
A nutritionist that actually gets RESULTS and fixes gut issues

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I just wanna start by saying that i am not vegan or biased towards t, it's just that this guy has really sort of cracked the code to this shit, because he treats vegans, and people with gut issues typically have problems eating fruits and veggies and plants in general, and vegans eat a lot of plants (duh)

There are SO many possible causes gut issues that my conclusion from my own 5 year journey of debilitating gut issues and nutrition/health research is that only a really exhaustive gut check like he suggests is gonna get to the root of it. You can't wing it with these sort of things. I'm currently gathering money to take these tests.

Look at these people that he has helped:



There are more, you can check out his channel for yourselves. 

As many (oh, so many) other people, they were told that the varying issues they had were not treatable, that they would have to live with them and so on. And in most cases, doctors have no idea of what tests you should actually take, it's like we're in the stone age of gut health, really...

Please be open minded and consider taking these tests if you have any persistent gut issues, and for the love of God don't self-treat these things, work with someone like Gojiman who actually understands these things! 


Edited by Bogdan

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Gojiman is a bit of a legend in the Gut Health scene, he was a voice of reason when so many vegans were turning to carnivore diets last year. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

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I wonder how much Leo has investigated this, because a lot of what he describes sounds like he has some gut issue. Maybe not his only issue, but it would certainly explain why it gets worse over time. He seems to have difficulty breaking down oxalates or something. I am struggling with similar issues and they seem to be getting worse aswell as time passes.


Thyroid and gut health also seem to be linked:

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Doctors have just caught on to the fact that more is connected than they thought and they are still reeling. "Oh my GOD, gut health affects all these OTHER conditions! Who would have thought? Gut health is the key!!!" But everything... EVERYTHING is connected. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Gojiman is a great guy. I believe he is genuinely honest and really wants to help. Unlike most other "orange-dressed-in-green" vegan YouTubers. 

The concept of SIBO has been around for a while but medicine is still not catching up. They don't test for it and they just dump it under IBS because they have no idea what it is, how to treat it or how to test for it. 

Good thing is that this is where functional medicine is catching up fats. People can not do hydrogen/methane breath testing and if confirmed low fodmap diet combined with herbal antimicrobials, prokinetics and gut-sealing protocol seems to help. But it is tough diet and generally the protocol is not easy at all because it is extremely restrictive. 

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