The Don

This one is for Leo.

46 posts in this topic


I've been watching @Leo Gura's video about his health problems.

At some point in the video, Leo talked about spending thousands of dollars on blood tests and medication. With that being said, I'll explain the problem with blood tests when it comes to checking your levels of nutrients.

A simple blood test can't show if you're deficient in nutrients because most of your nutrients are in the tissues, meaning in your cells.

99% of your Magnesium or Potassium for that matter is in your cells. So a blood test is irrelevant when you want to find out if you have enough nutrients in the body.

Here's a good video for all those people who have a hypothyroidism problem:

And what's the solution? Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Selenium.

You'll thank me later.

Edited by The Don
To add a new word.

Me on the road less traveled.

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I spent many years buying supplements on Amazon or half-assedly following advice from some YouTube doctor. The result was that I had mediocre results, and often ended up hurting myself with this lazy approach. I think health is like any sector in life, if you want great results it takes an investment of time, energy, and likely money. I've seen a couple of health practitioners in the last couple of years (first a naturopath and now a nutritionist) and I've gotten more results in these last couple years than a decade of dabbling. The body is a holistic system - your thyroid doesn't shut down because you don't have enough of one or another nutrient, its a complex series of processes that are degraded by genetics and lifestyle over many years. It must be addressed as such - in a serious, holistic manner if you want any serious results.

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He probably doesn’t want to hear about this. Especially the “you’ll thank me later“ comment. He has means and has tried tons of stuff. He has Hashimoto’s. The only thing I worry about is this idea of fixing the underlying issue — pretty sure he’s just going to have to take triiodothyronine forever. Just like a type 1 diabetic has to take insulin forever. Idk. Pretty sure in the video he mentioned already trying selenium. I wonder if he’s tried avoiding iodine. Or tried altering methylation (TMG, etc), de-methylation (folinic acid) and histamine. Probably has...

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1 hour ago, The Don said:

And what's the solution? Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Selenium.

oh boy if it only was that easy......thyroid disease of any kind does not have to have anything with thyroid at all. It just becomes the first "victim" or larger systemic issue that usually starts in the gut, especially autoimmunity. 



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2 hours ago, Michael569 said:

oh boy if it only was that easy....

Of course, it's not easy but what else can you do?

Why not try taking vitamins and minerals that help with your thyroid problems?

Anyway, the majority of people don't have enough minerals in their diet.

You have to eat at least 7-10 cups of organic leafy greens every single day to meet your daily requirements.

A big salad is not enough.

Me on the road less traveled.

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Cutler adds: "Actually, it is T4 that makes your heart go thumpity thump (there are T4 receptors on the heart - cardiologists know this and this is why hypERthyroidism as in Graves Disease is treated with large doses of T3 - the T3 suppresses endogenous productioin of T4 and thus protects the heart. T4 also seems to be what elevates blood pressure and gives you the runs. T3 is euphoric and has not that much other peripheral effect. The brain does NOT make it's own T3, another superstition that leads to a lot of inappropriate prescribing. For the chemically sensitive among us, T4 is what speeds up phase 1 liver metabolism and makes you more chemically sensitive, T3 doesn't seem to.“


Medical troubleshooting used to be my passion, as I have narcolepsy and my sister has type 1 diabetes and Hashimoto’s. Onibasu was like the intersection of traditional and alternative medicine.

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6 hours ago, The Don said:

And what's the solution? Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Selenium.

Tried it all. Doesn't work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Its surprising how you @Leo Gurahavent tried fasting yet. It seems like your body is signaling you to stop eating or atleast thats what I would assume if it was happening to me in the beginning stages. I think whole of animal kingdom stops eating when they need healing done. You mentioned that you will be trying it, I hope this will be the one that brings you healing bro. 

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@Vipassana I have tried it but I cannot sustain it because my body lacks energy as it is. Fasting makes me basically non-functional and in constant physical pain.

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@Vipassana you know, i tried some types of short term fasting, and it works for me! i would like to do long term also, but i need guidance. 

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8 hours ago, The Don said:

Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Selenium.

its called kryptopyrroluria (or pyrroluria in engl) and then what’s missing is vit b6,  mangan and zinc. you can measure it via a urin test. but he already tried everything so its basically impossible to help.

i‘d also recommend him to look  into ayurvedic treatment, well already recommended that a long time ago, but i’d do a real one in a trustworthy ayurvedic clinic, probably in sri lanka or india, not home remedy stuff. the massages can’t be done at home diy, and also the meds can be different, like the ones for purgation for example - i got two different ones in two different places.

the problem with this is that it’s relatively expensive - people usually don’t want to pay that money because they don’t trust in it.

just as a trigger point: i had high blood pressure additionally to my rheumathoid arthritis, the blood pressure was back to normal after three days, the rheumathoid arthritis significantly better after the purgation day and also the ginger tablets i take instead of rheuma medication is sth i found out through reading through several ayurvedic recommendations. for autoimmune there is no better medical sector.

Edited by remember

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17 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Vipassana I have tried it but I cannot sustain it because my body lacks energy as it is. Fasting makes me basically non-functional and in constant physical pain.

@Leo Gura wow man. Its truly strange what you're going through. I underestimated the diversity of diseases and illnesses. There are way too many people claiming to have the ultimate solution to all problems & it takes something like your condition to go down countless rabbit holes and realize the relativity of health. Unfortunately the only way to advertise is to make it seem like it is a shoe that will fit all.

In terms of getting energy, you've mentioned that you tried juices. Does drinking liquid still make your digestion react the same way? Aside from fruit juices, other juices don't have much calories so  it isnt sustainable & you mentioned that you cant really handle carbs but if it doesnt cause a huge reaction then it mignt be viable to replace a meal or two with liquid. I've been drinking only juices for the last 18 days, largely fruit because Im still young and can handle the sugar load pretty well. Getting alot of purification done. Super grateful, especially after watching the blog video. 


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@Leo Gura

Just speaking from personal experience, fasting has been life changing for me. I too was dealing with cronic fatigue and brain fog, and fasting was the only thing I found that gave my system a 'reset'. It just takes getting past the first couple of days and you will find that your energy actually increases a lot when you break through into Ketosis, and you get a lot of mental clarity too. I've done a few 2 week long fasts and now I intermittent fast in an 18-6 and it's worked wonders.

Has your body ever ran on ketones before? From your video you were talking about carbs being an issue for you. By switching your body to Ketones for energy, you might find relief. 

I wish you luck my friend. ?❤️

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Vipassana I have tried it but I cannot sustain it because my body lacks energy as it is. Fasting makes me basically non-functional and in constant physical pain.

   I remembered in that video you said you cut out most fruits and vegetables and ate chicken meats and fats if I'm not mistaken.

   I would recommend if you want to fast, try out bone broth fasting. You'd basically be not shocking your stomach too much if you're now used to eating mostly chicken meats and fats. If long term fasting is painful, maybe short term fast like 16 hours and increase either per hour or by feeling?

   An idea came to me about your condition, is the stomach problem on the exterior, or just below the stomach? Or is it near the entrance of your small intestine, or near the main veins/arteries flowing? If it's interior, my hunch is that it has to do with either a lack of some type of hormone that lets the stomach create the necessary enzymes to digest different types of food. I think it's alkaline based enzymes for plant materials and acidic for meats, so it might be that your stomach is having some difficulty producing these alkaline enzymes, hence indigestion and pain from starches(potatoes), fruits and vegetables . The other possibility is ulcer due to decrease in mucosae lining in the stomach that helps contain the hydrochloric acids. I hope my intuition helped.

   BTW your story reminded me of my mother's condition. I'm not allergic too anything so far, and I'm ok eating/drinking ginger/turmeric, but my mother happens to have an allergy to ginger/turmeric for whatever reason. Health is just as strange as reality.

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I think his issue may be more severe, but I’ll second the fasting anyway as I have narcolepsy without severe cataplexy — talk about a debilitating illness... I have to go into REM before falling asleep, so I get terrifying hallucinations and paralysis every single night. It gives me zero stress now but it wasn’t always that way. Fasting helped me a lot, as did histamine, and pregnenolone. And meditation... and psychedelics... but if I had gut issues too I doubt I’d be able to meditate through it. Leo is probably going to have to do a lot of research on thyroid issues — the answer may be on ncbi hidden in the publicly available research — it’s likely not going to be an alternative treatment.

It could be sulfation, methylation, tons and tons of stuff and he’s just going to have to work it out. He’s a capable person.

Edited by The0Self

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Fruit juices tend to be acidic, so I'm avoiding those for now.

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Leo's already tried this or thought about this (based on his video). And so the following wont help him.

But for others, I want to share an experience about my severe stomach pains and how I cope with it.


So since I was a kid, I've had extremely bad irritable bowel syndrome. And it affected my energy levels. It affected concentration for meditation, sex, studying ability, a whole lot.

And feeling sick all the time sucks. Like literally since I was a kid, after every fucken meal, I would feel sick to the stomach.

I, like Leo, tried all traditional methods. Doctors did scans of my chest, endoscopy, gave me heaps of anti biotics, blood tests, vitamin B12 injections etc to no avail. They ended up telling me it was from 'anxiety' and sent me to a psychiatrist, which ended up fucking me up more.

Doctors don't really value irritable bowel syndrome, because its not inflammatory. But for all I know I've got crohn's disease and their diagnostic methods are just so cheap that they will only pick it up once it gets severely worse.

I've also tried a few non traditional methods to no avail. (funny that the oldest methods are called 'non traditional')

So a month or 2 ago, I had a skype session with a spiritual teacher (who is actually active on this forum). 


And I told him, I've got severe stomach pains and it affects my ability to do pickup and meditate. What I've noticed is that certain feelings affect behaviour. For example, if you feel blissful from a psychedelic, your behaviour changes and you start skipping, taking more risks, etc. If you are sick, its like the opposite, your behaviour starts to become reclusive and fearful and lack of consciousness. 

I was about to ask him if he could explain the metaphysical/non dual mechanics of what's going on, but before I could he stopped me right there: "welllllllll... I would be careful about your interpretation of what's going on, because if you want to do pickup and you feel sick from having a hangover, you can still have the best time of your life and be the most blissful you've ever been. There is nothing inherently absolute about the feeling of sickness which says you must act a certain way."

Then I told him "but like, if you feel sick, your behaviour does change, like when you take mescaline for example, you start talking to the neighbours, or when you take alcohol you start doing other stuff"

Then he said "yeah but that's all just because you're interpreting those experiences to mean something, and your behaving in according to those meanings, not to the experiences themselves"

And then I said "so sickness and psychedelics are just a placebo effect?"

Then he said "everything is a placebo effect"

So this conversation opened me up to the possibility that everything you feel is an interpretation and a placebo effect. And actually I believed it, because I felt extremely sick taking the cactus, but when the cactus kicked in, even though I felt extremely sick, I felt amazing. And I was picking up chicks outside just because the mescaline was so strong. So that was evidence that this teacher was onto something.


So now, whenever I feel sick, or tired, I question whether the feeling is associated with the semantic meaning of "tired" or whether I'm making that up, and then I try to invoke Love and Bliss to dissolve the sensation of tiredness and sickness.

You would be suprised, in the same way you can dissolve negative emotions through emotional mastery exercises, you can dissolve the feeling of sickess and tiredness through invoking love and bliss onto the feeling and by questioning whether the feeling is associated with the meaning that is causing the behaviour (inspecting feeling from thought, and separating them). 


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@Leo Gura I have very similar problems to what you have. I have a great deal of empathy for you.

You mentioned in your health video that you can only eat 5-10 foods. What are those, if you could mind to mention them?

I'm considering trying an alternative diet. Anything that can help with my chronic fatigue.

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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

You would be suprised, in the same way you can dissolve negative emotions through emotional mastery exercises, you can dissolve the feeling of sickess and tiredness through invoking love and bliss onto the feeling and by questioning whether the feeling is associated with the meaning that is causing the behaviour (inspecting feeling from thought, and separating them). 

I was struck by Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton's emphasis on the significance of the placebo effect a few years ago when I first started Listening to them.

@electroBeam I agree with you also on the real and beneficial effects of emotional mastery or emotional purification as I've heard it termed in learning about it and gradually applying it in my inner world. The untangling of thoughts and emotions can bring about a continuity of consciousness which is often missing to a degree by the time we get into early adulthood after the tumult of adolescence and it's mostly unrealized. Not that emotional mastery addresses all ailments or health irregularities but it's such a huge thing. For me and I believe most people, it's a hard fought battle that doesn't happen all at once. After a few years of working on myself I realized that just because something in my life situation sucked, I didn't have to take it personally and negatively which can then drag others down whom I come into contact with. Not saying that I'm completely free of automatic or mechanical reactivity now, but for years I had no idea of the extent to which I bitched and complained about most everything and the continual fallout from it. Emotional purification adds reality to the notion that 'the kingdom' is at hand.

"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Sorry you're feeling ill Leo

Edited by Lyubov

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