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I don't know what to do

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So I want to be a taxi driver, I mean that. The problem is that I called these firms of taxi, with no luck. My Godfather has a taxi firm, but my Dad forbids me from even asking for the job at my Godfather's firm. So he suggested I try other firms that are not my Godfather's. I tried today and the women said there are forms to get that I'm not addicted to drugs and alchohol. But I went to rehab, finished it on tuesday came back home and mostly importantly, because I was in rehab I technically am an addict. Just now I choose to be sober, it helped that I went through the program. I also have a picture in my mind that I'm sitting the cab on the driver's seat. So I'm pretty sure I'm already a taxi driver per say, but I don't know what's the next step to actually make it happen. I will try tommorow to call another taxi firm. 

Is there any possibility as I as an addict can become a taxi driver. I'm pretty sure there are tons of addicts who work as taxi drivers. I want to talk to my Dad about the job. Maybe just maybe I can talk him into it, calmly. But he's very stubborn and categorical about me not getting the job.

He's argument is that I will try it and I will drop it in a month, I don't believe it. I believe that I like driving and I like to talk to people or even just listening to them. So the job would be perfect to meet people, girls. Learn to chit chat and driving in general, I always wanted to drive a car as soon as I've got the license and parents seldom give their car to drive.

Any tips? Thank you in advanced

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Just keep applying and go for it. Not sure how it works in your country, but my guess would be that you going to rehab will not effect any employers view or judgement because they likely will not know. I think it can be better to not work with friends or family honestly, so I would agree with skipping out on their firm too. I don't see any reason that you cannot do that. It sounds like you have been improving yourself since I had last seen you posting. Just be responsible and don't drive under the influence and I think you will be fine. It sounds like a relaxing job that I think will be beneficial for you. 

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