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Mold Toxicity.

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I know Leo specifically said not to spam him with theories of what his condition may be but I resonated way too much with his health situation so I wanted to give my 2 cents. 

I'll keep it short. 

I have chronic fatigue, chronic sinus peoblems, cold limbs and probably thyroid problems ( yet undiagnosed) , issues with stuffy nose and ears thay are " Imaginary" as my many doctors said after paying hundreds of dollars, and extreme mental and physical fatigue after eating carbs. 

I'm suposed to have a chronic alergic reaction to something unknown. 

Also, fasting aliviates all of this INMENSELY. 


I' ve had a long history of living in places and closed rooms with mold on the walls / on the roof/ bathroom, etc. 

Mold sends out spores into the air. You breathe them in. They grow inside of you. They are resistant bastards nd tough to get rid of.  They are undetectable in many standard tests and mainstream medicine ignores them completely. 

They feed off of your food, mostly carbs ( fungi eat sugar) . 

Idk if you have looked into this, but since you never mentioned i thought it could be of value to you.


A book on this condition that i've been recommended by someone fighting the same condition. 

Im late to work, sorry for sloppy writing. 

Good luck! 


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I also have this problem. I watched @Leo Gura’s video and thought the same thing! I’m glad you posted this. If not for Leo, for others experiencing these same symptoms. Mainstream medicine is no good for this kind of thing and will have you believing it’s everything EXCEPT mold sickness ?

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I had chronic fatigue many years ago when I was in high school. It was awful. Blood tests also shown high levels of iron in my blood but not sure if it had anything to do with it. But it disappeared mysteriously. Guess it was stress related or something because I was also bullied and had many problems at home. As for the mold, yeah, I too heard that it leads to many problems.

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Yeah mould can be a huge issue so you've gotta be very careful. Don't dry clothes inside with the windows shut and make sure everything in your house has air able to flow around it or your health will suffer

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