
Books with accounts of people who claim to have reached enlightenment?

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What comes to my mind is that one which features 30 teachers that tell their "waking up" story: .

Other than that I like Irina Tweedie's book "daughter of fire"; it's a diary where she describes the whole process that happened to her. It's as real as it gets because it leaves nothing out.

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8 hours ago, Toby said:

What comes to my mind is that one which features 30 teachers that tell their "waking up" story: .

Other than that I like Irina Tweedie's book "daughter of fire"; it's a diary where she describes the whole process that happened to her. It's as real as it gets because it leaves nothing out.

@Toby awesome! thanks

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The two I know who have had instant enlightenment during their lifetime at a time of intense suffering (being suicidal) are Eckhart Tolle (Power of Now and A New Earth) and Byron Katie - her original book is “Loving what is” but I also loved “A Mind at home with itself” and “1000 names for joy” which is her own explanation of the Tao Te Ching. Both Eckhart and Katie have heaps of videos on you tube and Katie’s self enquiry work is free on her website. 


I would love to know any more :) 



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A Play of Consciousness - Swami Muktananda

I've only flipped through it but I can tell it's good. He found a guru and practiced Kriya. The first chapter is called the importance of god-realization...

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