Guest Bazooka Jesus

The story of Dog

9 posts in this topic

One fine summer morning, Dog woke up in his Doghouse, yawned, streched and strolled over to the food bowl in order to have some breakfast.

As he was meditatively chewing away on a chicken bone, a strange question popped up in his mind... "Hmmmmmmm, I wonder who I am", he thought. "Like, who am I really?" He tried to shake off this seemingly silly and pointless question, but it wouldn't leave him alone; it kept gnawing at him in very much the same way that he was gnawing at the tasty bone between his teeth.

Finally he went to a Zen master in the hope of gaining some clarity.

After he put forth his question, the master raised his eyebrows, gave him a funny glance and asked back: "Who do you think you are?" - "Well... I guess I am Dog."

The master looked at him sternly and said "dude, you got it all backwards."


Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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Hahaaa nice. Did you come up with that? 

Divest from the conceptual. Experience the actual.

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This was the spontaneous and un-premeditated fruit of today's morning meditation. Man, I'm telling ya, I am reaching levels of depth and profundity now that I didn't think were possible before. HAH! :D

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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Don't know if dog came to zen master or zen master came to a dog. 


You got it all backwards. Dog shows clarity to zen master and asks zen master profound questions. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@zeroISinfinity Lol, are we playing the "You got it backwards --- no man, YOU got it backwards" game now? Aaaaawwww, I love that game! ;)

Alright Mr. wise guy, what is the sound of a tree in the forest falling backwards? Bet you cannot answer that one, muuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha!

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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If I was wise guy would never show interest in spirituality in first place. 

But damage has been done. 

Dog is much wiser. Instead of answering silly question looks to eat and get bitches. (not insult don't know other word for female dog) 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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4 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

If I was wise guy would never show interest in spirituality in first place. 

But damage has been done. 

Dog is much wiser. 

Tehehe, point taken. ^_^

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@Bazooka Jesus writing stories - finally figured out who you are!! xD Sooo adorable! :x


Everything IS LOVE, everything is music... :x

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I thought this was going to be a story about Dog the bounty hunter


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