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The Don

What can I do to increase my level of human consciousness?

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In the past two weeks, I've been asking myself what should I do to become more conscious? I'm talking about human consciousness.

Is meditation (as a practice) enough? Or should I contemplate daily the nature of human consciousness? How about mindfulness?

I would like to discover some exercises that help when it comes to increasing the level of human consciousness.

I still have some inner resistance to study that I need to correct. It's like being frustratingly impatient when I have to grasp something. And it's not just inner resistance. It's something much deeper than that.

I have a deep urge to understand something without having to process something as long as it takes to fully understand it.

When I try to grasp a concept or a programming language, it gets so frustrating to the point of being unable to sit still.

It's like asking someone to sit on a chair for 3 hours straight for no good reason, without moving an inch.

In one of @Leo Gura's videos, I believe it was Low vs. High-Quality Consciousness, he talked about the importance of increasing the level of human consciousness without giving concrete examples of what can be done for the purpose of increasing human consciousness.

So I wanted to know what can I do to become more conscious. B|

Me on the road less traveled.

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I sometimes do "flights of transcendence" where i focus on increasing my consciousness, and watching it move through the levels.

You just need to observe your internal state and apply intention.

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Love yourself deeply and make your connection to your heart stronger. Then experience higher states of freedom, expression, intelligence, connection, better intuition, faster understanding, and an infinite amount of qualities.

Then when the elevated experience ends, try to love yourself through the mundane experiences of being, boredom, frustration, lack, anxiety, restlessness. You will be struggling, which is good, you are exhausting yourself, when you notice the exhausting then return to your heart, which will always guide you to safety, home, intuition, freedom, and liberation...

Let love take you hand in hand, gently, to the light. What else is there?

I don't believe we have the power to overcome our egos.

I don't believe we have the power to navigate through suffering and delusion.

I don't believe any experience of awakening has the power to guide us to enlightenment.

Love is my only liberator. It is the only thing I can bring myself to yield to.

Edited by TripleFly

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Its still a bit early in my experimentation, but I'm starting to be a huge advocate for the gateway experience by the Monroe institute. I'm only on the first wave of lessons and feel different. Gaining focus. And I DON'T meditate. (although the lessons are technically meditations)

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@TripleFly Great answer! The only thing I can add to that is maybe try Shaktipat because it can raise one's level of consciousness instantly and if one is ready it can become a permanent improvement.

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The best practices for increasing consciousness are the ones that you've never done before. Master one practice at a time up to 70% and then explore some other practice. The final 30% is difficult to achieve anyways so be wise about that.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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I'd say it requires a complete lifestyle, not just a technique or method. Make a decision that you're gonna live your life as consciously as possible and act accordingly. That involves basically everything. Spiritual practises, exercise, health, relationships, work, etc.

In your case, maybe try to build and improve your patience. You're not gonna change the world overnight.

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5 hours ago, nistake said:

I'd say it requires a complete lifestyle, not just a technique or method.

Yes. You’re absolutely right about that. I do my best to develop my level of human consciousness but sometimes it’s so hard that it is almost impossible to keep going. It’s an inner resistance that I can’t describe. 

Anyway, the practice itself is my only hope that keeps me going and I’m sure that one day I’ll be just fine.

Sometimes I’m anxious. Sometimes I’m depressed and that’s OK.

Consciousness will liberate me.

Me on the road less traveled.

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1 hour ago, The Don said:

Yes. You’re absolutely right about that. I do my best to develop my level of human consciousness but sometimes it’s so hard that it is almost impossible to keep going. It’s an inner resistance that I can’t describe. 

The resistance could be believing there is a you which possess a ’my consciousness’, or ‘human consciousness’. Impossible & resistant indeed.



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2 hours ago, The Don said:


Consciousness will liberate me.

Realize that anxiety and depression are reactions of the body reacting to events from the past, or fear of the future, which means you are caught in the illusion of time. Thinking itself is a mechanism that works only relatively to the past and future. A deep inquiry is required to gain an insight into time and reaction which will inevitably free you from anxiety and depression.

Here is a quote from J.Krishnamurti : 


K: “What is thinking?

Thinking is a response, is a reaction to memory.
If you had no memory you wouldn’t be able to think.

Memory is stored in the brain as knowledge
and knowledge which has come through experience.

Listen carefully to this.

This is how our brain operates. The speaker is not a brain expert. Not a neurological expert.

You can watch it, how you act for yourself without going to any professor. Without any psychologist and so on.

You can watch the operation of your own brain.

First experience. That experience may have been from the beginning of man which we have inherited.

That experience gives knowledge. Then that knowledge is stored up in the brain.

From knowledge there is memory and from that memory —thought. From thinking you act!


So from that action you learn. more...

So you repeat the cycle.

You understand?


From that action learn more and repeat.

You follow this?

So this is, being programmed. We are always doing this. Having remembered pain, future to avoid pain and not do the thing that will cause pain which becomes knowledge.

Repeat that.

Sexual pleasure

Repeat that (crowd laughs)

This is the movement of thought.

Please this is clear

See the beauty of it. How mechanically thought operates. And thought says to itself, “I am free to operate.” Thought is never free because it’s based on knowledge. And knowledge is always limited.


Just watch it, please carefully watch it. Knowledge must be always limited because knowledge is part of time.


I will learn more, and to learn more I must have time.


I do not know Russian but I’ll learn Russian. It will take me six months or a year whatever time. So knowledge is the movement of time. So time, knowledge and thought and action. In this cycle, we live. So thought is limited


So what ever action thought does must be limited. And any form of limitation of thought must create conflict.

Anything that is limited must be divisive. That is if I say I’m a Hindu or an Indian that’s living limited.

That limitation brings about not only corruption but conflict. Because use of say —I’m a Christian, I’m a Buddhist, I’m this which is limitation. So there is conflict between us.

So what ever is limited and thought is always limited because knowledge and ignorance always go together.

And thought is the child of knowledge. And therefore it’s limited and whatever its action is... that action must be limited and therefore it must bring conflict.

And our life from birth to death is a series of struggles and conflict. And we are always trying to escape from that conflict which again becomes another conflict.

So we live and die in this perpetual endless conflict and we never ask the root of that conflict which is thought because thought is limited. Please don’t say, “how am I to stop thought?”

That’s not the point.

The point is to understand the nature of thought


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21 hours ago, The Don said:


When I try to grasp a concept or a programming language, it gets so frustrating to the point of being unable to sit still.



This must become your main point of focus for the next two months, researching how to learn
-  and particularly analyzing your frustration.   Research how to deal with frustration.  Employ some of the methods
And if they dont work try other methods and keep making an effort to give time to dealing with the frustration rather than pressuring yourself to understanding some technical point 
You will have to meditate for a 5 minutes when you come to this point of frustration and understand what thoughts you are having at that moment and take a brief rest from them.  
You will have to speak to some high achieving people and discuss how they deal with their own frustration. 

With me what might happen is that I understand a lot about something and then some small detail comes up and I can't understand it and it is starting to take up a lot of time. 
I have to train my mind that some little detail can take an hour to get and that it may not even be understood in that time. I might have to get help form somebody else on some little detail that I think might be easy for other people to get. 
Set all that aside about how other people might get that detail and acknowledge it may take longer to resolve than expected. 
This is where the sort meditation comes in , right then and there, 5 minutes and then 10 more minutes of relaxing (not more) if necessary. 
You may not resolve the problem even after that.  So then set aside for the moment (let it go) and then do something else for a while until you can get somebody to help you understand it. 
You will lean to sit still at the height of your frustration.   You will not have solved the problem
But you will have not become attached to forcing yourself to solve it . 

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