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Pickup is good-crap

80 posts in this topic

14 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

I'm tired of being hunted buy men utilizing these techniques just to be thrown aside for a much crappier rabbit. 

If a guy doesn't hunt you, how you ever gonna find a guy?

You're looking at this the wrong way. You are seeing this as hurting women when actually helping men become better men creates more quality men for you ladies to marry.

The problem here is not simply one of getting laid. The problem here is one of how to make better men. You are not going to have quality men when they are too scared to approach a woman. Those men will be socially awkward, bitter, hateful incels.

You want to date an incel? Log into their forum and have you pick. If you dare.

You are looking at this sitution in such a narrow and selfish way. As if all that matters is you.

Men need an avenue for how to learn to date and be strong. It just needs to be done ethically.

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25 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

I predict that a large portion of women are going to turn away from men in the generations to come and you guys will have nothing left to hunt.

Why are you demonizing all men. If you are demonizing all of them then the problem is not men. Its you.

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@KeyholeIn a sense, i understand your point but, 

 Alot of men can't just be normal, they have to learn how.

One effective way to do it is to fake it until they make it.

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1 hour ago, Keyhole said:

if someone has a history of being abused by men and it happens over and over and over again without seeing a single change, then it really isn't just me is it?

I don't know your story. I'm sorry for whatever abused you had to face and i mean you well. But you can't generalize all men. Maybe you are falling for assholes, maybe you have some trauma that you need to deal with. But again i don't know your story and i don't know your experiences, so your point might be valid too.


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Green reacting to orange, glad I am yellow. In this axis at least.

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2 hours ago, Keyhole said:

@Leo Gura they can do this by just being themselves and interacting with people in a normal way, how can people get good at talking to women when they're just running a script?


incels and socially anxious creeps are “being themselves”

have fun with them

Edited by Display_Name

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59 minutes ago, Display_Name said:


incels and socially anxious creeps are “being themselves”

have fun with them

Not exactly. As a guy which I had social anxiety and virgin I would say it's particularly because I'm not being myself that I experience anxiety.

It's when I am really me/accept myself that I have started to not being socially awkward/anxious.

So that why basically social anxiety is considered an illness, not who really people are (although is deeply related with identity, so of course doing pick up can help tremendously in making it dissappear)

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59 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Not exactly. As a guy which I had social anxiety and virgin I would say it's particularly because I'm not being myself that I experience anxiety.

It's when I am really me/accept myself that I have started to not being socially awkward/anxious.

So that why basically social anxiety is considered an illness, not who really people are (although is deeply related with identity, so of course doing pick up can help tremendously in making it dissappear)

Same. And how did we become ourselves in social interactions?

By continously facing the anxiety and deconstructing it.

With continuous practice and building positive feedback.

In other words, “pickup”.

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4 hours ago, Keyhole said:

they can do this by just being themselves and interacting with people in a normal way, how can people get good at talking to women when they're just running a script?

You fundamentally misunderstand what pickup is about.

It's not about running a script. It's about learning how to be authentic. Guys struggle with social awkwardness A LOT. Guys are not as socially intuitive as women who practice socialization their entire lives.

Again, you're not understanding because you have no genuine curiosity in this topic. You're looking at it and judging it from your female self-agenda.

What you're doing is akin to me telling women: Don't watch any YT make up videos and don't shop for panties at Victoria's Secret and don't do anything to improve yourself. Don't wear heals. Don't wear bras. Don't do your hair up. Don't shave your legs. Don't shave your pussy. Don't do your nails. Don't hold in your farts. Don't go out and don't socialize at night with any guys. Just sit at home, be normal, and you'll get a great husband.

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Yeah, every thread of this nature is just a miscommunication and massive lack of perspective

I also find it funny that the normie girls I know are far more understanding than the girls here on a forum about understanding

Maybe because they directly see the result: the cool, compassionate, authentic man I never could have been without the practice ("pickup") I put in.

Not to mention the dozens of amazing and growing relationships and experiences that were made for both parties, that never would have happened without "pickup". Pickup is such a win-win hence why I can't take any criticism seriously.

We should just stop calling it "pickup" and start calling it "effective comunication", or "social development", or something. The women here trip themselves up over the former term's negative connotations.

Edited by Display_Name

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3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

Well then what we're men doing before pickup? Because I grew up in the early 2000s, before pickup got really popular, and I don't remember anyone really needing to use these things in order to get to know one another.

In stage Blue society getting laid is a lot easier because you just go to church and marry some girl your church friends introduce you to.

But also, men have been hitting on women since the dawn of time. You just learn about it today thanks to the internet.

Bars and clubs and alcohol exist for one reason: for people to get laid.

We live in a highly alienated time and culture.

You know, in Quaker society none of the boys have a problem getting laid. Their parents just set them up to marry the girl next door.

My dad met my mom by approaching her on a street corner. If he didn't have the balls to approach her, I wouldn't be here, and neither would you.

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I'm just waiting for the day one of the women here catches their amazing natural boyfriends / husbands watching some RSD lol.

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4 minutes ago, Display_Name said:

amazing natural boyfriends / husbands

Ain't nothing amazing about them. They can't even give their girl a proper orgasm. ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ain't nothing amazing about them. They can't even give their girl a proper orgasm. ;)

are you implying that's a learnable skill?? psh, they should just bE tHeMsElVes!

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46 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You fundamentally misunderstand what pickup is about.

It's not about running a script. It's about learning how to be authentic. Guys struggle with social awkwardness A LOT. Guys are not as socially intuitive as women who practice socialization their entire lives.

Again, you're not understanding because you have no genuine curiosity in this topic. You're looking at it and judging it from your female self-agenda.

What you're doing is akin to me telling women: Don't watch any YT make up videos and don't shop for panties at Victoria's Secret and don't do anything to improve yourself. Don't wear heals. Don't wear bras. Don't do your hair up. Don't shave your legs. Don't shave your pussy. Don't do your nails. Don't hold in your farts. Don't go out and don't socialize at night with any guys. Just sit at home, be normal, and you'll get a great husband.


I chose to no longer be a member of this forum.

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24 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

I love how I mentioned that I didn't feel like commenting on this anymore and it went over y'alls heads and yet you're here trying to convince me that pick up helps with interacting with and understanding women.  Guess it really isn't doing it's job.

Reckless! Lol

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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Pickup isn't advise on how to relate to people. It's about getting laid. In fact within the pickup community people who have a monogamous relationship are seen as caught in the matrix, as an "AFC"... just because they have a different life orientation (at least that's what it was like 13 years ago when I was a bit too bored with my life and was into it).

Edited by Toby

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Modern society idolizes women and worships them and put them on a pedestal. Most guys naturally grow thinking that they are not good enough to be able to talk to women. Hence the anxiety and social awkwardness. Most guys when interacting with women, they're focused on the sex part only, and therefore they are anxious and come off awkward. If guys were able to see women as human beings just like they are, there wouldn't be that much of the problem. It's entirely the media's and society's fault. They raise dysfunctional males and then let them suffer the consequences. Unfortunately, males are not alone in this because guess what, women suffer too from the social awkwardness of men. Men become creeps and that's very unappealing to women so they become highly selective and guys start forming complexes. Hence, the whole pick-up industry.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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