
Live cam of Portland Protests

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An inside look from a protestor live stream. It’s getting intense. The paramilitary just threatened they will come out and start arresting.


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My stepmother moved from Portland, Oregon to Norway a couple of years ago #funfact :) 

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They city mayor is on the front lines with the protestors! He’s gonna get tear gassed and he has no gas mask or goggles.

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34 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

They city mayor is on the front lines with the protestors! He’s gonna get tear gassed and he has no gas mask or goggles.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Welp, the mayor got tear gassed and the crowd wasn’t sympathetic since the mayor had been allowing the city police to tear gas them for six weeks. The protestors have a lot of anger to the major and even told him to breathe in the tear gas like they have been from his police force. Crazy plot.

The live feed is over, yet the video can still be viewed.

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39 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Welp, the mayor got tear gassed and the crowd wasn’t sympathetic since the mayor had been allowing the city police to tear gas them for six weeks. The protestors have a lot of anger to the major and even told him to breathe in the tear gas like they have been from his police force. Crazy plot.

The live feed is over, yet the video can still be viewed.



Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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7 hours ago, Forestluv said:

@Carl-Richard what doe the frog signify. I’ve seen it several times recently

That was just a coincidence. I didn't have any alterior motives with the frog other than the expressions :)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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3 different live streams here, Portland protests larger than ever, with  thousands of people

58th night of protests

1:00 AM EST USA   7/25/2020  ongoing Live

Edited by Nak Khid

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Huge crowd tonight. A new development: there is a wall of veterans. Will a U.S. paramilitary force tear gas a wall of U.S. veterans protecting U.S. citizens? Never in my life could I have imagined this scenario.

As well, a group of boogaloo boys came to protect protestors. A crazy plot twist. 

A list of live streams
A good stream

Update: the Feds tear gassed the unarmed vets

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Massive crowd with high energy. The fence may come down tonight. Gonna be interesting to see fed response.

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6 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Massive crowd with high energy tonight. The fence may come down tonight. Gonna be interesting to see fed response.

I don't think so,  they are saying they are doing a press conference on Tuesday 

I am waiting to see if they have a reasonable list of political demands, not just tearing a fence down.
Do they think they are going to bum rush the place and free prisoners? 

They want the Feds out
ok but that was recent, what else, it's been 60 days ?

Edited by Nak Khid

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what is the ultimate goal?   Abolish the police?    That is what I saw on a sign today on a live video of an NYC video today

Do they have a worked out plan ready to replace the police somehow or abolish first and deal with the details later? 
This seems like a semi-party of bored youth but we'll see what happens on Tuesday 

Trump just perked up the movement by bringing those troops in.  I hear them chanting Breonna Taylor in various cities 
this seems to be the case they are focusing on now 


Edited by Nak Khid

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Minneapolis City Council approves first substantial cuts to police

The budget trims roughly $1.5 million from the city's police department — the first substantial cuts since George Floyd's death. 

By Liz Navratil Star Tribune
JULY 25, 2020 

Minneapolis is poised to cut $1.5 million from the city’s Police Department — and elected officials are promising more substantial changes in the coming months.

The City Council approved the changes Friday morning when they signed off on a larger effort to reduce the city’s $1.6 billion budget to deal with financial losses from the coronavirus pandemic. While the cuts amounted to less than 1% of the Police Department’s budget, the bulk of the money will be shifted to pay for trained civilians who work with families, crime victims and others to interrupt the cycle of violence.

Mayor Jacob Frey said he will approve the cuts to this year’s spending and that he plans to unveil larger changes next month. “The 2021 budget is the appropriate budget for deeper structural change, and that will be the direction for the budget I propose,” Frey said. “It will include a well-thought-out vision for MPD.”

They also have to figure out how to support a police force whose members are increasingly frustrated with City Hall as they respond to a deluge of calls during an abnormally violent summer.

The budget approved Friday by the City Council calls for transferring $1.1 million from an MPD fund that is used for salaries to the Office of Violence Prevention for a program called Cure Violence.

When shootings happen, trained workers go out in the community and to the hospitals “to cool down emotions and prevent retaliations — working with the victims, friends and family of the victim, and anyone else who is connected with the event,” Sasha Cotton, director of the Office of Violence Prevention, said in a statement this week.


more at link

They are calling a 1$ cut "substantial" in the headline 





Edited by Nak Khid

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22 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

I don't think so,  they are saying they are doing a press conference on Tuesday 

I am waiting to see if they have a reasonable list of political demands, not just tearing a fence down.
Do they think they are going to bum rush the place and free prisoners? 

The fence is highly significant and symbolic. If it comes down tonight things could escalate dramatically. People may die tonight if the fence comes down.

A Tuesday press conference is a non-factor tonight. The crowd is enormous tonight with intense energy. They don’t give a shit about a press conference on tues

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1 minute ago, Forestluv said:

The fence is highly significant and symbolic. If it comes down tonight things could escalate dramatically.

I hear someone on the live now saying the crows seems as big or bigger than last night

That fence has probably been reinforced since yesterday but what if it comes down anyway - where is that going to lead ? 

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