The Don

This one is for Leo.

46 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura I'm assuming what you have is Hashimoto's since someone else said that here in the sub (correct me if I'm wrong). Waiting it out is an option however long that takes. Remission is possible at any point, and I hope that point is soon. 

Of course, you could always try going for the ol' miracle option. I know you tried that with the 30-day 5-MEO retreat that you did, but I feel that it would take longer to get to that state. Speaking of which, I actually had a full God-mode experience while bored at work today completely sober, which is something I haven't even had, on this level, with psychedelics. Of course, psychedelics are usually going to produce higher super-human levels of consciousness, but who's to say you can't perform these miracles from a lower God-mode state? I understand if you do want to go that route though. 

I doubt some people want to hear this, but there's also prayer. Some miracles have been accomplished with this tool, and maybe that might work for you. I don't know for sure about that though. 

On top of that, something people really don't want to hear about on this forum is religious passages lol. But I encourage you to read the book of Job in the bible. It's got some pretty metaphysical concepts in there that involve pain and suffering that might help you on your journey. 

Anyway, love you Leo, hope you get better soon. 

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Edited by Lyubov

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Leo, the only thing i would have you try is a consultation with Gojiman. No dietary change, no supplement, just try talking to this guy on his site, explain to him how you feel and at least see if he can help you. He responds very quickly on the little chat window. I think by this point you have nothing to lose.

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@Leo Gura Have you tried the Buteyko breathing method? It essentially "suggests that chronic diseases develop (asthma, COPD, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and so forth) due to overbreathing (hyperventilation) that causes low body oxygen levels." (quote from  So it is basically the opposite to Wim Hof - with Buteyko you try to reduce your breathing instead of increasing it. It's been clinically tested and shown effective.

I've tried it and found I have more energy throughout the day and sleep less. The principle, as far as I can tell, is the same as Pranayama, but much more straight forward and scientific.

I've also found that my energy throughout the day is better when I am on a raw meat diet. I am specifically referring to Aajonus Vonderplanitz's Primal Diet.

Anyways, thought that these things can maybe benefit you or anyone else in here.

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Y'all he said in the video he prefers if you don't suggest stuff to him

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@Leo Gura I didn't watch your full video and you've probably done a shit ton of research already  so this might not be helpful but have you ever tried angamardhana? it's a hatha yoga practice that sadhguru does for peak physical health.  I was reading comments about it and a lot of people have mentioned how miraculous it is for their energy levels and some even said it's helped their thyroid issues. 

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3 hours ago, Lyubov said:

Y'all he said in the video he prefers if you don't suggest stuff to him

I have a feeling this will continue to fall on deaf ears 9_9xD

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Feeling ill is not necessarily a bad thing, it's the body's response, a cleansing of toxins stored for potential future release. The body tends to the vital needs, and cleansing commences, there will be more cold/flu like symptoms. The best way to aid in body cleansing is to consume your own urine. Loop that shit for days, intermittent fast, breathe and exercise. Watch your vibration raise until you have so much energy, you require grounding 

Don't mix too many acids and bases in the diet, this allows the body to maintain the right equilibrium to process the consumed energy 


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On 7/23/2020 at 5:39 PM, electroBeam said:

Leo's already tried this or thought about this (based on his video). And so the following wont help him.

But for others, I want to share an experience about my severe stomach pains and how I cope with it.


So since I was a kid, I've had extremely bad irritable bowel syndrome. And it affected my energy levels. It affected concentration for meditation, sex, studying ability, a whole lot.

And feeling sick all the time sucks. Like literally since I was a kid, after every fucken meal, I would feel sick to the stomach.

I, like Leo, tried all traditional methods. Doctors did scans of my chest, endoscopy, gave me heaps of anti biotics, blood tests, vitamin B12 injections etc to no avail. They ended up telling me it was from 'anxiety' and sent me to a psychiatrist, which ended up fucking me up more.

Doctors don't really value irritable bowel syndrome, because its not inflammatory. But for all I know I've got crohn's disease and their diagnostic methods are just so cheap that they will only pick it up once it gets severely worse.

I've also tried a few non traditional methods to no avail. (funny that the oldest methods are called 'non traditional')

So a month or 2 ago, I had a skype session with a spiritual teacher (who is actually active on this forum). 


And I told him, I've got severe stomach pains and it affects my ability to do pickup and meditate. What I've noticed is that certain feelings affect behaviour. For example, if you feel blissful from a psychedelic, your behaviour changes and you start skipping, taking more risks, etc. If you are sick, its like the opposite, your behaviour starts to become reclusive and fearful and lack of consciousness. 

I was about to ask him if he could explain the metaphysical/non dual mechanics of what's going on, but before I could he stopped me right there: "welllllllll... I would be careful about your interpretation of what's going on, because if you want to do pickup and you feel sick from having a hangover, you can still have the best time of your life and be the most blissful you've ever been. There is nothing inherently absolute about the feeling of sickness which says you must act a certain way."

Then I told him "but like, if you feel sick, your behaviour does change, like when you take mescaline for example, you start talking to the neighbours, or when you take alcohol you start doing other stuff"

Then he said "yeah but that's all just because you're interpreting those experiences to mean something, and your behaving in according to those meanings, not to the experiences themselves"

And then I said "so sickness and psychedelics are just a placebo effect?"

Then he said "everything is a placebo effect"

So this conversation opened me up to the possibility that everything you feel is an interpretation and a placebo effect. And actually I believed it, because I felt extremely sick taking the cactus, but when the cactus kicked in, even though I felt extremely sick, I felt amazing. And I was picking up chicks outside just because the mescaline was so strong. So that was evidence that this teacher was onto something.


So now, whenever I feel sick, or tired, I question whether the feeling is associated with the semantic meaning of "tired" or whether I'm making that up, and then I try to invoke Love and Bliss to dissolve the sensation of tiredness and sickness.

You would be suprised, in the same way you can dissolve negative emotions through emotional mastery exercises, you can dissolve the feeling of sickess and tiredness through invoking love and bliss onto the feeling and by questioning whether the feeling is associated with the meaning that is causing the behaviour (inspecting feeling from thought, and separating them). 


This is really powerful

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I feel something similar to what Leo is talking about.

I guess more than anything, I'm thankful to Leo for putting out the video. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. Since my teens I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out if I actually have an underlying health condition like chronic fatigue, or if I'm just lazy.

I don't have Hashimoto's or exactly the same problem as Leo, but seems like something similar. My blood tests show my thyroid levels are borderline low for several years in a row, but not bad enough that my doctor will prescribe me medication to try. All of my other blood tests come back normal.

I've tried all the common sense things that people have suggested on this forum. Eating a brazil nut every day for selenium, 4,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 per day for months, cutting out gluten or dairy, different diets. Little to no effect. Trust me, if you can Google and come up with something, people who feel these symptoms have already gone way farther down the rabbit hole than you.

For me it's a bit different, my energy seems to come and go in waves. There can be a month straight where I'm super motivated and can get lots done. Then other times I'll go months feeling sluggish, tired, tons of inflammation all throughout my body that makes it hurt just to walk when I get up in the morning.

It's like having bipolar manic and depressive cycles, but completely physical. The cycles are completely random and it's maddening. I recently took up running and started eating healthier while I was in a period of feeling better. Thinking that creating better habits will keep me feeling good. Then despite being in better shape, exercising regularly and eating better than ever in my life, it randomly hits again and I start feeling like shit. It's so annoying to not know what the cause is.

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@Leo Gura You even get fatigued on armodafinil? With a cold shower in the morning? That must be frustrating :/ I hope you get better

Edited by Lazertazer

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On 7/24/2020 at 8:43 PM, okulele said:

Reading this and thought it might be relevant.


ok more on this...


If Grace has to transmit itself, you need to have an appropriate body. If you do not have an appropriate body and Grace descends on you big time, you will fuse out.


Unfortunately, many in the world have lost their minds or broken their bodies because they went experience-hunting. In yoga, you do not chase experience, you only prepare.


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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On 7/25/2020 at 2:28 AM, Lyubov said:

Y'all he said in the video he prefers if you don't suggest stuff to him

Then he wouldn't have made the video :)) he knows that he can't stop us trying to "save him" or whatever. if he hadn't said that then he would've been spammed much more, i'm sure. 

But now we can actually have respectful conversations about this. And to me it's clearly a digestive issue, since the obvious negative response is after he eats. Is the Hashimoto's somehow related to those digestive issues? i can't say, really. But From what he said in the video, he didn't mention any specific gut tests besides the endoscopy and blood tests, heavy metal tests and whatever laundry-list of tests doctors typically have you take.

So for the third time, with the risk of getting banned/reported or just annoying you, @Leo Gura i'm telling you this guy really knows his shit. He actually understands the gut. You have the money, just talk to him and try these tests out IF of course you haven't done that already. 


The problem with bacteria that is where it should not be is that when the circumstances are less than favorable, they encapsulate and just stay there until they are fed again. These problems DO NOT go away with any amount of fasting, any amount of breathing work, or any "letting things heal on their own" trust me, i've been trying for the last 4-5 years, not even urine therapy, NOTHING works for these kinds of problems!


So don't only take the tests, but actually follow Gojiman's treatment, don't EVER try to solve the problem on your own! ;) 

Edited by Bogdan

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i've heard the story of someone who figured out at age 40 (after ~20 years of research and trying different things) that the cause of her extreme fatigue was related to heavy metals stored in the body.

individuals can get rid of most heavy metals naturally, but since her mom took a certain type of medication while pregnancy, as a consequence she's now unable to get rid of heavy metals - her body was simply storing it (it was unknown at that time, that this type of medication is a threat for the fetus).

she took a treatment (i don't remember what it is, but i can ask if needed) during 2 months, which made her even more exhausted because of purging, but in the end it worked and now she's fine.

she was barely able to leave house, unable to work, relying on someone else to do grocery store (eating only organic food, no-gluten etc for 20 years - diet didn't changed anything, it's in the DNA).

i don't know if it's related.

good luck!

Edited by Soulbass

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Hey Leo,

I know it's kind of arrogant of me to "try to help you" in spite of the fact that you asked us not to do so but I feel a very strong desire to do it... Propably you've already thought about this: (?)

How connected is your suffering to the ammount of food that you eat? It is possible to eat all the 3 Meals that you usually have in a day in one go. If you can eat a lot of food without your suffering growing a lot maybe this could reduce the daily time you have to deal with it..

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@Leo Gura Hi, Leo. Definitely you have problems with low digestion and your gut lining is damaged. And because of this you have food and fiber intolerance, autoimmune disease and thyroid problems.

Deep down all the problems with autoimmune diseases, deficiencies, viruses and pretty much everything starts with the decline of your digestion. Thyroid problems deeply connected to the health of your liver (because T3 to T4 is converted there), to some deficiencies and autoimmunity (which is of course connected to the integrity of your gut walls). And all of those problems are connected to bad digestion - undigested proteins create bad microbiome and inflammation in your gut which leads to disrupting its walls. Bad digestion creates deficiencies, etc. Low acidity in stomach opens the door to viruses, microbes, pathogens and helminths.  


For sure you have this problems and you need to heal your gut and raise acidity of your stomach. Without this steps any supplement or therapy wouldn't ever work. Definitely you should avoid fiber, it inflames your gut. And the best thing you could do for your gut is period of carnivore diet or check out GAPS diet.

As in the first post Don linked Dr. Berg video, I highly recommend you to check out Dr. Berg. He would be the best for your issues. Or maybe someone like Chris Kresser. Or every experienced advanced functional med doctor will surely help you.

P.S. And i would recommend you to check out Human Design, it is very-very deep science connected to astrology, genetics, various ancient philosophies. And it would describe the nature of you and the mechanics of your body. I suppose you are very strong mentally manifestor (9-10% of all population) and it's very natural for your body to have less energy, it's just the mechanics of your body. Unlike generators (70% of population). You should accept this fact, calm down with your ambitions to work all day and instead use unique advantages of your body and personality, which Human Design will show you.

Hi from Bali!

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On 24.07.2020 at 4:12 AM, Leo Gura said:

Tried it all. Doesn't work.


Sorry, Leo, i've just heard your video till end and should say that you don`t understand the health deep, deep enough to heal yourself.

“Doing something unimportant well does not make it important.”
― Timothy Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek

Everything you said in the video just screams that you are not deep, eg:

you are studying health for 10 y and have no result

you took tons of supplements, spent thousands of hours studying them and have no result

you don't understand exactly why you have so much inflammation and cognitive decline from fruits&veggies

you don`t understand why chicken meat feels good, at least you didn`t explain in the video

you said that it's gene disease from your mother

you want to do long 7d fast but are not certain if it will help or not (it won't)

you tried so much unimportant methods and struggle further

you said that it could be caused by hundreds of reasons (it's very shallow look on your organism, probably from studying so much different opinions)

you are in despair and closing yourself instead of being further openminded and optimistic


I had had very much same symptoms after being raw mono frutarian for 5 years. And now 6 years after I feel myself very healthy. You were keeping good diet for quite long and probably have quite good microbiome and strong immunity, but it makes your symptoms even worse. Because it's attacks everything you have in your blood from your leaky gut (undigested proteins, viruses, bacteria, toxins, etc.) with all it's strength and creates even more inflammation. Than it would in average person with average immune system.

@Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura

If I were you, I'd:

a) move to a hot tropical country to deal with your cold sensitivity. There're dozens of cheap and decent hot countries. Not islands in the middle of nowhere.

b) when there - fasting of 3-7 or 10 days

c) optional - enema with your urine, in order to clean up your gut.

It's done at home. I did it several times, as an experiment. And there're nuances of how to do it properly.

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1 hour ago, rnd said:

enema with your urine, in order to clean up your gut.



Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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