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Just gonna post some  philosophical contemplative ramblings here and will see how this goes. 

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We don't know!

Why are we afraid of not knowing?  It is the truth. When you don't know anything you know everything. 

People really need to understand that they don't know.   They think that they know but they don't actually know.  "Everything  is figured out.". They think. And nothing is further from the truth.  And it doesn't matter if you  Appeal to science or to religion.. For both are faced with the same epistemological problem:::.. What is the foundation for knowledge?  How do we know anything?  .   

We give labels to objects and actions.. We write mathematical equations to describe certain patterns in nature.. We think we know this stuff.. But we actually don't.  We don't know what an apple is or what a tree is or what a color is or what a sound is or what a feeling is or what a thought is or what  a human is or what any thing is.. Existence is pure undefined magic.. Therefore it is mystical and divine.. It is godly.. But most people are missing the divine nature of existence because they constantly keep lying to themselves that they actually know anything at all.  We don't see God because we think we know. God is not knowing. 

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All people are me! 

We are awesome aren't we?  Me and you?   When you look deep into your loved one's eyes.. What do you feel?  You feel lost in them. You lose your identity into them and you become one when them.  That's the final goal.  The aim of all my seeking . Is to merge into you and become one with you. 

Whoever reading these words right now.. Is me.   The awareness.  There is apparent separate persons though.  But what "you" are is not a person. You are the background that is observing.  And I am that.  Therefore I am you.  You understand?  You are literally physically actually accurately me.. Now we can fall in love with each other. We can focus on what seperates us though and that's equally true.. You are not me =you are me.. Makes no difference .. But I choose that you are me because that's more attractive. Truth doesn't have to always make sense.  Nothing makes sense  anyways.  

That's right man (or woman).. You are me.. If anyone out there is reading this .. Do you realize the significance of what I'm saying..?  Oh yeah?  You heard that before plenty ?  But do you realize the significance of what the fuck is being said here?  If you did how come you are able to not fall in love with me? 

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Proof of god.

Was having a discussion with a friend when he asked me :

Fr: do you think god exists? 

Me : ofcourse. 

Fr: what is your proof? 

Me :existence! 

Fr: how so?   Existence could be a product of chance or maybe there is multiple universes or maybe we are inside a simulation... Why does it have to be God? 

Me:  existence is a proof of existence. God is existence actual existence. 

Fr: I don't understand.. Which god are you talking about? 

Me :there can only be one God because there can only be one infinity. 

Fr: that's true but which God is the real one? The Christian God or the hindu God etc? 

Me : none of them. 

Fr :  how so?  Which one is it then?  Have you seen him? 

Me : ofcourse no.  No one can and no one will. How can you see something that has no beginning and no end? 

Fr: hmm.. But then .. What makes you sure that God exists? ..isn't it better to be agnostic? .. Maybe there is no God after all.. 

Me : lol. There is no way.  If you are fully aware of this present moment you will know it's impossible that God doesn't exist. 

Fr: what does that have to do with God? 

Me: because God is not separated from creation.. God's fingerprints are present in every moment of creation. If you can see it you can see him. 

Fr: you just said that you can't see him.. 

Me :yes because God is infinite.. There is no place for both YOU and HIM to be .. He take all the place.. If he is to be present.. You have to leave first. 

Fr: leave? 

Me : to die basically. To disappear.  That's the only way to see God directly and to know for certain that he is real. That he is the reality itself. 

Fr: so are you saying that God is existence.?  Like the pantheism of eastern religions?   Or is God a separate being who created the world and is no longer in contact with it? 

Me : the infinite can't be separated from anything. Yet at the same time it is always free and not limited to only include a certain finite worlds.  So God is precisely this present moment that you are experiencing right now and yet he is none of that stuff and completely beyond it and beyond anything you can even imagine!,

Fr: that's weird lol 

Me : exactly. God is a weird motherfucker.  Why do you think humans struggle so much with understanding God?  In fact he cannot be understood.  That's what makes God God. You can understand anything except God.  Investigate reality as deep as you can.. And once you hit a point where your mind collapses and your logic give up.. You've reached God.. You've reached to nowhere and everywhere. 

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Oh boy that's a huge one for me lol. This idea started haunting me since I was a child.. I always had this feeling from my early childhood.. That I am actually the only "real" one out there and everyone else are just characters in my dream. Zombies.."cardboard cutouts" in my world. However you wanna call it or think of it. Obviously other people exist as objects of perception in my direct experience.. That's undeniable.. I go out.. I see people everywhere. But are these things" subjects"? Do they have internal self-awareness as I do?   Is there someone behind their eyes?  It there anybody out there other than me?.  The solipsism philosophy doesn't say yes or no to that question contrary to what most people mistakenly misunderstood it.. Solipsism states that one's own mind or subjective experience of the world is the only "certain" thing to exist.. And the existence of other individual minds is "impossible to verify".  In other words you are absolutely certain that you are aware right now.. But it's impossible to be certain that I'm (someone here) aware.. In fact why I'm talking to "you"? .. I should say I am aware and "you" are the unsettled mystery.    

The problem with solipsism is not whether it's objectivey true or not(is it actually the case that I am the only one out there)..but is that it is absolutely true subjectively regardless of that.  You are trapped inside your own subjective experience in any case.. So even though I am aware right now from my pov.. From your pov that doesn't matter and there is no such thing.. There is only your awareness.. There is no such thing as "my awareness" in your awareness.. There is only these words in front of you right now and that's the actualilty of what is.. Anything else is just assumptions you add on top of it.."ofcourse there is someone there writing these words.. They couldn't just write themselves lol".. Really?. In your dream.. The entire dream and all the people inside of it..and their actions.. Are nothing but your creation.. They have no Reality of their own outside your imagination.. The only real thing in the dream underneath all the scattered phenomenon is YOU. 

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21 minutes ago, kagaria said:

@Someone here this is truly so radical. The world dies together with you.

LOL don't scare me more I'm trying to forget this idea and get rid of it outta my mind. ?

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The symbolism of heaven and hell. 

It's religious nonsense?  I don't think so.  It is indeed a fantasy. In the present moment you wouldn't call your experience heavenly or hellish.. It's somewhere in the middle.

Life has all kinds of opposites that compliment each other. One of them couldn't exist without the other.  Up and down.. Good and bad.. Light and darkness.. Happiness and misery.. Pleasure and pain etc.     The same creative power that created the beautiful stars and rainbows.. The sunset.. The birds the trees and the  breeze.. The nature the sea.. This same creative Powe is able to create an infinitely beautiful reality that feels like an endless orgasm.. Yes it is.  This same creative power that creeated the starving stomach ..the cancer.. The plague..the pain of being burned or bleeding to death.. The pain of being eaten alive.. Who made all this horrible stuff?  The same creative power. The same creative power is able to create an infinitely painful reality that feels like being burned forever.. Hell.   Nothing could prevent reality from manifesting hell or heaven .. And since the source is not separate.. You could manifest it. If you are not careful you might very well create hell.. If you follow the inner compass you are heading towards heaven. Metaphorical or not.. Happiness was Never a metaphor.. And pain was never and can never be an illusion. Because illusions do not exist.  I laugh my ass off whenever I hear a faint of an argument about reality being illusory.. Here it is dummy.. If you have eyes to look.. Look.  If you have ears to hear.. Hear.    What else matters but happiness??  If you have tasted the beauty that this creative power is able to create.. . And you have tasted the pain that it is able to create as well.... You gotta figure out your way to heaven.    Everyone is different. Your heaven is not my heaven.. Since its fantasy but it's real!.  The only purpose of life if any is to actualize YOUR heaven. 

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While this might seem like stage blue absolutism.. It's an updated version you could say.  Heaven and hell are not somehere else.. They are your life.. Your life is heaven and hell simultaneously.  However you create your reality.   The external world is nothing but  a reflection and manifestation of the internal... In fact that boundary is not even there.. It's one field of creation.   When you are aligned with the internal.. The external will turn into heaven. When you are not aligned with are in fight with yourself.. You create your own suffering by not accepting yourself.  By not accepting how flawed you are you create more suffering and tension. The fight with yourself will always end up by you losing!! Stop fighting yourself. Stop fighting the world. 



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Ludwig Wittgenstein's duck /rabbit. 

You can either see the rabbit or see the duck.. You can either see one of them or the other at a time.. You can't  see the two simultaneously and realize that they are actually identical at once.. Only in a linear process of going through one and then other.. And then having the Insight "oh its not a rabbit OR a duck.. It's both simultaneously and only one of them relative to a certain perspective".  If this is understood.. Basically you don't have to read a single word in epistemology looking for the truth in this OR that.     Not- two.  Reality Is the rabbit - duck!! 




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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

Ludwig Wittgenstein's duck /rabbit. 

You can either see the rabbit or see the duck.. You can either see one of them or the other at a time.. You can't  see the two simultaneously and realize that they are actually identical at once.. Only in a linear process of going through one and then other.. And then having the Insight "oh its not a rabbit OR a duck.. It's both simultaneously and only one of them relative to a certain perspective".  If this is understood.. Basically you don't have to read a single word in epistemology looking for the truth in this OR that.     Not- two.  Reality Is the rabbit - duck!! 


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 explain grammar to an alien ?

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I am nothing. 

This is not a philosophy or a theory or speculation.. This is a direct consciousness of what is actually the case.. The truth about what I am in direct experience.  When I ask myself who am I?  Or what am I?  The first answer that comes to mind is obviously "I am the body.. This body right here.. What else would I be?". But who is aware of the body.? . If I am aware of the body.. Then the body is an object of perception just like the rest of the external world.. It is not the subject or the experiencer but rather another experience."maybe I am this or that".. I can't be anything I think of.. Because all thoughts.. Ideas and concepts are again more objects.. What is the subject.. The subject can't be located or named or identified because it is not an object.. If it can be named or located or identified it becomes an object and not the subject.. To be the subject it can't perceive itself.. It can't be an object of perception.  I am pure awareness of the present moment.. I am not a person.. My name is not me.. I am not a male or female.. Not even  joking lol.. I have no personality (so give me a break you idiots who say you know me very well.. There ain't no me lol).. I am not good or bad.. I am not sane or insane.. I have no characteristics.. I am not the doer of deeds or sayer of sayings.. I am the pure awareness of all these things.   Inside of me.. There is an infinite regress of infinite regresses.. All my actions are 100 % unpredictable.. Everything about me is false.. I am nothing objective.. I am a mystery.   

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What's all of existence is about ? 

So this is a new (or new old) way to try to conceptualize reality and make sense of it.  The distinctions here are arbitrary and completely relative but nevertheless here we go.   

There is basically only two things in all of existence.. Forms and formlessness.  That's it. There isn't and never was and never will be anything else. The forms ALWAYS are limited and impermanent. The formless ONLY is unlimited and permanent.  The two Are actually identical but it's hard for the mind to make sense of that (how could these forms be formless?).  Instead try to think of it this way.. The formless is the container of forms. You might ask "where are all these forms taking place"? "where does existence happening"?  And the answer is really nowhere.. Reality is happening inside of nothingness. If we erase all forms from existence.. What's left?  Only pure formlessness. Pure nothingness. So that's like what's underneath all forms. Or the container of all forms.. The original state that then comes different forms and appear inside of it.  So this present moment that's happening right now is 50 % forms and 50 % formlessness.  We usually don't think of it this way.. We think "it's just forms it's just reality where is this formlessness?". Lol ofcourse you can't see it because it's not a form. It has no qualities whatsoever and that's precisely why and how it is present everywhere and every when yet you can't see it.. Because you can only see forms. But how come forms are present without a container?  There must be a container that contains all these forms and it can't be anything else but formlessness. Think about an empty glass that is necessary to have some water or any substance inside of it. But instead what we have here is not an empty "glass".. But rather pure emptiness.   Now you might ask.."where did all these forms come from then"?  Here there is really no answer.  It's pure magic. But the trick is that ultimately all forms appear and disappear.. They are just like dreams or hallucinations.. Forever appearing and disappearing.  There is no rational explanation whatsoever why forms are here (the answer is actually that form is formlessness but it's near impossible to make sense of it rationally without a mystical experience). But the only way to relate to it is by understanding that all forms are ultimately a temporary passing show that means absolutely nothing and was never ought to be anything substantial or to form a "reality". The only full realness is to the all mighty nothingness. 

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Happiness and Truth. 

We all are basically searching for these two things.. What a joke?.  Don't you realize that Truth is all that there is and you can't search for it because it can never be lost?  Don't you realize that nothing external will give you actual happiness because it's fleeting and trivial?. 

A cosmic joke of endless searching for that which can only be found when we stop searching.. Is what life is. 

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"There is no goal anywhere.. Existence is not moving towards some target. And it is good that it is not moving towards some target ..because If the goal is there.. Sooner or later it will be achieved.. Then what?! ". B|

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The source of Corona virus? 

This guy thinks it's a human made genetic mutation in a laboratory.. And that guy thinks it came naturally from unclean bat soup eaten by some Chinese dude..... 

Well fuck you both.. The real source of Corona virus is nowhere

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It's so weird! 

Everything is so fucking weird.  I open my eyes in the morning.. Here we go.. I am here.. Consciousness.. The ultimate miracle.  A body is here.. The consciousness seems to be located or attached to the body.. Yet upon closer investigation it is always in the background and never touches anything. Yet somehow the illusion of body - identity has to continue to be able to function.. When you know you are not the body yet you have to pretend that you are the body!! When you know you are not your name yet everyone calls you by your name and you are supposed to respond or you are being rude!! Wtf,!!   Seriously what the fuck is this body doing here.. Moving around.. Breathing automatically.. Blood flows automatically.. Electrical signals.. Move the hands.. Grab the phone.. All automatically.. Holy shit I am not in the driver seat.. Holy shit! Look.. The body is moving on it's own.. Who is me then??.? Holy shit the body is a prison.. Constantly keeps asking me for stuff.. A chore after a chore.. Feed me.. Hydrate me.. Please me.. Rest me.. Repeat repeat repeat motherfucker!.. Why?  Just because!  

Oh my God I exist inside a three dimensional space.. Another prison.. Why can't it be a 4 dimensions or 5000 dimensions..?  Holy shit the content of this space keeps changing constantly.. Look!  It doesn't stand still for a single fucking moment!!  Everything is running away.. Quickly...why are you running away?  From what?  To where?.  Every experience gets born to die.. In the same instance.   Impermanence is such a mindfuck.  Everything is a fucking mirage.. It's all bullshit. Wow. It's so weird.

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