you have been deceased for over a week.  And this whole time you've been hanging out with demons and angels and they've been gambling on when they find your body in order to decide who gets your soul. 

Harry the demon from accounting gets it right, and is given full privileges to your soul.  But he's a gentle guy despite being on Satan's side, and only relegates your soul to paper pushing for the next three thousand lifetimes.  Congratulations ?


Why does it have to be my ex-wife?! I swear I'm nice to women in general. Maybe she's just the jealous type. LMFAO!!

On the positive side, I get to live till my late 50s. That's generous of you since I expect only half of it.

Anyway you made my day ^_^

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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#truth_bombs :)xD

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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On 26/07/2020 at 6:15 PM, Kalki Avatar said:

My first gf was around 5 years old and first kiss aswell. My first bj was at 7.

7, wow, never heard that before.

Was it with the same girl lol ?

Edited by Amandine

"Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence". Erich Fromm

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