
What is heaven/paradise?

45 posts in this topic

On 24.7.2020 at 3:25 AM, James123 said:

Delusion has never happened. So called thoughts or mind makes it happen. There is no point, because expecting a point or any expectation comes from so called ego. 

Hehe. The funny thing is, that delusion has happened. But it happened to God. God wanted to delude itself. Therefore, yes, of course you are also right: it's not delusion per se, just Love/God playing with itself, hehe;)

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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53 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:


The point of delusion is that it sets up the possibility for the opposite of delusion: clear-sightedness

The Godhead as the Godhead does not 'know' it is the Godhead. (Because, if it did, that knowing wouldn't be *it*).

The Godhead wanted to know itself. It figured, then, that the only way possible for this to happen, was that if it imagined itself to be separate and non-infinite. By imagining itself to be this -- delusion -- it sets up the possibility for becoming One and Infinite again, thus: knowing itself.

This is life . The dream of God .

You can't have delusion without clear-sightedness and vice versa. They arise simultaneously like all other opposites. 

Non-duality 101. It is all absolutely: One / The Work of God. --- Only God is

Awesome brother and that's what's being experienced there.... it's not what this communication is pointing to, but nevertheless it's whole complete and perfect because its WHAT IS...❤

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Heaven and hell are normally seen as two different physical places (with unknown locations) where you/your soul goes after you physically die.

You go to heaven, if you are "good" --> You do the "right" things that the sacred books tell you to do.

You go to hell, if you are "bad" --> You don't follow what's written in the sacred books.

The problem is that religious books were written by men mainly with a poethic and figurative language (with allegories and such) and that many people interpret (by cherry picking the passages) sacred books "licterally" and/or in a materialistic way, so that they see heaven and hell as physical places and they decide to believe to this "good" and "bad" foreplay narrated in the sacred books.

And that judgments are a mainly human invention.

There is no "good" or "bad", but only facts that happen and that our mind define "good" or "bad" through some kind of cultural/personal imprinting.

In reality it's all just a story.

Heaven and hell as figurative places where you stay there and live in bliss or burn forever don't exist.

There is indeed some kind of karma system (eg inherited karma from the family/genetic) existing in our world, but not in a way that lead you to go to a place or to another, but rather that create a heavier pain body in you or a lighter one.

So what's heaven?

Eckart Tolle describes heaven as the state of peace in which you are where you are really conscious of the present moment.

If your mind is not drifting away in the future or in the past or rather by attaching itself to some emotion or some kind of idea/concept etc. you'll experience peace and that peace is heaven.

Leo likes to describe heaven as becoming conscious of your Godly nature (that you are God/infinite).

Edited by Vittorio
misspelling + added some text

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The alleged paradise/heaven is some magical place that good people go to after they die and meet God. That's according to ancient Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

If you ask new-age spiritual people, they will tell you that it's right here and now and most likely they will deny the existence of hell.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 hour ago, Vittorio said:


So what's heaven?

Eckart Tolle describes heaven as the state of peace in which you are where you are really conscious of the present moment.

If your mind is not drifting away in the future or in the past or rather by attaching itself to some emotion or some kind of idea/concept etc. you'll experience peace and that peace is heaven.

Yes exactly the problem does not lie within the thoughts, emotions, ideas or concepts themselves that arise.

What causes the suffering is the identification as 'MY' mind, 'my' thoughts, 'my' emotions, 'my' ideas, 'my' concepts etc.

Liberation or Enlightenment doesn't have to be about attempting to stay in the present moment... notice how that doesn't sound very free.(it sounds like a stipulation) you can never be outside of NOW so it's not really something that needs to be worked towards... it's already the case.

Liberation is embracing everything that arises with the recognition that there's no individual with Free Will and Choice to decide which thoughts emotions ideas and beliefs actually arise. 

More notably is that when these thoughts and feelings arise, there's no one left to identify with them. There's no stickiness of the 'self' clinging on to them and taking ownership of them to create story after story. They are no longer given energy... the lack of identification takes the wind out of the sails sort of speak... and they slowly lose their energy over time.

This is is often referred to as Samadhi Nirvana Enlightenment Liberation Moksha (the stilling of the world wind of mind)


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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