
Percentages and Ages of Spiral Dynamics Stages

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I'm rather confused when it comes to spiral dynamics, because on the one hand it's said that there are only a few percent of people in yellow and above, but on the other hand i saw a diagram where the typical development of stage green was said to be in the teens.

So, what percentsge of people have developed to each level, and at what age does such a development typically take place?

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While thinking about the diagram, i could see how the stages up to turquoise are the first 20 years of my life.

But i thought SD was correlating such that turquoise was age 25, so i think i may have it wrong.

But if it is the first 20 years, then that means pretty much any adult is turquoise+, and that doesnt sound right.


I might just give up on using SD. It doesnt seem to line up how i thought.

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Ohhhh i think i get it now.

So i dont think the universal metamodel link at thst ive been sharing is accurate. Thats what im seeing right now anyway.

I think developing through to turquoise actually happens by adulthood,

However society also progresses through these stages. It entered orange a few hundred years ago, and was blue for a long time before that.

But there are subsets of the population, as isolated individuals and cultures, that occupy higher stages.

So the SD that is spoken of here isnt the developmental one, but rather the societal one.


I will have to choose a different model to speak about. Unless i can be more certain next time of how it lines up.

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Summing up, a distinction should be made between spiral dynamics as the maturation of the individual, and spiral dynamics as the maturation of society. In the latter, people don't necessarily occupy the prevailing societal structure, but rather can be anywhere on the spiral, although with a centre of gravity that characterises the society.

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6 minutes ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

Average ages for the people that do reach those stages.

If thats the case the ages given were awfully young. (Stage orange at 9 years old)

Read the thread to see where I'm at with this. 

I also have some other ideas in the mix.

Edited by Artsu

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Old people are generally lower in the spiral because the location of a collective on the spiral usually increases as time elapses. The driving factor for time elapsing being significant is young people being born and old people dying. So the observation that the collective evolves over time shows younger people tend to be higher on the spiral. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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SD levels aren't purely development levels, they are also cultural code. I started entering yellow in my late teens (due to upbringing) but it didn't prevent being behind is some important areas of life. If your surrounding doesn't support higher stages you will build more solid foundation.

On average people around 20 - 25yo have the highest SD stage. Most of them will stay at the level they reached at that age.

If someone is doing proper self development it usually takes 5 to 10 years to evolve to next stage.

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SD peaks in the 20s?

But i read someone else say that if you asked certain questions to college students, and then asked again every 4 years, you would see a progression up the spiral. Yet you say growth tends to stop, and even reverse, at that age?

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So yeah, i won't be using spiral dynamics for the time being. I'll have to wait and see if someone can clear up this confusion.

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Each generation starts from higher average level. It's true that people evolve over time.  However on average society is everything faster. In my country teenagers seem to be green as often (if not more often) as adults in 25 to 30 years range.

However I guess it is common that it takes 40 years to evolve one stage or people stay at the same stage whole life - onece personality is crystalized they are stay at the same stage till death. After 30 years mark you are less likely to change your worldview.

Another factor is that if you are at higher stage than societal gravity point it is much easier to evolve. Society works like a magnet, if you are too close it is harder to evolve because it feeds your worldview. Once you broke out to the higher stage you have no choice but think for yourself.

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I think 26  is the benchmark age.

Most people develop at this age.. 

This is a peak point of development.. 

A lot of people go through this process of self awareness 



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On 20.7.2020. at 9:07 PM, Username said:

SD levels aren't purely development levels, they are also cultural code. I started entering yellow in my late teens (due to upbringing) but it didn't prevent being behind is some important areas of life. If your surrounding doesn't support higher stages you will build more solid foundation.

Oh boyo in late teen stage yellow. Tell me more. 

On 20.7.2020. at 9:07 PM, Username said:

On average people around 20 - 25yo have the highest SD stage. Most of them will stay at the level they reached at that age.

All orange very few green. We all know who is papi 0.1% where world stops existing for you. 

On 20.7.2020. at 9:07 PM, Username said:

If someone is doing proper self development it usually takes 5 to 10 years to evolve to next stage.

I guess that's the case or just get a dog. 

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1 hour ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Oh boyo in late teen stage yellow. Tell me more. 

All orange very few green. We all know who is papi 0.1% where world stops existing for you. 

I guess that's the case or just get a dog. 

The diagram I saw put the typical age of green as mid teens. That's partly what led to this thread, because I can see how it actually does apply to myself.

Edited by Artsu

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I was thinking how as we develop, we have both a passive/receiving and active/producing growth spurt of the levels, in order, but there is a lag between passive and active.

I think as the brain develops, we become passively aware of all stages, but people will tend to level off when it comes to what they actually operate in. So a person may have the capacity to receive turquoise information just by being an adult, but perhaps can only really operate in blue and orange, so that is where they stay for a long time.

Just a theory. One way to resolve the contradictions.


To understand passive versus active, think about the person who learns about a scientific theory or political position, versus a person who developed the theory in the first place. When you're passive you can learn it, when you're active you can do it.

Edited by Artsu

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On 20.7.2020 at 5:20 PM, Artsu said:

I'm rather confused when it comes to spiral dynamics, because on the one hand it's said that there are only a few percent of people in yellow and above, but on the other hand i saw a diagram where the typical development of stage green was said to be in the teens.

So, what percentsge of people have developed to each level, and at what age does such a development typically take place?

The stages in Tier 2 aren't prevalent in today's society, which means that children can't start to absorb it through cultural osmosis in the same way like stage green in say Norway. That is mostly why there are no ages listed on yellow or turquiose.

The age brackets provided in the model is the average age where most people unlock that stage given that their culture allows for it, and they only apply relative to the current world we live in: 

For example, a teenager won't necessarily unlock orange unless the society around him is orange or above. Even if your society is orange, that doesn't mean you'll be orange either. Likewise, not every person will enter Tier 2. In 100 years, the same age brackets may not apply any longer. 

I feel like you're expecting too much from the model. It's not an universal, rock-solid, black-and-white, "this is how it is for every single person" type of model. Every statement you make regarding SD needs to have numerous of caveats. It's important to note when we're dealing with averages, groups, individuals, facets, lines etc.. 

Childhood development is more rapid than adult development, but you can still "level up" in SD as an adult, just slower on average. It was actually initially conceptualized as an adult developmental model, but it applies to children aswell.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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Reaching the Tier 2 stages will require most people more time.

Yellow and Turquoise at 26 would be pretty rare because most people at that age are still just starting to get a handle on Orange and Green.

I didn't even know Turquoise existed until my 30's.

It's important to give people time to grow.

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You also don't truly "exit" a stage once you've unlocked the next one. It only keeps deepening.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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I have started to seriously develop Orange at 14 years old, Green at 18 and now start to develop Yellow at 22. So I could be fully Yellow at 26 if the pattern holds, hmm.

Although it's getting harder with every stage, there's a lot of books from stage Green folks and oppurtunities to meet them, work together on some project, but Yellow? If they are out there then I don't know where to look yet.

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It's easy to fall into the trap of ageism or age bias. SD is a progression, with different rates up the Spiral for different folks and different societies. Sure you can take an average, but that isn't hard and fast. Once you level up so to speak, you tend not to slip back down the Spiral, it's a ratchet effect.

At an individual level, it's most likely that some of the jumps up the Spiral happen at different biological developmental stages. These are at puberty (12-14), around 25 years (brain maturation) and most probably in the late thirties (35-40, mid-life crisis territory). But again those aren't hard and fast, it depends on the individual.

The last of those is interesting. I've seen it happen to so many friends of mine male and female. An awareness kicks in (possibly developmental) whereby strong introspection and a "taking stock of life" vibe happens - and I would argue that this can propel you up the Spiral into higher stages.

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